Chapter 377
"Didn't they respond?"

"No, the reporters I arranged also took the initiative to interview them, but they didn't respond."

"It's really cautious. I don't want to leave any ground for us."

The two people who are having a conversation are an executive of and a supervisor under him.

"But this is the right step. Yesterday's first-day broadcast volume of "Mother and Child Inn" doubled as expected. Let's follow the strategy we set before. It's okay if they don't respond. The news that has come out now has already attracted a lot of attention. Eyeballs gone."

"Then today's online event of "Mother and Child Inn", do you want to mention "Question Heart"?"

"Arrange the host to ask questions, just ask why "Mother and Child Inn" dares to be scheduled on the same day as a big production like "Questioning the Heart", and let our representatives answer when the time comes because I believe in the strength of director Niu Tu and this drama quality. That’s all, I will arrange other people to do other things.”



Zhou Yun actually guessed that "Mother and Child Inn" would not easily give up the popularity of "Question Heart".

But Zhou Yun did not expect that a film studio could be so brazen.

This evening, "Mother and Child Inn" held an online mic-connecting event for the leading actors, which is a very common means of publicity.

Until the host asked the question: "Yesterday, not only the show "Mother and Child Inn" was scheduled to be broadcast, but also a big production like "Questioning the Heart" was broadcast at the same time. Mr. Cheng, what do you think about it?"

Mr. Cheng, who was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, smiled slightly, looked at the host in surprise, and said, "This question is quite sharp."

The host laughed awkwardly.

Mr. Cheng said: "We at also know that "Ask the Heart" has gathered three big stars, Song Chi, Su Yan and Zhou Yun. The general drama is not their opponent, but I have confidence in director Niu Tu, and I also have confidence in "Mother and Child Inn". "I am confident in this drama. In fact, as of an hour ago, the number of views of "Mother and Child Inn" has suddenly reached [-] million. For this drama, it has actually achieved a phased victory, which is also It proves that the quality of our drama has been recognized by the audience."

"So Mr. Cheng, do you mean that "Mother and Child Inn" is not afraid of the opponent "Question Heart"?"

"Of course, we have strictly controlled the cost from the production process. In fact, the pressure on our "Mother and Child Inn" is definitely not as great as "Question Heart". The funds for producing one "Question Heart" are enough to produce ten "Mother and Child Inn" "Yes." Mr. Cheng smiled calmly, "The current score of our "Mother and Child Inn" is more than one-tenth of that of "Question Heart"."


Zhou Yun rolled his eyes angrily when he saw the video cutout of this online mic-connecting event on Weibo.

Sensing Zhou Yun's anger, Zheng Xiaoju turned to look at her curiously, and asked, "Sister Xiaoyun, what made you so angry?"

Zhou Yun sneered and said, "Some brazen people did brazen things."

Zheng Xiaoju blinked his big eyes and asked, "What's the matter?"

Zhou Yun shook his head, "Look."

Zhou Yun handed his mobile phone to Zheng Xiaoju.

Zheng Xiaoju watched the video that Zhou Yun had watched just now, and immediately understood why Zhou Yun was so angry.

"Mr. Cheng is too disgusting! His words are so disgusting." Zheng Xiaoju expressed his emotions without concealment, "He said that because he wanted to create an illusion that "Mother and Child Inn" is actually a little bit big. What? It’s none of his business to bring up “Questioning the Heart”, and it’s not his family’s money that’s used for the big production, so what’s the point here!”

Zhou Yun didn't expect Zheng Xiaoju to actually understand what the video was talking about.In the past, Zheng Xiaoju often couldn't keep up with the rhythm of her conversation with Zhou Lan, and couldn't understand what they were saying.It seems that Zheng Xiaoju is also slowly understanding some things in this circle under the influence of his ears and eyes.

"He said these words in the live broadcast, isn't he afraid of causing disgust on our side?" Zheng Xiaoju said puzzled, "Isn't this very offensive?"

Zhou Yun said: "What he wants is this effect, intentionally angering us, or using these words to anger the fans of "Question Heart" and provoke conflicts, so that the topic of "Mother and Child Inn" will also increase in popularity. Either way, they can take advantage."

"Sister Xiaoyun, according to what you said, then we can't respond to them?" Zheng Xiaoju said distressedly, "If this is the case, then can't we just sulk ourselves?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said: "Yes, if this is the case, you can only sulk yourself, and you have to cause them some trouble. You can't let them be so unscrupulous."

Zheng Xiaoju fell into deep thought, as if thinking about how to make trouble for "Mother and Child Inn".

Seeing Zheng Xiaoju's thinking, Zhou Yun laughed and said, "Well, we don't need the two of us to ponder over this kind of thing here, there are professionals to do this kind of thing, it's late, you should go back and rest early. "

Zheng Xiaoju snorted, nodded, and said, "Then I'll come back tomorrow morning. I have to catch a plane early tomorrow morning. Sister Xiaoyun, I'll come at seven."

Zhou Yun put one hand on his face and said, "Now I really would rather stay up late than get up early."

Zheng Xiaoju laughed and said, "Go to bed early, you can get up early if you go to bed early."

Mainly winter.In this season, whether it is from the cloudy sky, from the dimly lit environment, or from the cold wind, people are reluctant to move.It's a good thing to get a small stove and put it next to the window. There is heating in the room, and you can enjoy the snow through the window.Directly exposed to the indifference of nature against the cold wind, this feeling is protesting even in the bones.

Song Chi called Zhou Yun and said that he would have a meeting at the company tonight and asked her to sleep first.

Although he had already guessed that this would be the case, Zhou Yun sighed helplessly when he received the call.

I can't go home tomorrow, I have to stay in BJ all night, and I can't meet Song Chi tonight, it's all because of Mr. Cheng!
Zhou Yun thought to himself, luckily Chen Jing was not chosen, if Chen Jing had been chosen to co-star with her, he would probably be pissed off now.

Although Zhou Yun knew that this matter might not have anything to do with the two actors, Fan Zhu and Chen Jing, he hated the house, because of this matter, Zhou Yun's sense of the two of them also became worse.

Before going to bed, she posted a microblog in a fit of anger: Continue to follow "Question Heart" tonight.

Regardless of what those clowns are doing, she fully believes in the quality of the play "Questioning the Heart", and also fully believes that this play cannot be affected by those clown tricks.

(End of this chapter)

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