I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 369 The important thing is

Chapter 369 The important thing is
At night, when Zhou Yun arrived home, he smelled the smell of meat as soon as he opened the door.

Zhou Yun changed his shoes in surprise, and walked towards the kitchen following the smell of meat.

Sure enough, Song Chi was standing in the kitchen, doing something.

"Back?" Song Chi asked without turning his head.

"You can tell it's me just by the sound of footsteps." Zhou Yun walked over with a smile.

Song Chi turned his head and smiled at her, and said, "Of course, no one else can enter this room except you and me at this time."

Usually only the aunt who comes to clean can come at a fixed time.

Zhou Yun asked curiously: "What are you doing?"

Song Chi said: "Stewed meat, don't you want to gain weight recently? When I was filming before, a friend taught me to make this stewed meat. It is very delicious."

Zhou Yun nodded: "It's really fragrant."

Song Chi took a sip of the gravy with a spoon, brought it to his mouth, tried the taste, nodded, and said, "It tastes like this."

Zhou Yun laughed and said, "You look a bit like a chef."

Song Chi: "Just kidding, I also studied the Eight Classics for a while before."

He said, "Go out, I'll call you when I'm done here."

Zhou Yun asked: "Do you need me to help you?"

"No need." Song Chi shook his head.

So Zhou Yun left the kitchen.

The smell of gravy overflowed from the kitchen, and even the living room was filled with a strong smell of gravy.

Zhou Yun curled up on the sofa, yawned, and had nothing to do, so he took out his mobile phone to see if there was anything new.

There is nothing new under the sun, but those are the top searches.

Zhou Yunlai had no interest in clicking on it, and many hot searches were topics that the company had marketed by itself.

She clicked on her private message, ready to clean it up.

Many fans like to send her private messages, some simply say good morning and good night, and some write short essays.

Zhou Yun never replied, but sometimes he would go and have a look.

She opened them one by one, and her fingers suddenly stopped on one of them.

An account with the user name Number sent her a private message, which read: Liu Qingqing is pregnant, did you know?
Zhou Yun was taken aback.

This account only sent her such a piece of content, which showed that it was posted an hour ago.

Her first reaction was: Was Liu Qingqing's pregnancy discovered?
Her second reaction was: Why did this person send her a private message?

Zhou Yun was silent for a moment, then clicked into the account with the username Number, went in and checked, but he didn't post a single Weibo.

Obviously, it was a trumpet without any information.

Zhou Yun thought for a while, and decided to take a screenshot of this message and send it to Liu Qingqing.

Liu Qingqing came back with a question mark.

After a while, Liu Qingqing called.

"What does that picture you sent me mean?"

Zhou Yun said: "I just saw it in a private message on Weibo, and I don't know who it is."

Liu Qingqing was silent for a long time.

Zhou Yun said again: "I don't know how to deal with this matter, so I gave you the screenshot. I still have the previous opinion. You can't hide this matter. Either admit it openly, or communicate with the company. , find an excuse, find a place, and produce quietly."

Liu Qingqing remained silent, and after a while, the phone hung up.

Zhou Yun didn't expect Liu Qingqing to hang up the phone directly.

She was a little surprised, but since Liu Qingqing hung up the phone, Zhou Yun didn't bother to care about it.

To put it bluntly, this matter is not her business, and has nothing to do with her.


Who sent her this private message?
Should be an insider, right?

I accidentally learned that Liu Qingqing was pregnant, so what?

Instead of exposing it to the media or on social media, I chose to tell her about it in a private message.

What do you mean?
Hope to use her hand to spread this matter?

Zhou Yun made up his mind not to wade into this muddy water.

At this moment, Song Chi shouted from the kitchen, "It's time to eat."

Zhou Yun responded immediately: "Here we come!"

For her, the most real thing is the temperature of these meals in life now, under the warm lighting, Song Chi looks into her eyes when she smiles.

Without worrying about controlling his figure, Zhou Yun had a hearty meal and ate two bowls of rice with gravy.

"Xue Qin still thinks I'm too thin, and wants me to get fatter." Zhou Yun said distressedly, "It's a bit difficult to suddenly become fat in a while."

Song Chi nodded: "It's very difficult to gain weight in a short period of time."

"Remind me to eat chocolate before I go to bed at night." Zhou Yun said, "The script of "Words of Fallen Leaves" is really well written. I really like the character of Wen Duoyan."

"Well, the contradictions in her are very interesting." Song Chi also read the script of "Words of Fallen Leaves", he said, "This character naturally has a kind of drama, and she represents an acquired Culture and a culture inscribed in blood are constantly colliding, and then we have to find a kind of self-identity in this collision, and not only self-identity, whether it is love, family affection, or future self Where she will live, this kind of realistic consideration is in front of her, the problem is the barrier, and her task is to break through the barrier."

Zhou Yun laughed after hearing Song Chi's words, and said, "I found that you have a deeper understanding of Wen Duoyan's character than I do."

"Onlookers are clear." Song Chi said, "Because I don't have to play this role. When you play this role, you may substitute the emotions and perspectives of the characters from the beginning. Sometimes you can only see things from one perspective."

"That's true." Zhou Yun nodded.

"By the way, there's an online drama "The Beginning" recently. It's very interesting. You can watch it when you have time." Song Chi said, "Especially the performances of the supporting roles, the performances of the two protagonists are also very exciting, but that At first glance, it is the wonderful performance of the actors through their acting skills. Compared with the driver and other passengers on the bus, their sense of life is much weaker. There are several characters. The group performers we hired are exactly the kind of ordinary people we would see on the bus, whether it is the tone of speech or behavior, they have a special sense of life."

Zhou Yun supported his chin with one hand, and said: "Actually, I am also confused sometimes. Is the feeling of life the most important thing for an actor to play a role? Look at Nicole Kidman in "Big Little Lies" , in "Eyes Wide Shut" and "The Moment", her characters don't have a sense of life at all, and her performance is also very good, very academic, but her characters stand still, and the audience can see Sometimes it is trustworthy, and some plays, from the perspective of performance, may be said to have reached a 2046% replica, as if it is that person, and it is not obvious that it is an actor's performance, but such performances are often not recognized. People remember that when people watch it, people will say that the acting is really good, but they forget it when they turn around. What they are shocked in the end is often the kind of surprise that comes from God. Tony Leung in "[-]" and " In "In the Mood for Love", where is the sense of life as the main focus, he seems to talk less, but when he raises his eyes, he is so sexy that he can't wait to see a pair of eyes into your heart, the more boring, the more exciting and unforgettable."

 I almost thought it was going to be broken again today

(End of this chapter)

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