Chapter 385
Before Song Chi left, he went to Xue Qin's place again.

But Xue Qin was not there, and the door was locked.

"Looks like it's only next time." Song Chi smiled, "Let's go."

Zhou Yun nodded and sent Song Chi off.

She sent Song Chi to the car and shook her hand.

Cao Jun drove him to the airport.

Zheng Xiaoju came out of nowhere, and suddenly stood behind Zhou Yun, and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, is Brother Chi gone?"

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded.

"I just heard from the crew that tomorrow's filming won't be possible." Zheng Xiaoju whispered in Zhou Yun's ear.

"Why?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

"It is said that the director is not satisfied with the set and needs to redo the whole set."


In the evening, Zhou Yun met Shi Luoqi.

Seeing her, Shi Luoqi greeted her warmly.

"Xiaoyun, I was looking for you, so you are here."

Zhou Yun smiled, "Sister Luo Qi, I'm here to wander around."

"Let's go, let's have dinner together." Shi Luoqi said, "Just to catch you."

"Sister Luo Qi, you don't need to be so polite, what's the use of catching the wind." Zhou Yun said kindly, "But I happen to be hungry, what delicious food will Sister Luo Qi bring me?"

"I know there is a small shop here that specializes in beef. Do you like beef?"

"Love." Zhou Yun's eyes lit up.

Because Xue Qin said that he wants to gain weight, Zhou Yun has recently lived a fairy life where he can eat whatever he wants.Zhou Yun loves beef very much, especially spicy beef. These days, she always prepares spicy beef jerky on hand as a snack.

Shi Luoqi heard Zhou Yun said that he likes to eat, so he decided to go to the small shop that specializes in beef.

What Zhou Yun didn't expect was that there were only the two of them for this dinner.

Zhou Yun originally thought that no matter what, at least Xue Qin would still be there.

"Is the director not coming?" Zhou Yun asked.

"Oh, there's something wrong with her. There's something wrong with the set, and she's watching in person." Shi Luoqi said, "You were supposed to have a meal together when you joined the team today."

"Ah, it's okay. I didn't mean that. I was just curious about what the director was doing. When I went to find her in the afternoon, she happened to be angry, so I didn't go in."

"She got angry in the afternoon? That's probably a matter of the set." Shi Luoqi said, "There is a small problem with the crew. The team that has been in charge of the set that we talked about before has something to do and can't come. We have to I found another team to take over temporarily, and it is now in the running-in period, of course, the problem is not big, it is just some details."

Zhou Yun had already heard about this from Zheng Xiaoju.

"Then... will the filming start normally tomorrow?" Zhou Yun asked.

Shi Luoqi said: "Look at the progress tonight. If the progress is slow, you may have to wait a while. It's okay. If the progress of setting the scene is slow, we can have a small meeting tomorrow morning. You and Zhang Mo passed Go through the script again. It should be the first time you and him have worked together, right?"

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded.

"He is a very hard-working kid. After graduation, he hasn't made many film and television dramas. He has been acting in dramas." Shi Luoqi smiled, "It was a friend of mine who recommended him to me. You also watched the audition. It's really good."

"Yes." Zhou Yun asked, "But why has he been reluctant to make film and television dramas?"

It's not that Zhou Yun doesn't like dramas, but that in this market, actors mainly work in film and television dramas.

Due to its own form, drama has too narrow a scope of dissemination.

Shi Luoqi said: "He himself said that there are no good characters and good scripts in film and television dramas, so he would rather not shoot."

"His image and acting skills can't meet good roles?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

Shi Luoqi sighed, and said: "It's inevitable, he's not well-known, and he hasn't signed a contract with a big company, so he probably won't be able to get a good role."

It's served.

"I'm following the drama "Questioning the Heart" that you broadcast recently. It's really well acted." Shi Luoqi praised, "I don't like watching domestic TV dramas very much, but this drama is really good."

"Do you like it?"

"I really like it. It's very popular in China now, right? I heard people from my team tell me about it." Shi Luoqi said with a smile, "They said you performed well in it, so I went to see it. After "Day" "The performance in "is completely different."

"Thank you, Miss Luo Qi."

"TV dramas and movies are completely different fields, but you can manage them with ease. You are indeed talented." Shi Luoqi said, "I am in China, and the most evaluations I have heard about you are that you are talented."

Zhou Yun smiled embarrassedly and said, "I don't know what talent is."

Shi Luoqi's cell phone rang suddenly at this time.

"I'll answer the phone first," she said.

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded.

Shi Luoqi answered the phone and said a few words to the other side, Zhou Yun suddenly saw Shi Luoqi's face darken.

I don't know what the person on the other end of the phone said.

Shi Luoqi was a little annoyed, and raised his voice: "We signed the contract, and he said that if he doesn't shoot, he won't shoot, so what's the use of having a contract! Does he have any professional ethics? I don't care what his reason is, he didn't do it like this !"

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

not shoot?

Who doesn't shoot anymore?

It shouldn't be some ordinary character who can make Shi Luoqi so angry.

Zhang Mo is already here, it can't be him, so could it be one of the other two?

Is it Feng Chaotian who plays Meng Fanyan, or Luo Zhiheng who plays Wen Long?
Shi Luoqi hung up the phone, looked at Zhou Yun with some regret, and said, "Xiao Yun, I'm sorry, there is an emergency, I have to go back to deal with it first, you take your time, I have already bought the order, we will talk about it later .”

Knowing the urgency of the matter, Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Sister Luo Qi, go quickly."

Shi Luoqi got up and left.

Zhou Yun finished dinner slowly by himself, and sent a message to Zheng Xiaoju.

After a while, Cao Jun who sent Song Chi to the airport came over.

"Have you had dinner?" Zhou Yun asked.

Cao Jun shook his head, "Not yet."

Zhou Yun said: "The beef here is quite delicious. I'll order a few more dishes for you. Let's go back after eating."

Cao Jun nodded.

Zhou Yun ordered a few more dishes, and before the dishes were served, Zheng Xiaoju came.

As soon as she came in, she said, "Sister Xiaoyun, I have already inquired about what you asked me to inquire about."

Zhou Yun looked at her in surprise, "So fast?"

"Hey, I asked the coordinator, and he told me." Zheng Xiaoju said, "I ran into the producer on the way here, and her face was so ugly."

Zhou Yun: "When something like this happened, of course you looked ugly. Who didn't come to act?"

"Feng Chaotian." Zheng Xiaoju said, "It is said that Feng Chaotian went to another crew."

"Ah?" Zhou Yun frowned in surprise, "He?"

At the beginning, Feng Chaotian competed with Gu Huaichun's classmate Wei Zhichang for the role of Meng Fanyan. In the end, Feng Chaotian won the role by virtue of his appearance. Zhou Yun felt a little sorry for Gu Huaichun, but Feng Chaotian didn't come again?
"Do you know which crew Feng Chaotian went to?" Zhou Yun asked Zheng Xiaoju.

""Commission", a suspense TV series, produced by his own company, starring Wei Ruxue, he played the leading role in that drama." Zheng Xiaoju shared the information he found with Zhou Yun just like Sa Douzi .

Zhou Yun understood.

She had heard of the play "Commission".

At that time, the book of this drama was also handed to her, and she liked it very much, but because of the conflict with the schedule of "Words of Fallen Leaves", Zhou Yun had no choice but to refuse.

Unexpectedly, Wei Ruxue was found to act in this play.

In this way, it is understandable for Feng Chaotian to choose "Commission".

The second male lead in the story of "Commission" is much better than Meng Fanyan, a scumbag, and has more roles, unlike in "Words of Fallen Leaves", where Meng Fanyan doesn't have many roles, all are foils.

Zhou Yun asked: "Are you sure Feng Chaotian won't come?"

Zheng Xiaoju said: "It is said that the producer will go to negotiate with their company again, I don't know if they will come in the end."

Zhou Yun thought for a while and said, "You guys eat, I'll make a phone call."

She found a place where no one was around, and called Gu Huaichun.

As a result, Gu Huaichun didn't answer.

Zhou Yun had no choice but to send a message to Gu Huaichun: See you soon.

Five minutes later, Gu Huaichun's call came back.

"You're looking for me in such a hurry, what's the matter?" Gu Huaichun asked.

Zhou Yun said: "That's right. Didn't your classmate Wei Zhichang come to meet me for this drama? Has he joined the team now?"

"He? He probably didn't join the group, I don't know, what's wrong?" Gu Huaichun asked.

"It's like this. The male actor who was previously appointed is a temporary release, and he won't come. The crew is negotiating with his company now. I don't know if he will come back in the end, but if he really doesn't come to act, the crew I must find someone to stand up for it. I think the producer and director are quite satisfied with Wei Zhichang's performance last time. Tell him, if he still wants to act, make preparations, and I will do the same. Mention it to them."

Gu Huaichun immediately understood, "Alright, I understand, call him immediately, thank you."

"I won't say any more polite words, I'll hang up." Zhou Yun said, "Tell me what his attitude is at the first time."


"If...if he is angry and doesn't want to come because he didn't choose him before, you should do his work." Zhou Yun suddenly thought of this, and said, "This script is really good, he will act, it's not a loss." .”

"Okay, I see."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun heaved a sigh of relief.

She returned to the private room and heard Zheng Xiaoju hiccupping from laughter.

"What are you laughing at? You're laughing like thunder." Zhou Yun complained.

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Just now Cao Jun sprayed rice in his nose."

Cao Jun blushed, and said in a deep voice, "It's not because of you."

Zhou Yun knocked Zheng Xiaoju on the head, and said: "You are enough, don't bully Cao Jun, he still won't let you."

Zheng Xiaoju puffed up his chest and said, "I don't need him to let me go."

Cao Jun put down his chopsticks, took out a piece of paper, and wiped his nose.

Zheng Xiaoju stared at Cao Jun's nose curiously, and asked, "Is there a grain of rice in your nose?"

Cao Jun said angrily, "Get lost."

 Well, that's all for today's update, see you tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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