Chapter 378 Idealism
Zhou Yun sometimes feels that he is a bit idealistic.

It's not just her, Song Chi also has a little bit.

Obviously, due to the reality of the situation, he had to choose to compromise, but he could also perform a theater of faith with a certain idealistic color.

But Zhou Yun accepted this.

Early the next morning, she heard her own alarm clock, and slowly opened her eyes. When she opened her eyes, she saw Song Chi had come back at some time, lying beside her, and she woke up suddenly, stretched out her hand The alarm clock went off.

Song Chi frowned slightly, as if he had been woken up by the alarm clock.

Zhou Yun said in a soft voice, "It's okay, it's my alarm clock that rang, so you continue to sleep."

Song Chi slowly opened his eyes, obviously looking like he was still awake, but he stretched out his hand and hugged Zhou Yun.

He kissed Zhou Yun's lips almost intimately, "Are you going out?"

"I have a job." Zhou Yun looked closely at Song Chi's face. In the early morning, the clear air seemed to have painted a layer of frost on his face, making him look a bit tired and weak, although he was still handsome. Yes, but not as brilliant as in the past as if blessed by the sun.

During the recent period, Song Chi was really tired. There were too many urgent matters to deal with and too many decisions to make.

"You sleep a little longer, I'll go out first." Zhou Yun said softly.

Song Chi refused to let her go, and buried his head in Zhou Yun's shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Yun couldn't help but gently raised his hand, stroking the back of Song Chi's head.

Song Chi's voice was vague: "I'm tired, hug me for a while."

Zhou Yun stopped talking.

She hugged Song Chi quietly for a while, and she didn't know how long it had passed, but Song Chi seemed to have fallen asleep again.

Hearing Song Chi's even breathing, she gently withdrew her hand and got out of bed.

It's seven o'clock, and the sky is not yet bright.

It's December, winter, and the direct sun is in the southern hemisphere.

Zhou Yun simply tied a ponytail, went downstairs, and decided to touch up his makeup in the car.

Or simply don't bother to put on makeup, and you can go to the airport without makeup.

Just avoid being photographed.

But this seems unrealistic. Her schedule is basically in a semi-public state. Every time she goes to the airport, many people will be waiting for her at the scene.

But it doesn't matter.

Anyway, it's winter now, if you can't avoid these people, just cover yourself tightly.

So, an hour later, Zhou Yun, whom everyone saw at the airport, basically couldn't recognize the female star.

She wore a fluffy hat that covered her from above her eyebrows, and a thick scarf that covered everything below the bridge of her nose, leaving only the eye area exposed.

Zheng Xiaoju and Cao Jun guarded her by her side.

Wearing earphones, Zhou Yun faced the media who came early to block her, and asked them to take a few photos so that they could go back to work.

But what Zhou Yun didn't expect was that she ran into Liu Qingqing in the VIP lounge.

Since the last phone call, the two have not been in touch.

Seeing Liu Qingqing again at this time, Zhou Yun found that her overall demeanor was much worse, and she was a little sluggish.

And she was accompanied by only one assistant.

In the past, when Zhou Yun saw Liu Qingqing, there were many people around him.

"What a coincidence." Liu Qingqing took the initiative to speak.

Although the whole person's complexion was much worse, Liu Qingqing still tidied herself very delicately.

At least compared to Zhou Yun, Liu Qingqing looks like a female star.

Zhou Yun took off the scarf, feeling rather complicated.

Although there was no evidence for what Liu Qingqing had done before, Zhou Yun believed in his own judgment.For Liu Qingqing, Zhou Yun didn't know what attitude to face her for a moment.

Liu Qingqing took the initiative to walk up to her and said, "I haven't congratulated you yet, "Question" has finally started broadcasting."

Zhou Yun shook his head, "What's there to congratulate?"

Liu Qingqing: "Yes, after all, you are different from me. Unlike me, you are about to lose your job."

"It's just a pregnancy, isn't it?" Zhou Yun said.

Before, Liu Qingqing made a risky move and took the initiative to disclose the news of her pregnancy, and then let it out to the outside world. This man is not an insider, so he will not disclose it, keep it secret, and find a way to hide the fact that she is not married to anyone.

Although Liu Qingqing's company was annoyed, they didn't want Liu Qingqing to fall into a worse public opinion dilemma, so they spent a lot of effort to guide public opinion and divert everyone's attention from the question of when Liu Qingqing got married.

Everyone in the know knew that Liu Qingqing had never been married.

In this way, Liu Qingqing's risk of public opinion is minimized, and she is no longer a time bomb. Those producers who gave up on her due to the crisis of public opinion should have been found back one after another.

Liu Qingqing is not a female star who can be replaced casually, she is at the top of the list, whether it is fame or popularity with the audience, she has a strong ability to carry ratings and attract investment.

Facing Zhou Yun's questioning, Liu Qingqing showed a wry smile and said, "Who dares to use a pregnant actress."

Zhou Yun was suspicious of Liu Qingqing's words.

It's not that she doesn't understand the current market. An actress like Liu Qingqing, let alone pregnant, even if her limbs are weak and unable to move, as long as she is willing, the producer is willing to find a substitute to cut out the whole process for her.

Liu Qingqing has no shortage of filming, that's for sure.

"Are you going to give birth to this child by yourself?" Zhou Yun decided to change the subject and asked.

"Yes." Liu Qingqing nodded.

"Where's Li Qi?"

"He doesn't want to marry me now." Liu Qingqing shrugged as if indifferent, "I also guessed, he is not even twenty years old, how could he be willing to give up his whole life so soon."

Zhou Yun asked: "Then what are you doing now?"

"We broke up." Liu Qingqing said, "I dumped him. Since he doesn't want to be responsible, I don't want to tie him by my side either."

"I saw in the news that you broke up with him a long time ago, but it has not been announced. Is it your arrangement?" Zhou Yun asked.

This kind of draft is not officially released and has no official meaning, but it frequently appears when someone questions "doesn't Liu Qingqing have a boyfriend who is still in college?"

——Liu Qingqing broke up with her boyfriend who was still in college a long time ago.

Zhou Yun looked at Liu Qingqing and asked, "Is it worth it?"

"There is nothing worth it. Although it was an accident, he brought me a child, and I want to keep this child." Liu Qingqing said, "Zhou Yun, I know that some unhappy things happened to us before. , but we don’t have any conflicts of principle, let’s shake hands and make peace.”

She looked at Zhou Yun seriously and said.

Zhou Yun couldn't help sighing.

"We never had any conflicts in the real sense, and we couldn't talk about shaking hands. In fact, I really thought that I would become good friends with you for a while, but maybe it was because of Su Yan. Disrupting the situation among us, maybe we were almost destined, and in the end we maintained this relationship."

"It's actually quite good, not everyone can be friends, at least you are different from Su Yan."

Liu Qingqing smiled contemptuously and said, "Who is she? You have seen what happened to me this time."

This time Liu Qingqing had an accident, and Su Yan "took advantage of the fire" to snatch Liu Qingqing's two endorsements, the circle was quite shocked.

One is that Su Yan made a decisive move, and the other is that Su Yan is completely unreasonable.

Of course, the stories of Su Yan and Liu Qingqing are all old stories.The feud between these two people can almost make seven or eight seasons of "The Enemy".

"Then you won't act in the future?"

"Of course not." Liu Qingqing said, "I have a child to raise, so how could I just take a rest. I will come back after I give birth to this child."

"Then you now?"

"I took over the job as a mentor for a show." Liu Qingqing said, "At this stage, I just need to maintain the exposure."

"Then what does your company say?"

"People all over the country know that I am pregnant, so what else can they say, no matter how dissatisfied they are, they can only endure it first." Liu Qingqing smiled, "I am very happy to meet you today and chat with you for a while, these things , and I have no one else to talk to."

The chance meeting with Liu Qingqing made Zhou Yun fall into deep thought.

On the plane to BJ, she kept thinking that the fate of people is really amazing. At that time two years ago, Liu Qingqing was at the height of the sun, and she and Su Yan were fighting against each other. In the past, Wei Ruxue was so popular with "Cold in Spring", she was firmly in the top line, Su Yan was steady and stable, and her position was stable, but Liu Qingqing unexpectedly started to fall behind, her popularity waned.

Zhou Yun never imagined that Liu Qingqing would become pregnant in just two years.

After the plane landed, Zhou Yun rewrapped the scarf, ready to repeat the old trick.

"Zhou Yun?"

A familiar voice sounded to her.

Zhou Yun raised his head in surprise and saw Wei Heyun.

After not seeing him for a long time, Zhou Yun found that Wei Heyun had lost a lot of weight.

"You...what happened recently? Have you been abused?" Zhou Yun looked at him in surprise.

Wei Heyun rolled his eyelids, "Go, go, you have been abused."

The two walked out of the cabin one after the other, Zheng Xiaoju and Cao Jun caught up and were a little surprised to see Wei Heyun.

Wei Heyun asked: "Are you here to work?"

"Why don't I come here to blow air in the freezing cold?" Zhou Yun curled his lips, "You didn't sleep in your comfort zone early in the morning, why did you catch an early flight?"

"Isn't that what you said? You said that I'm usually a fool, and I don't do business. Now I'm doing business. I'm working on a project. I fly all over the place, meeting and chatting with people, and my lips are almost worn out. " Wei Heyun talked about the matter, with a look of remorse for "entering the sinkhole", "If it wasn't for the money being charged to the account, I would have thrown this shit away a long time ago, I really didn't expect it, There's so much shit to make a big shit movie."

Zhou Yun looked at him speechlessly.

Seeing Zhou Yun's eyes, Wei Heyun said, "Don't look at me like that, you can't even imagine that I just made a rotten plate, and there are quite a lot of twists and turns in it, some stinky and shameless people. Think I'm a fool, thinking I can cheat money from me, cheating their uncle."

Zhou Yun couldn't listen to Wei Heyun's swear words.

"Okay, keep your mouth clean in public." Zhou Yun said disgustedly, "ruin my image."

Wei Heyun laughed angrily.

"You really don't know good from bad."

"Why don't I know good and bad?" Zhou Yun squinted at him.

Wei Heyun shrugged: "Forget it, I'm too lazy to tell you, but you won't believe me if I tell you."

"Then do you want to say it?"

"Do not say."

"Okay, don't say it if you don't say it in the future, anyway, it's you who is holding back."

(End of this chapter)

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