I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 376 Marketing Methods

Chapter 376 Marketing Methods
Wu Chengbao called Song Chi out so late because of the circle of friends of the producer of "Mother and Child Inn".

After the joke, a group of people began to discuss many things that followed in a serious manner.

Bear the brunt, how to face the forced "confrontation" of "Mother and Child Inn".

"Fuck, to put it bluntly, isn't their "Mother and Child Inn" just a sticky plaster sticking to us, forcing a confrontation to gain popularity?"

Zhou Yun saw a man with shoulder-length hair throwing a cigarette case on the table, and said in a very irritable tone, "A low-budget comedy, if it is aired seriously, it's not a movie. Let’s take the example of Xiao Bo Da, it’s been more than ten or twenty years, and it’s really easy to mix it up as a comedy-themed TV series.”

"Isn't it just that it's not easy to mix, so you forcefully rub our heat?" Another person smiled, with a bit of sarcasm, and said: "Hongcheng Satellite TV is disgusting as always. If we can do it, we will make a certain file, and they will follow suit, linking "Mother and Child Inn" and "Questioning Heart" without talking."

"I haven't watched the evidence of "Questioning the Heart", so I specially brought out a comedy to compete in the ring."

Several people made complaints about it.

Wu Chengbao knocked on the table, and several people stopped talking and looked at him.

He said: "As for the current situation, we are also well aware that we are being targeted by others, which is actually normal. A big drama like "Questioning the Heart" has been criticized by many people when it went through the trial before. Black hand, it’s hard to set a file. Other platforms don’t want to see our family dominate. It’s normal to think of a way to force a wave of traffic. Now we scold the eighteen generations of our ancestors all over the place. After the mouth addiction, say It still doesn't help, the key is, how can we get rid of this bullshit plaster?"

Zhou Yun listened to the irritable speeches of the previous people, but when it came to Wu Chengbao, he spoke calmly, without any hint of anger, gentle and powerful, with a power to comfort people.

Moreover, he can always catch the point when he speaks.

Swearing at people is really useless now, the key is to see how to deal with tricks.

"No response." Song Chi said, "At this time, no matter what we respond to, they will catch the conversation and carry out the second wave of marketing. We will do our own promotion, a piece related to "Mother and Child Inn" Don’t even mention the words, especially during the media interviews during this period, you have to say hello in advance, don’t mention "Mother and Child Inn", and don't respond to any of their calls."

"But we didn't respond to anything, and let them guide public opinion and splash dirty water. If we get to the end, we will lose the initiative." The man with shoulder-length hair said.

"We still need to step up our own propaganda offensive." Wu Chengbao said, "In my opinion, we should do our own propaganda well. Song Chi is right. No matter what we respond to, we will add topics to "Mother and Child Inn" , we can't give up the heat of the topic, let them direct and act on their own, everyone is not a fool, Hongcheng Satellite TV and Haiyu.com will make such a big show, unless they don't plan to cooperate with us in the future, otherwise they won't It went too far."

As a non-staff member, Zhou Yun did not speak from the beginning to the end.

She just listens.

The man with shoulder-length hair said again: "Then now comes the second question, what should we do with the promotion of "Questioning the Heart"? We set the schedule too hastily, and Su Yan's schedule couldn't meet the schedule, Zhou Yun's I’m about to join the filming team again soon.”

He glanced at Zhou Yun.

"The publicity that requires artists to go to battle in person is the lowest level of publicity." It was a woman who hadn't spoken just now. She said, "I will make plans for topic marketing and publicity, but the key is that artists can Where is the bottom line of acceptance? In the first two episodes aired today, to be honest, from the point of view of publicity and marketing, the points that can be manipulated are not very good. Zhou Yun and Su Yan don’t have many appearances, and the focus is all on My brother is alone, and it’s all about men’s drama. The people on my side have been tracking various data. So far, the discussion of various topics is lower than our estimate. The content of the two episodes broadcast today is not like this The content that the main audience of the show likes to watch."

"Isn't everyone discussing Brother Chi's acting skills?" Someone asked.

The woman in charge of the promotion said straightforwardly: "Brother Chi's acting skills are good, which is recognized by everyone, so although this discussion is heated, it is not enough to attract passers-by to those who follow the drama. The conversion rate is very low. Now In this market, very few people would go to see a movie just because of an actor's good acting skills. In fact, in the preliminary discussions about this movie in the past six months, what the audience most wanted to watch was Brother Chi, Su Yan and Zhou Yun. Personal love scenes, many real-time discussions today are also looking forward to this."

"How about promoting the quality of this drama?" Someone suggested, ""Ask the Heart" and "Mother and Child Inn" are not at the same level. I watched "Mother and Child Inn", and it was a low-cost costume comedy. Fu Huadao is so rough that it can be seen with the naked eye, we should be able to distinguish it from "Mother and Child Inn" by doing publicity in this regard?"

"We have already rolled out the publicity in this area. We have already made materials for the major schedules of the first two episodes, and pushed them out on various platforms. The response is really good, but I still say that, in the TV series , Only with out-of-the-circle publicity and promotion in terms of character design, plot and subject matter, can the audience conversion rate be increased exponentially, otherwise, no matter how good the word of mouth is, it will not be able to attract people to follow the drama.”

"I understand. Now there is no way to make effective publicity on the plot. We can only manage related topics so that the attention and discussion of this drama will not decrease." Wu Chengbao said.

"That's right, everyone knows very well that the story of "Questing the Heart" is actually a late-stage effort. The later the stage, the stronger the explosion. What we should do in the early stage is not to form a large-scale publicity, but to maintain a good basic market."

"When will the roles of Zhou Yun and Su Yan enter the main plot?" someone asked.

"Su Yan is going to the fifth episode, and Zhou Yun is going to the seventh episode."

"At that time, I mentioned that the two of them could not appear so late, but Director Jiang insisted on cutting like this."

"Director Jiang made this cut to make the character He Mu stand in the early stage. If He Mu, who suffered from childhood, has a tolerant, gentle and kind character, was not established in the early stage of the story, he will be in two parts in the later plot. If two women get entangled with each other, they will directly become scumbags, and the story will not be so touching."

Song Chi looked at Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun smiled at him.

Song Chi took a deep breath and knocked on the table.

The heated discussion quieted down.

Song Chi pondered for a moment, and said, "Everyone, first of all, thank you very much for being here at such a late hour to come up with suggestions and discuss how to make "Question Heart" better, but there is one thing, because when I was doing "Question Heart" , some of you here are not involved, so you may not know why I want to do this drama."

"If I just want to make a very popular drama with good data, I can choose a dog-blood idol drama with a more ups and downs story, or go to the market to find more interesting ones that cater to the audience's preferences. Interesting stories. At that time, I wanted to shoot "Questioning the Heart". The reason was simple. I had reached the time of transformation. Is the image of a teenager, or a young man, good acting skills? I dare not boast, but I did try my best to act."

"But after so many years of filming, I clearly felt a limitation. I needed a richer role. Therefore, the production company actually wanted another director to direct the film, but I insisted that Jiang Xin Director to direct. Even if many people persuade me that director Jiang is no longer suitable for this fast-paced market, I am not saying that serious dramas must be superior to others, but I always want to have some breakthroughs, not just breakthroughs , I also hope to bring you a memorable drama, even if you re-watch it ten years later, you will still find it good-looking and enduring. "Questing the Heart" appeared at this time."

"The film crew of "Mother and Child Inn" is really annoying, but I don't want it to disrupt the rhythm of "Question Heart". "Question Heart" has its own rhythm." Song Chi paused and looked at Zhou Yun. , "When we were filming this movie, we honed this movie with a serious and diligent attitude. To this day, I still think that I have put my heart and soul into this movie. I believe that The same goes for Xiaoyun."

Zhou Yun nodded and smiled at everyone.

"So, even though this is no longer an era when the smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys, I still, still hope to be able to gain the love and respect of the audience with dignity." Song Chi said, "Director Jiang has completed his work. Everyone here has seen this drama, I believe, no doubt, it is a very good drama, even for me, it is a drama that I can consider as my brand-new masterpiece, so, I have no objection to publicity, I don’t object to marketing, but please do everything on the premise of not harming the quality and reputation of the show itself. What needs me to do, what needs us to do, everyone will use your professional ability to make a good plan, and we will fully cooperate. "


early morning.

Zhou Yun made a cup of coffee and brought it to Song Chi.

"You go back and rest first." Song Chi said, "I won't finish here for a while."

"It's okay, I can't sleep even if I go back at this time." Zhou Yun sat down next to Song Chi, touched his face, and said, "I don't have work tomorrow morning, so I'll stay with you for a while, and I'll come to you to rest if I'm sleepy." Sleep on the sofa in the living room for a while, don't worry about me."

Song Chi laughed and said, "Thank you for being with me."

"I'm just helpless, I can't do anything." Zhou Yun said, "It would be great if I had a solution to this situation."

"It's not something you have to worry about. There are professional people to do these things." Song Chi said, "Don't worry, the people here are all masters in their respective fields. We have done what we need to do very well." Well done, it's up to them next."

Zhou Yun said: "Although I have joined the filming group, as long as it is a promotional activity that I can do, you can find me, whether it is a live broadcast or an interview, I will cooperate, just like you."

"I know."

Zhou Yun rested his head on Song Chi's shoulder, watching the night view of the city outside the window with him.

It was already midnight, and the lights of the city were still twinkling like stars.

"It's really not easy for a play to go from production to broadcast." Zhou Yun sighed softly.

Song Chi said: "But there are still many people who love this industry."

Zhou Yun nodded.

It wasn't until four o'clock in the morning that the plans of various departments were made, and everyone had another meeting. After the plans were passed, Song Chi took Zhou Yun home.

During the day, other people follow this plan.

Zhou Yun didn't wake up until nearly noon, and when he opened his eyes, Song Chi was no longer in bed.

She got out of bed, walked out of the bedroom, and heard Song Chi talking on the phone.

He is on the balcony.

Zhou Yun didn't bother, poured himself a glass of water and drank it.

After a while, Song Chi finished the call, turned around and came back.

"What's for lunch?" Song Chi asked.

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "I don't have time to eat. I'm going out soon. I asked Xiaoju to buy bread for me. Let's eat it later on the road."

A distressed look flashed across Song Chi's face.

Zhou Yun quickly raised his hand, "Stop, stop, stop, I don't want to hear what you say about loving me. I don't need to feel sorry for me as a young man staying up all night."

Song Chi didn't say what he wanted to say, and smiled helplessly.

"How's the situation today?" Zhou Yun asked.

"It's very good. I promoted Director Jiang's directing skills step by step, and the big scene scheduling of the first and second episodes last night." Song Chi said, "A professional technician was arranged to pretend to be a passerby, and the first and second episodes were arranged. Professional analysis posts have been made in many places, and the publicity effect in the morning is good.”

Zhou Yun said with a smile: "Your Miss Juxuan really has two talents. She can also come up with such a tricky marketing method."

Now everyone's propaganda is going in the direction of simplicity and rudeness, because the simpler and ruder it is, the easier it is to get out of the circle.

The publicity plan that was finalized last night went in the opposite direction—since "Questing the Heart" was shot so well, then Ok, let's tell the audience in all seriousness where the filming of this movie is so good.

Sure enough, this kind of unknown technical post accidentally hit a sensitive point on the Internet.


"Awesome, the sword is not old!"

"Sure enough, it's Director Jiang of the national team. This kind of film can only be made by artists of the older generation."


Most of the people who participated in the discussion have never watched this drama, but the technical post itself is similar to a spoiler. After reading the technical analysis post, it gives people the illusion that they have watched the drama. Therefore, participating The enthusiasm of the discussion is rising.

When Zhou Yun got in the car and set off to work, this technical post was unsurprisingly popular in marketing.

Zhou Yun understood that this was what Song Chi said, a marketing method that could not affect the quality and reputation of the drama itself.

 Ten thousand words updated today!

(End of this chapter)

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