Chapter 379
Wei Heyun didn't say anything until the end.

"Are you free tonight?" he asked.

"Huh? What do you want?"

Wei Heyun said: "My sister celebrates her birthday, if you have time, come and play with me."

Zhou Yun shook his head when he heard it, and said, "Forget it, your sister celebrates her birthday, and the people who go there are either rich or expensive. I don't like the way they look at artists like us."

Wei Heyun looked at her in surprise, and said, "I thought you didn't care about these things at all."

"I don't care, but when the situation requires it, I let myself turn a blind eye." Zhou Yun curled his lips, "You grew up in your environment, don't you know what kind of people are around you? ?”

"To be honest, I think the people around me are pretty good." Wei Heyun said calmly and innocently.

Zhou Yun: "That's because the person they are facing is you, and you are in the same circle as them, so you can naturally get their 'good' side, but to be honest, Wei Heyun, think about it , you are a person in your twenties who has no career and achieved nothing, and you are treated 'very well' wherever you go, don't you think this in itself is unbelievable?"

Wei Heyun stared in surprise.

"Hey, hey, hey... don't bring such shocking things, what do you mean I can't accomplish anything? I'm just too lazy to do it."

"Whatever you say, what I want to say, you must understand, you are not a real two hundred and five, so do you understand? The way they treat you is because you are not only you, but your surname is Wei, how do they treat you? Treat me not just because of who I am, but because of my profession, my origins, everything about me."

"So you understand why I said I don't like it? In the past two years, I have also dealt with a lot of people from your background. People are of all kinds and different, but the arrogance is similar. The etiquette and demeanor of good upbringing are actually nothing but the self-restoration of the pseudo-nobles. They look at people with colored glasses. A better-looking woman is a plaything for the mind, and a person with a poor family background is an opportunist. Dare you say, those people around you are not like this thoughts?"

Wei Heyun's speech was stagnant, and he hesitated for a long time.

"Haven't you ever thought of that?"

Wei Heyun immediately said: "I swear, I never had such thoughts about you."

"That's because you are familiar with me. You think I'm the clear star among female stars. I'm really different from other female stars." Zhou Yun said right through Wei Heyun's mind, "Of course, I know you have such Thoughts are really normal, after all, there will never be a shortage of such people around you, but the thing that annoys me the most about those people in your circle is that you are very conceited. When you meet one person, you think you have met a group of people. Holding a few resources that other people need in your hands creates the illusion that you are the king of the world."

Wei Heyun: "Damn, why did I meet you by chance and be educated by you? I just wanted to invite you to my sister's birthday party with good intentions. You don't have to mock me like this Bar?"

"Okay, I'm sorry." Zhou Yun apologized directly.

Her apology was also sincere.

Wei Heyun couldn't say a word.

"You're really...apologize as soon as you say you're sorry." Wei Heyun held back for a long time, "I'm only half angry."

"All right, all right, keep posting, I know what I said was a little too much." Zhou Yun said, "But I don't want to vomit, so since you have repeatedly emphasized that you are my friend, please bear with it."

Wei Heyun sighed, "No wonder you can go with Song Chi, you really are not a family, you don't go into a family."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Zhou Yun looked at Wei Heyun suspiciously and asked.

Wei Heyun looked at Zhou Yun in surprise, "Don't you know? The story about him being pursued by the youngest daughter of a billionaire."

Zhou Yun shook his head, "I haven't heard of it, tell me quickly."

Wei Heyun laughed dryly, "No, you can directly ask Song Chi himself about this kind of thing, and ask me what I do."

"Are you going to tell me?" Zhou Yun flew over with sharp eyes.

Wei Heyun sighed, and said: "Okay, I can tell you, just a girl from before, the family thief has money, the kind that even my friends around me want to chase after, she fell in love with Song Chi , Seventy-two martial arts have been used, don't tell me, few people thought that Song Chi would refuse at that time, after all, being with that little princess, it was equivalent to going straight to the top, but Song Chi's bones were also hard, from the beginning He refused in the end and didn't give him a chance, at first we thought he was trying to get him."

Zhou Yun heard this story for the first time.

"There has been such a thing."

"So don't look at Song Chi's popularity now. He has suffered a lot of dark losses before, and many similar things." Wei Heyun said, "Don't blame those people around me for wearing colored glasses to watch entertainment. In this industry, those who are really pure and noble can't go on, and those who can get along in it are more or less not clean."

"Shut up, you." Zhou Yun said impatiently, "You people are really interesting. If it weren't for you people mixing in this circle, this circle would definitely be half as clean as it is now."

Wei Heyun opened his mouth, wanting to refute, but found that there was no way to refute.

Because he found that what Zhou Yun said was quite right.

Zhou Yun asked: "Why do you want to make a movie so well?"

Wei Heyun shrugged his shoulders and said, "I scold you every day for not being upright and not doing my job properly, so after thinking about it, I plan to try my hand at it."

"You don't want to start your own project and ask Yu Sitian to act, do you?" Zhou Yun's eyes were burning.

Wei Heyun talked about him from left to right, and asked, "How are you going to go later? I have someone to pick you up, do you want me to see you off?"

"Farewell, send me off, if someone shoots it, it will be a big deal, it will be hotly searched immediately, Zhou Yun BJ and the second generation go on a private trip, Song Chi is cuckolded, Yu Sitian cried to death in the toilet at home. "

"Can such a long passage be listed on Hot Search?" Wei Heyun asked in surprise.

Zhou Yun: "Is this the point of what I just said?"

Wei Heyun: "Oh, okay, then I'm leaving, how many days are you staying in BJ? I'm free tomorrow, I'll treat you to dinner."

"Okay, let's check the time tomorrow. I'll see when it will end. There's no definite number now." Zhou Yun broke up with Wei Heyun and walked out. Sure enough, someone who had heard the news was carrying a camera and holding a lamp. The cards were waiting, and as soon as she came out there was a chorus of shouts.

Zhou Yun suddenly realized that he was busy talking to Wei Heyun just now, and forgot to wrap himself a scarf.

It's too bad now, the bare face is completely exposed in front of the camera.

Zhou Yun wasn't worried that she was too ugly without makeup, but Zhou Lan would definitely call and scold her after seeing it.

 Second more!

(End of this chapter)

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