I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 380 Another mention

Chapter 380 Another Mention

Zhou Yun came to BJ, but did not post a message on the social platform.

But as soon as Zhou Yun arrived at the hotel, Liu Yuqian turned on the phone: "Xiaoyun, have you come to BJ?"

Zhou Yun said in surprise: "You are too well-informed about this news. You called me as soon as I arrived at the hotel."

"Haha, I just heard that I saw you at the airport. Do you have time at noon? I'll treat you to dinner."

Liu Yuqian's laughter was as crisp and hearty as usual.

Zhou Yun said: "Not at noon, I have a shoot right away, make time, are you ok tonight?"

"Ok, I'm alone anyway, and I'm not filming now."

So the two made an appointment for the night.

After five o'clock in the afternoon, Zhou Yun finished filming and said goodbye to the group he just met.

Zheng Xiaoju asked: "Sister Xiaoyun, what do you want to eat tonight?"

"I have an appointment with Liu Yuqian tonight, you and Cao Jun go to eat, see what you want to eat, then put it on the bill and count it on me." Zhou Yun said.

Zheng Xiaoju cheered immediately, shouting: "Long live Sister Xiaoyun!"

After cheering, she asked in a low voice, "Sister Xiaoyun, is there an upper limit?"

Zhou Yun glanced at Zheng Xiaoju, and said, "There is no upper limit, but it's time for the year-end bonus soon, right?"

Zheng Xiaoju took a deep breath, turned his head in trepidation, and said solemnly: "Cao Jun, let's go eat a bowl of noodles with fried sauce tonight."

Cao Jun grinned.

Zhou Yun rolled his eyes and said, "If you eat noodles with fried sauce, the year-end bonus won't give you an extra dollar."

Zheng Xiaoju pouted pitifully, "Sister Xiaoyun, my shriveled wallet is just waiting for you to inject full strength into it."

Zhou Yun glanced at her with disgust, and said, "When did you become so talkative?"

Zheng Xiaoju giggled, and said, "Being by your side, of course I have to be a bit poorer. Sister Xiaoyun, you don't know how many ghosts and snakes are trying to get public relations from me."

Cao Jun sent Zhou Yun to the place Liu Yuqian ordered.

"This is opened by my friend, and the security and privacy are guaranteed." Liu Yuqian introduced, "He is still your fan, and I think he will ask you to take a photo with him later."

Zhou Yun laughed and said, "Okay."

"What are you doing in BJ today? Work?" Liu Yuqian asked.

"There is a commercial shooting." Zhou Yun said, "There are two more announcements tomorrow morning."

"The schedule is a bit rushed." Liu Yuqian said, "Isn't "Question" broadcast recently? Don't need to run publicity?"

"Yes, tonight there will be a super talk session, and the schedule is set in a hurry. It was supposed to go to many programs to promote it, but it's too late. The fastest program will be recorded in three days. "Zhou Yun said, "Nowadays TV dramas are set in a hurry."

"Yes, think about the past, when you shoot a TV series, you can set the schedule half a year ago. Before it airs, you can go on the show to promote it, and have offline meet-ups. At that time, the Internet was not as developed as it is now, but everyone was still more enthusiastic." Liu Yuqian Said, "Nowadays there are a lot of dramas broadcast every year, but there is no drama that can attract thousands of people."

"Song Chi recommended a web drama to me. The recently aired one is called "The Beginning". I watched it and it's really good. I recommend it to you." Zhou Yun said.

"Ah, I watched this, and I've been following it, but the update is too slow, only four episodes a week." Liu Yuqian said, "I still prefer the previous broadcast mode, where I can broadcast one or two episodes every day. "

Zhou Yun smiled.

"Song Chi must be very busy recently, right?" Liu Yuqian said, "I see that the drama "Questioning the Heart" has been airing quite uneasy recently, and the drama "Mother and Child Inn" has been sticking to you like a dog's plaster. "

"You see it too?"

"Do you even need to ask? Everyone is talking about it." Liu Yuqian waved her hands and sat down, "They are all actors, and they are in this industry. If a big production like "Questioning the Heart" is broadcast, everyone will still pay attention to it. Said, "Mother and Child Inn" did this, although the reputation is notorious, but the effect is real, I see they posted a congratulatory Weibo today to celebrate the [-] million views."

Zhou Yun pouted.

Liu Yuqian: "But let me tell you, don't worry about what they do. I also watched "Questioning the Heart". , this drama will get better and better later on, I'm not worried about the performance of this drama at all, when the time comes, you will treat me to dinner."

Zhou Yun smiled openly, "Why don't I treat you to dinner today."

"That won't work. I took the initiative to call today. Of course I invited you." Liu Yuqian said heartily, "You invite me later, and I won't compete with you for the bill."

That's the only good thing about Liu Yuqian, the world is also worldly, she doesn't hide it, she is aboveboard.

"By the way, there is something I want to ask you." Liu Yuqian suddenly changed the subject, "Is the male lead in a play behind you named Yu Zhiyang?"

Zhou Yun glanced at her suspiciously, nodded, and said, "Yes, what's the matter?"

"I participated in a private dinner two days ago. The ladies who participated in this dinner were all powerful people. They happened to talk about this person, so I listened to it." Liu Yuqian said, "It is said that this person is A little wolf dog raised by a female boss, but you took a fancy to it and chose to be the leading actor."

Zhou Yun frowned immediately.

To be honest, it doesn't sound very good.

"What did they say?"

"Aren't they just talking about what's there and what's not, but you know about Yu Zhiyang, right?" Liu Yuqian smiled and said, "It seems that I was talking too much, I thought you were being fooled It's here, so I wanted to remind you."

"I met Yu Zhiyang's boss twice, and I met twice in person before signing Yu Zhiyang. At first, his boss was not willing to let him act."

"Ah? Which boss can't figure it out and refuses the artists under him to act with you? Isn't this intentional to not make people popular?"

"You're right, she really doesn't want to make people popular." Zhou Yun sighed, "Yu Zhiyang's situation is not as bad as what they said, he was tricked by others and signed an unequal contract. "

"Ah, this is true. I heard them mention it, saying that she was cheated by that female boss." Liu Yuqian said, "Oh, I don't know how to say this. I have been in the circle for so many years. To be honest, Some people are willing, some people are unwilling, some people are half-hearted, and some people just quit the circle, come and go, have seen too many such things, and in the end, the weak and weak will never win. There are very few people like you who can get to where you are today by yourself."

"Liu Qingqing, didn't she find out that she was pregnant recently?" Liu Yuqian said, "Why was it so smooth at the beginning? Wasn't it because someone backed me up, gave me resources, and made me famous? You see, in the past two years, when I broke up with Chen Wenjun, the development trend is naked eye It's visibly going down."

"Is it because of Chen Wenjun that Liu Qingqing became popular in the first place?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

Liu Yuqian said: "I heard that it was another person at the beginning, and then that person lost interest in Liu Qingqing, and Liu Qingqing was with Chen Wenjun again. Anyway, in the past few years, Liu Qingqing's big dramas started one after another. Even Su Yan's resources in film and television dramas have never won against her."

Zhou Yun knew about Liu Qingqing and Chen Wenjun, but he didn't know anything about Chen Wenjun before.

"In the entertainment industry, there are not many people who support you behind your back. It's really hard to move forward." Liu Yuqian said, "Especially women."

Zhou Yun: "The situation should be better now, right?"

"It's the same." Liu Yuqian said, "You are like Meng Ran, who made her debut in the draft and is very popular. There are companies behind her, capital buys it, and fans pay for it. But if she can't gain a foothold in the past few years, she can form a network of her own. In the circle, keep her place in the circle, once her traffic and popularity pass, she will be eliminated quickly if there is no market, and every year there are many newcomers who become famous overnight and then pass away quickly."

"There are many capable actresses, and they can still film in peace."

"They are all people who have established themselves and have their own fixed capital and circle." Liu Yuqian said, "I really want to go to the face group one by one and win the world with acting skills. I haven't seen many of them."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

The boss personally brought the waiters to serve them.

Liu Yuqian immediately took the initiative to introduce them to both of them.

When the others left, Liu Yuqian said to Zhou Yun: "You are like my friend just now. He was also an actor at the beginning, but he persisted for five years and never got ahead. He couldn't get a decent supporting role. In the end, he quit the circle." Yes. It’s not that he didn’t have a chance, but they made it very clear that if he slept with someone for one night, that role was his. He refused to bow his head, and in the end the role was given to someone else. At that time, it was no different than now, and the drama opened every year There are only so many monks, but there are too many monks, so many people squeeze their heads to play a small role."

Zhou Yun realized that the words Liu Yuqian said actually carried a very strong imprint of the past era.Although Liu Yuqian is not a few years older than her, but Liu Yuqian made her debut early as a child star, she has filmed many movies, and also experienced the era of showbiz where the Internet media was not yet developed.She also heard that the entertainment industry used to be much more chaotic and dark than it is now.There is no Internet, no self-media, and the opportunity to be photographed is in the hands of a few people. If you want to be a star or an actor, you must get the nod from a few people to have the opportunity.

What now?
It should be much better now than before, right?

After dinner and getting ready to leave, Zhou Yun realized that it started snowing outside at some point.

A curtain of snow fell from the sky, like a night of magic.

Liu Yuqian asked, "Where do you live? I'll take you back."

Zhou Yun said: "It's okay, no need, my driver is already on the way."

Liu Yuqian waited with Zhou Yun.

After a moment of silence, Liu Yuqian looked at Zhou Yun, blinked, smiled, and said, "Do you and Song Chi have any plans to get married?"

Zhou Yun was taken aback by this question, she quickly shook her head and said not yet.

Liu Yuqian nodded, "You're still so young, so don't be in a hurry."

Zhou Yun thought to himself, she is not a few years older than her, so is she getting anxious?
As actors, they usually get married late.

Liu Yuqian can't be more than thirty years old, so she won't start to worry.

"Now I think that I was cheated by that bastard Xu Caisheng, and I still feel angry." She laughed at herself and said, "At that time, I just wanted to have fun, but I didn't expect to be played by someone. Sure enough, the man looks like If it looks a little better, the intestines will be spent, dog things."

Zhou Yun didn't know what to say.

"Aren't you going to have a serious relationship?" Zhou Yun had no choice but to ask.

"It's not that easy, I like it, others don't like me, and others like me, I don't like him." Liu Yuqian said with self-deprecation, "I have seen so many outstanding men, I can't help it." Let yourself be done."

She smiled and gave Zhou Yun a glance, "Your luck is better than mine."

Zhou Yun didn't answer, just smiled.

At this time, the mobile phone rang, and Cao Jun finally came.

"He's here, let's go." Zhou Yun stood up, "Thank you for waiting here with me."

"What's the trouble?" Liu Yuqian put her arms around Zhou Yun's shoulders, "Let's go, I'll accompany you out."

Liu Yuqian sent Zhou Yun to the car.

As soon as the door was closed, Zheng Xiaoju said in a hurry: "Sister Xiaoyun, the chatting activity of asking Xinchaohua is about to start."

"When will it start?" Zhou Yun glanced at the time, "Isn't it only half past seven?"

"It starts at eight o'clock." Zheng Xiaoju said.

"It's okay, I can reply to them on my mobile phone." Zhou Yun said.

Zheng Xiaoju immediately raised her voice: "No, Sister Lan specifically told me to show her the content of every reply before you reply."

Zhou Yun frowned in resistance, "What?"

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Sister Lan said, I can't let you play freely, I'm afraid you'll be hilarious."

"You don't trust me too much." Zhou Yun said unhappily.

"Sister Lan still wants to take your account password and let the staff participate in this event, but Sister Lan also knows that you will definitely not agree, so she gave up this plan."

"She thinks beautifully."

At this time, Zheng Xiaoju's phone vibrated.

"Sister Xiaoyun, Sister Lan asked you to log in to Weibo now and forward the warm-up notice."

The official blog of "Questioning the Heart" has already posted a notice for Zhou Yun to chat with netizens online, and it will start at [-] o'clock, and circled her.

Zhou Yun forwarded Weibo and said: Is there anything you want to talk to me about?Quickly prepare the questions, at eight o'clock, I will wait for you with a question.


In the end, Zhou Lan was still worried, so he called at [-]:[-].

"Have you arrived at the hotel yet?"

"We're here, we're getting ready to get on the elevator," Zhou Yun said.

"Remember, all the replies should be sent to me for a look first, so don't just reply by yourself," Zhou Lan warned.

Zhou Yun: "You treat me like a child."

"I also want to be at ease with you, but you always make me feel a little impulsive from time to time, what can I do?"

"Nonsense, I'm very calm and restrained now." Zhou Yun said, "And, those who deliberately provoke me, I just don't reply."

"If you can bear it, you won't scold netizens directly." Zhou Lan said, "You have spoken several times before, and they have been compiled into quotations, which are widely circulated on social media."

"That was before."

"That's why you need to pay more attention now." Zhou Lan said, "Don't forget, you are going to promote "Questing the Heart" today, and you didn't post a speech well, and someone grabbed your pigtails, which affected you But it's not just yourself, it will affect the reputation of "Question Heart", don't blame me for not reminding you."

Zhou Lan was killed with one blow, which hit the soft spot in Zhou Yun's heart.

Zhou Yun really didn't dare to take any risks in the play "Questioning the Heart".

In the end, Zhou Yun obediently selected some Weibo posts that he wanted to reply to, wrote the reply obediently, and sent it to Zhou Lan.

The rest of the team were also searching Chaohua, looking for interesting and easy-to-stalk Weibo, helping Zhou Yun edit the content of the reply, and let Zhou Yun choose the reply himself.

In an entire hour, Zhou Yun replied to nearly a hundred Weibo messages.

But what Zhou Yun and her team didn't expect was that after Zhou Yun worked so hard to reply to more than a hundred Weibo posts, the last trending one was her appearance in the trailer of the seventh episode aired tonight.

The seventh episode to be broadcast tomorrow is about Song Chi meeting Zhou Yun in a brothel.

The trailer stops at Song Chi in the brothel, looking at Liu Rufu, played by Zhou Yun, in the crowd.

Liu Rusu sat in the corner of the crowd, with heavy makeup and gorgeous makeup, but his expression was indifferent and his eyes were cold.

The body brushes the world of mortals, and it is as clear as a narcissus garment.

This frame was intercepted and accompanied by the word "Shen Yan", and it went crazy on Weibo.

Zhou Yun was surprised, so he had to ask Song Chi in private: What data did you make?

Song Chihui: Be confident in yourself, we really didn't buy this trending search, and the people in the company are a little confused, ah, Miss Xiaoyun, relying on a divine map saved us today's publicity expenses.

In fact, whether a heat map is data made by someone or is really popular can be seen from the respective homepages.

The people you follow, how many people have transferred, and how many people have expressed emotion, you know best in your heart.

Zhou Yun finally had to admit the fact that her fans of passers-by are stronger than imagined.

But she was a little frustrated. She originally thought that her witty answer was the most concerned content tonight. Who knows, no matter how much she said, it was not as good as a picture.

"It's pretty good. Anyway, it's the real stuff that's been on the trending searches, and I didn't buy it." Zhou Yun talked to Song Chi on the phone, "It's fine for other content, if you buy it yourself if you buy it yourself I'll be so ashamed that I won't be able to sleep at night."

Song Chi muffled a laugh.

"In my impression, your skin is not so thin."

"Get out." Zhou Yun sighed, "Tomorrow I will officially appear on the stage, and I am nervous and looking forward to it."

"Wait until you get us the ratings."

"Come on, I don't have that ability." Zhou Yun said, "As long as I don't hinder you, that's fine."

Song Chi: "How could it be? Director Jiang said that this drama can bring back a high-quality Best Supporting Actress."

"Stop coming." Zhou Yun said so, but his eyes curled up with a smile.

Who doesn't want to be praised.

But Song Chi's words were like a bird of good news. It is still unknown whether "Ask the Heart" will win the award. The next morning, Zhou Yun was still running the announcement, and Zhou Lan suddenly called. One of the awards, the Aoki Award for Best Actress.

(End of this chapter)

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