I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 381 Acting Argument

Chapter 381 Acting Argument
There are three awards for domestic films, which are recognized as three awards.

Among them, the Aoki Award is the most artistic value award among the three awards.

As a [-]-year-old young actor, Zhou Yun is difficult to be shortlisted based on previous nominations.

But "Days" is outstanding both in terms of word-of-mouth and box office, and Zhou Yun won an international award. It is normal for her to enter the field of vision of the Aoki Award judges.

Not only Zhou Yun, this time the Aoki Award, "Days" was also nominated for two awards: Best Director Award and Best Original Screenplay Award.

It can be described as a bumper harvest.

Following Zhou Lan's call, Zhou Yun received another batch of congratulatory calls and text messages.

Yao Yuanfeng's loud voice made people feel like he was about to run away from the phone.

"The Queen of Actresses is about to win the second trophy!" Yao Yuanfeng laughed heartily, "It's your turn to treat us to dinner this time!"

Zhou Yun said with a smile: "Mr. Yao has a big business, and he asked me, a worker, to treat me to dinner. It's a bit too much."

Yao Yuanfeng: "You are still working as a worker, you are a movie queen and you are still working as a worker, let me tell you, this time the Aoki Award, you are the favorite to win the award, and the nominees with you are completely uncompetitive. Invitation, can't justify it."

"Oh, I can't escape, okay." Zhou Yun pretended to be helpless, "Then I have to invite you."

Yao Yuanfeng: "Then it's settled."

"It's a deal, it's a deal, I can't escape this meal." Zhou Yun smiled, "Thank you, Mr. Yao, for always being the first to congratulate me."

Yao Yuanfeng sighed, and said: "I regret it now, why didn't I snatch you from Chengqian in the first place? At that time, I should have found a way to snatch you here. When you arrive in Xindun, you are our new First sister of Dun, all the movies will be selected for you first."

Zhou Yun snorted softly, and said: "President Yao said this. Could it be that the friendship between me and you is fake if I didn't sign with Xindun? The relationship between us and "Days" doesn't exist anymore?"

"Oh, that's not what I meant..." Yao Yuanfeng asked for help in a hurry.

"Hmph, I know, it turns out that Mr. Yao doesn't regard me as a friend at all." Zhou Yun said, "If I had known what Mr. Yao meant, I shouldn't have agreed to act in "One Mountain Two Tigers" and "Four Killer."

"Oh, my little aunt, I said something wrong, okay? Really, why is your mouth so powerful now?" Yao Yuanfeng half smiled and half apologized.

Both of them knew it was just a joke.

"Days", which has already been released, has returned to the public eye.

The news that Zhou Yun was nominated for the Aoki Award was no surprise, and it was hotly searched and discussed by everyone.

The happiest ones are Zhou Yun's fans.

The movie "Days" added a large number of new fans to Zhou Yun, all of whom were attracted by this movie.Now Zhou Yun has been nominated for another award for this movie, and everyone is excited and happy with pride.

However, some people are happy, and naturally others are gossiping.

He chewed the most, saying: Is the Aoki Award so low now?I really can't see how good Zhou Yun's acting skills are in "Days", why should he be nominated?
Regarding such comments, many people directly sprayed them back, and the most venomous ones said: Is it so irresponsible to speak now?I really don't understand how some people are neither the judges of the Venice International Film Festival nor the judges of the Aoki Awards.With this tone, I thought it was an old senior with a lot of experience.

A debate about Zhou Yun's acting skills arose again.

At the end of the debate, someone asked: Didn't Zhou Yun just get lucky and get a good book and a great director, so the screen protector won the award with [-]% of her close-up movies?If her acting skills are really good, why didn't she see "The Eighth Heartbeat" nominate a best actress?

Some people used "The Eighth Heartbeat" as an example.

Zhou Yun's fans are used to it. Every time these people are stunned and have nothing to say, they will bring up "The Eighth Heartbeat" to talk about it.

Bad movies are the original sin.

Zhou Yun's fans couldn't say with the cheek that "The Eighth Heartbeat" was well filmed.

Although it's really hot.

After arguing in the afternoon, a force of public opinion suddenly appeared: If you want to know whether Zhou Yun's acting skills are good or not, just watch tonight's "Questioning the Heart".

This power of public opinion was arranged by Zhou Lan.

Originally, Zhou Lan didn't want to deal with those disputes on the Internet. She thought that these disputes should gradually and naturally subside. Who knew that there would be an intensified trend.

Zhou Lan didn't want these debates to turn into a carnival where the whole network joined in. This would not be good for Zhou Yun's career as an actor.

Now Zhou Yun still has a lot of room for improvement. Her low-key development and steady growth is the ideal model.

Zhou Lan had no choice but to take people off the stage in person, guide public opinion, and promote a wave of "Questioning the Heart" by the way.

At the same time, Zhou Lan also ran a hot search for "Let's watch Zhou Yun together tonight".

When Zhou Yun learned of all this, the trending search had already entered the top ten. Knowing the cause and effect, she couldn't help but laugh and cry, and really didn't know what to say.

The discussion on the Internet is indeed an existence that makes every artist love and hate.

They can be the wind, which sends the artist to the blue sky overnight, or it can be a sword, which splits the clouds under the artist's feet and makes the artist fall to the mortal world.

Zhou Yun is consistent with Zhou Lan's attitude in this respect.

If you can keep a low profile, keep a low profile, but don't sell melons to the wangpo - sell yourself and boast, praise yourself for your good acting skills.

It's fine if others say it, but doesn't she have a clue in her heart?
A group of people vigorously took up the posture of fighting, quite like the posture of discussing swords in Huashan Mountain in "Questing the Heart" tonight. When "Questing the Heart" is over, it is probably the scene of a debate competition.

Zhou Yun felt a headache.

Song Chi gloated and asked her when she would come back, and if she wanted to watch the seventh episode where she officially appeared.

Zhou Yun said: "Wei Heyun invited me to have dinner. I have to return on a flight at ten o'clock in the evening, and it's already early in the morning when we arrive in Shanghai."

Song Chi said, "Okay, then I'll make some soup for you, and order you some supper, and we'll watch the replay together when we come back."

"It's too late, watch replays, go to bed early if you have nothing to do." Zhou Yun said, "I've stayed up for several nights in a row, aren't you afraid of losing your hair?"

Song Chi smiled and said, "I made up for sleep this afternoon. I slept all afternoon and woke up at six o'clock. I guess I fell asleep not so quickly at night."

"Then don't wait for me." Zhou Yun said, "Maybe it's too late, I'll just sleep in the hotel next to the airport for the night and come back tomorrow morning."

"it is good."

After work, Zhou Yun went to Wei Heyun's appointment.

The place was decided by Wei Heyun, a private club with a very high threshold, there is not even a sign outside, it looks like a workshop.

After entering the door, I found that there is something different inside.

Seeing Wei Heyun, Zhou Yun complained directly: "Where did you find this place? You asked me to come here, and other people saw me, don't you think I was adopted by you?"

 Today also updated a lot

(End of this chapter)

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