Chapter 375
"Questioning the Heart" is almost airborne.

In today's TV dramas, it is rare to be able to securely schedule a month or two in advance, do publicity safely, and then broadcast safely.

In fact, the broadcast of "Questioning the Heart" has twists and turns. The previously scheduled broadcast time has been pushed back and forth again and again.

Why do you say that?

The reason is very simple, this drama will be very popular and explode - in the industry, there is basically such a consensus.

Well, this principle also means another thing: those dramas broadcast at the same time as this drama will be squeezed out of market share, and platforms that do not win the copyright of this drama will be robbed of a large number of audiences.

Therefore, people from all walks of life, using their own means, finally landed on December [-]th, and the broadcast started that night.

This incident happened two days after Zhou Yun and Song Chi had a conversation. There was no news at all, and Zhou Yun didn't join the crew of "Words of Fallen Leaves".

In fact, Zhou Yun and Song Chi received the news not too long before the public, even half a day earlier.

Fortunately, this is the Internet age.

The Weibo of celebrities is a big channel for publicity.

The three leading actors, Song Chi, Su Yan, and Zhou Yun, posted a blog to promote it at the same time, and this topic became a hot search after a little operation.

This is not surprising, this drama itself is expected by many people.

The trailer was released, full of expectations.

Fans of the three ushered in their own carnival.

Among them, Song Chi's fans were the happiest.Because they all know that this drama is Song Chi's first work as a producer, and they put a lot of effort into it.They spared no effort to use their own strength to promote the show, and at the same time, they also tried their best to impress the show to their friends.

Even if the show hasn't come out yet.

Because they were willing to believe in Song Chi's vision of picking dramas.

Regarding this drama, Zhou Yun's fans are the most calm and restrained among the fans of the three.

It's not that her fans are more sensible than others, but that Zhou Yun is only a supporting actress in this drama, the second female lead. When Zhou Yun acted in this drama, she had just become famous not long ago. Acting as the second female lead in the production is worth playing with gongs and drums and taking it seriously, but for Zhou Yun now, it is not enough to watch.

If it wasn't for Zhou Yun and Song Chi's relationship, and because Zhou Yun himself posted on Weibo to promote her, her fans would be even smaller.

Zhou Yun has been looking forward to the broadcast of this drama all day long.

Who knows that in the afternoon, another drama will also be officially announced, and it will also be broadcast tonight.

It's a costume comedy. Watching the trailer, it's completely in the concept of celebrating the new year. It's lively and full of jokes.

The leading actors are Chen Jing and Fan Zhu.

In terms of star lineup, Chen Jing and Fan Zhu couldn't compare to the ace lineup composed of Song Chi, Su Yan, and Zhou Yun.

But the director of this costume comedy is Niu Tu, who created the myth that the ratings of costume comedy broke eight ten years ago. In the field of TV drama comedy, Niu Tu has basically become the best director at the moment. focus on.

Su Yan opened a WeChat group, posted the screenshot of the show's official announcement to the group, and said: Is this deliberately fighting with us?

"Ask the Heart" is scheduled to be broadcast on Binjiang TV and Yuehai Network.

"Mother and Child Inn" is scheduled to be broadcast on Hongcheng TV and Haiyu Network.

Zhou Yun saw the news sent by Su Yan, but did not speak, but contacted Zhou Lan.

Zhou Lan is always much more informed than she is about this aspect of the news.

Zhou Lan is busy watching her drama announcement and draft at the company. When a drama is about to be broadcast, Zhou Yun's various promotions will follow. It will be a big battle.

She also saw the news that "Mother and Child Inn" was finalized, but she didn't take it seriously.

Chen Jing is the new artist signed by Ning Yao's manager Luo Peiyao. At the beginning, she tried to be the male lead in VX's untitled fashion drama, but she didn't win the role in the end.

Although Fan Zhu is a senior veteran, she is not considered a big star.

Such a combination of TV series, if not directed by Niu Tu, not many people would pay attention to it.

Zhou Lan said: ""Mother and Child Inn" is a costume comedy. It is a completely different genre from "Question Heart". The subject matter does not collide with it. I think it is not a bad thing for "Question Heart" to compete in the ring. It can generate some topics and attract attention.”

But Zhou Lan underestimated the idea of ​​"Mother and Child Inn".

That night, the two plays were broadcast simultaneously.

In the current time when there are no popular dramas, the real-time ratings of "Ask the Heart" reached 0.8%, and "Mother and Child Inn" was 0.4%. As of twelve o'clock that night, "Ask the Heart" was broadcast on The data is [-] million, and "Mother and Child Inn" is [-] million.

From the comparison of the two data, "Questioning the Heart" won the victory without any surprise.

But at this moment, a marketing account posted a screenshot, saying it was a circle of friends sent by the producer of "Mother and Child Inn".

This circle of friends who is suspected to be the producer of "Mother and Child Inn" wrote: Some people say that our "Mother and Child Inn" failed completely?People who say such things are too ignorant, what kind of star lineup do they use?Our starring role is a rookie!It is already a great success to be able to achieve this kind of achievement on the day of the premiere and when a big drama like "Questioning the Heart" is broadcast at the same time. The boss of the platform even sent me a congratulatory letter!
This revelation has spread a bit fiercely on the Internet.

Zhou Yun saw this, and before he had time to speak to Song Chi, Song Chi's cell phone rang, and someone called him.

Song Chi had no choice but to go to the window to answer the phone.

Zhou Yun saw that Song Chi's face was getting a little ugly, so he guessed that the caller probably came to tell Song Chi about this matter.

After talking on the phone for about ten minutes, Song Chi hung up.

Zhou Yun asked, "Did something happen?"

Song Chi smiled at her, shook his head, and said, "It's okay, go to bed early, I'll go to the company."

"Going to the company so late?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

Song Chi said, "I have something to deal with, so go to bed first."

But Zhou Yun got out of bed and said, "I'll go with you."

She changed her clothes directly.

Song Chi looked at her in surprise.

Zhou Yun turned his head to see Song Chi still standing there, looked at her in a daze, and said directly, "Hurry up and change your clothes, what are you doing standing there?"

Only then did Song Chi come back to his senses.

The two arrived at Song Chi's company in the middle of the night.

When they arrived, Wu Chengbao was already there, talking to everyone in the conference room.

When they walked into the conference room, they inevitably made a little noise, attracting everyone's attention.

Wu Chengbao's gaze stayed on Zhou Yun for a moment, interrupted his speech, walked over, patted Song Chi on the shoulder, looked at Zhou Yun with a smile, and said, "The boss's wife is accompanying our boss to supervise the work."

A joke made everyone laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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