I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 370 Performing Arts

Chapter 370 Performing Arts
"That is to say, acting can't be restored [-]% like a documentary. In fact, this is the truth. Many people say that, acting is still an art in the end, and art is to be processed and created on the basis of life. You just said Nicole Kidman, talking about Tony Leung, in fact, you see, no matter how they act, no one will say that their acting is fake and not like people in real life, but when you think about it again, it seems that they are very different in life. Few people speak like the characters they play. This kind of contradiction is actually the creation of the performance. This is how I understand it. After all, an actor is a character who uses a story to resonate with the audience. A [-]% replica of life is just a flat mirror. Performance is a distorting mirror, it is to let different audiences see different selves, what they yearn for, what they hate, all kinds of things.”

Zhou Yun nodded.

Song Chi said: "Some actors, when they first debuted, were indeed very aura. Everyone thought that he would be successful in the future, but later he developed unsatisfactorily. When you go to see his performance, you will find that he has always made his debut. The way I acted in the past, how I acted in the past, and how I acted in the future, at first everyone regarded it as a spiritual thing and used it repeatedly, but later, it all became a pretentious craftsmanship, so why do many actors still say that they must observe Live, go deep into life, because whether it is talent or aura, it can only help you for a short time. If you want to go further and wider, you must see a richer world."

Zhou Yun supported his head with one hand, and asked: "But as an actor, you are actually far away from life, whether it's [-] to [-], or the workplace, and even most of our peers now It is very difficult for us to experience the kind of social sadness that we will experience, without this opportunity."

"How come, do you lose your emotions when you become an actor? Even if you become a star, even if you are already popular, we can't go well. We will also encounter bottlenecks in our career development, and we will encounter When it comes to bad collaborators, there will be times when we can't help but get angry. We may encounter different things, but the emotions and situations are common." Song Chi said, "None of us have experienced The real ancient times, but when we shoot costume dramas, we need to create a world that everyone believes is real, not to mention, when we play characters that have really existed in history, we need to create an extreme world. A strong sense of belief, and a sense of reality, these actually come from our own experience, the emotions and emotions that have appeared in ourselves, and then put ourselves into the role and become the role."

Song Chi's words made Zhou Yun thoughtful.

"My worry is, will my life experience be too narrow? Will my experience be too thin?" Zhou Yun said, "Now let me play a girl of my own age, I am confident I'm not afraid to act in life dramas and love dramas, but when it comes to professional workplace dramas, like when I was filming "The Storm", I feel very uncertain in my heart. They were all shot like walking on eggshells.”

Song Chi: "Now we actually don't have time to spend a long time preparing for a play or a role. Most of the time, the filming of this play is finished, and soon we enter the next crew. In fact, you are already my character. Among the actors I know, they are very responsible for their roles, but the scenes we are filming now have great limitations and are highly repetitive, and the characteristics of the characters are very similar."

"The hair-washing girl in "The Gentle Pony" I filmed last time was quite enjoyable, because that is a character that I have never experienced before." Zhou Yun said with a smile.

Song Chi: "If you think about it again when we were filming "Questioning the Heart", if Liu Rufu is entrusted to you to shoot this character, would you still find it difficult to shoot?"

Zhou Yun thought about it seriously, shook his head, and said, "I don't think it's difficult to shoot, but I have new ideas in many places. If I shoot now, I will handle it better."

"But believe it or not, if you were really asked to play Liu Rufu again, you would still be so nervous that your scalp would tingle." Song Chi said, "You say you are not nervous now because you know it is impossible to let you Acting is such an industry. In the hearts of actors, the next time will always be better. But in the actual process, the richer the experience, the more uneasy we are when we really want to enter a role. We are all getting familiar with it. What is going on in acting? The more familiar you are, the more you will be afraid that your performance will be modeled and routine, and then you will not know how to act, because we can’t change a face for a film, we only have this face , and no matter how good we are, we can’t get rid of the inertia of our eyes and expressions, this inertia of performance is actually what I am most anxious about now.”

Zhou Yun said with a smile: "It's really unimaginable that we are here to discuss performances here tonight."

Song Chi put down his chopsticks with a smile, and said, "Who made us all actors."

After dinner, the two of them cleared the table together and sent the dishes and chopsticks into the kitchen.


at the same time.

At Zhou Lan's home, she came out of the bathroom with bare legs and a bottle of wine in her hand.

Another shirtless, muscular man was sitting on her bed, flipping through pictures with his video camera.

Zhou Lan sat on the other side of the bed, looked at him, and asked, "The camera looks better than me?"

The handsome man raised his head, showed a smile, and said with straight white teeth, "Of course I'm not as good-looking as you, but when you were taking a shower just now, the editor contacted me and asked me to pass on a group of photos I took this afternoon. I'll borrow it for you." Your home computer."

Zhou Lan pointed to the notebook on the table and said, "Use it, how long will it take?"

"Soon, just pass the photo over."

"Don't you need to process the photos?" Zhou Lan asked in surprise.

She knows this business well. Generally, photographers will process the original image before sending the finished image.

Many photographers don't like others to touch their finished film.

This man has the same temper.

He said: "The picture can be used directly."

Zhou Lan nodded and said, "Then you deal with it first, I'll wait for you outside."

She walked out of the bedroom, sat down with her legs curled up on the sofa in the living room, took out her mobile phone, and habitually followed up the information on the Internet.

Search Zhou Yun directly.

The searched content was nothing new, Zhou Lan heaved a sigh of relief.

For Zhou Yun at this stage, nothing new is the best news.

At this time, Shi Luoqi's phone call came in suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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