Chapter 386
After dinner, Zhou Yun walked to the hotel with Zheng Xiaoju and Cao Jun.

Because it was nearby, Zhou Yun just wanted to take a walk, so he didn't drive.

The snow rustled down.

Zheng Xiaoju huddled into a ball and said, "It's so cold."

"Xiaoju, does it snow every winter at your house?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zheng Xiaoju shook his head, "When I was a child, I fell every winter. In recent years, I haven't fallen much. Occasionally, it's a thin layer."

Zhou Yun raised his head, looked at the snowflakes falling from the night sky, and said, "If it wasn't so cold, the snowy night looks really beautiful."

Zheng Xiaoju nodded and said, "Yes, when I was young, I liked snowing, and I could build snowmen with everyone."

"Xiaoju, please take a photo for me." Zhou Yun said suddenly.

Zheng Xiaoju nodded, saying yes.

So, Zhou Yun compared a yes, the most tacky gesture, but the smile is cute.

Zheng Xiaoju finished the filming and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, I sent it to you directly. Are you going to post on Weibo?"

"No, I want to send it to Song Chi." Zhou Yun said with a smile.

Zheng Xiaoju yelled several times, "Sister Xiaoyun, don't abuse our single dog like this?"

The two were chatting and laughing, and Cao Jun quietly followed them, not speaking, and always paying attention to the surroundings, so as not to be photographed or followed by someone secretly.

All the way to the hotel.

Gu Huaichun's phone call came.

"He was more than willing to play."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Okay, then wait for my news."

Walking into the hotel gate, Zhou Yun said to Cao Jun and Zheng Xiaogu, "You guys rest first, I'll go find Shi Luoqi."

Zheng Xiaoju nodded and asked, "Sister Xiaoyun, shall I wake you up for breakfast tomorrow morning?"

Zhou Yun thought for a while and said, "Call me, I should go to bed early tonight."

Zheng Xiaoju: "Okay, then I will knock on the door tomorrow."

After breaking up with them, Zhou Yun called Shi Luoqi.

"Sister Luo Qi, are you in the hotel now?"

Shi Luoqi: "Yes, what's the matter, Xiaoyun? I'm busy with something here, I..."

"May I come to you now? Regarding Feng Chaotian's refusal to act, I have something to talk to you about. Is it convenient?"

"Well, come on then, I'm at 1207." Shi Luoqi reported his room number.

Zhou Yun got on the elevator, came to 1207, and knocked on the door.

Shi Luoqi opened the door from the inside.

"I'm sorry, Sister Luo Qi, to bother you so late." Zhou Yun cut to the chase and said, "I also heard that Feng Chaotian didn't plan to come to perform, so I came here. Have you contacted him? His side How to say?"

Shi Luoqi shook his head, "They would rather pay liquidated damages, this is probably the only way to go."

"Who will play the role of Meng Fanyan?" Zhou Yun asked, "Is it decided?"

Shi Luoqi said: "I'm going to discuss with Xue Qin, what's the matter, do you have any ideas?"

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded without hiding it, "Actually, I think Wei Zhichang, who auditioned with Feng Chaotian last time, was pretty good. At that time, he was not as good as Feng Chaotian in terms of appearance, but his acting skills and good attitude.”

"Well, I remember him." Shi Luoqi asked, "Is he an acquaintance of yours?"

Shi Luoqi's gaze was a little sharp.

"It's not an acquaintance, it's just a little acquaintance. He is Gu Huaichun's classmate. Do you know Gu Huaichun?" Zhou Yun said, "I acted in a play with me."

"I know, I've heard his name before." Shi Luoqi suddenly understood, "Is Gu Huaichun looking for you? Has the news reached him?"

"No, he didn't look for me, I was just thinking about this person." Zhou Yun said, "I thought it was a pity at the time, because Wei Zhichang is indeed very good."

Shi Luoqi pondered for a moment, "Well, let me discuss it with Xue Qin first to see what she thinks. She is the director of this play, so I still respect her opinion."

"Understood, thank you, Sister Luo Qi." Zhou Yun smiled and nodded.

"Tomorrow morning, we may not be able to start the film as scheduled. Let's have a meeting first, let's talk about the script." Shi Luoqi said, "Originally, Xue Qin meant to shoot for two days first, test shoot a section, and then hold a meeting to discuss."

"It's okay, I'll follow your arrangement."

Coming out of Shi Luoqi's room, Zhou Yun heaved a sigh of relief.

She didn't know what the final result of this matter would be, but she tried her best.

I hope Wei Zhichang can get Xue Qin's approval.


Early the next morning, Zheng Xiaoju knocked on the door.

Zhou Yun opened the door with disheveled hair, wandered for a while, washed his face and brushed his teeth, tied his hair, changed his clothes, and went to the hotel restaurant for dinner with Zheng Xiaoju.

There were some residents in the restaurant who were not crew members.

They were a little surprised when they saw Zhou Yun appear.

Zhou Yun had no choice but to smile at the somewhat surprised guests, then took something quickly, found a seat and sat down.

Because she was still gaining weight, Zhou Yun asked for a bowl of noodles and a plate of barbecue for herself. Not only that, Zheng Xiaoju also brought her a plate of fruit and a glass of milk.

Zheng Xiaoju asked: "Sister Xiaoyun, is this enough?"

"It's almost done, let's eat first." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Yun ate two pieces of barbecue first.

"It's so refreshing to eat barbecue in the morning." Zhou Yun said with emotion, "Do you want some?"

Zheng Xiaoju said: "It's so oily, I can't eat it."

Zhou Yun: "..."

Well, it is indeed a bit oily.

She finished off a plate of barbecue first, then ate the remaining half bowl of noodles, and began to eat fruit.

"Very supportive." Zhou Yun hiccupped.

Zheng Xiaoju knew that Zhou Yun was gaining weight, so he couldn't persuade Zhou Yun to eat less.

"Eat slowly." Zheng Xiaoju could only say so, "Slow down."

Zhou Yun sighed, "I really didn't expect that I could still eat until I felt like vomiting."

Zheng Xiaoju took a sip of milk and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, why don't I make you a glass of orange juice? It relieves your boredom."

"Forget it, don't get me orange juice, I still have a glass of milk here." Zhou Yun asked, "Have I gained weight recently?"

"I'm getting fatter, and I have a circle of flesh on my face." Zheng Xiaoju said very honestly, "I think it looks better like this now."

Zhou Yun: "I also think I'm a little fatter. Last night I found that my waist has grown flesh. I didn't have any fat before."

"I'll lose weight after filming this movie." Zheng Xiaoju cheered Zhou Yun on.

After breakfast, Zhou Yun was about to leave when suddenly someone came up and wanted to take a group photo.

Zhou Yun said: "I don't even wear makeup today, I'm unkempt."

The other party said: "How come, it's so beautiful, you are my goddess."

Focusing on these words, Zhou Yun happily took a photo with someone.

"Thank you, thank you." The other party thanked happily.

"Oh, if I knew there were so many people in the restaurant, I should have put on some makeup before coming down." Zhou Yun said.

Zheng Xiaoju: "Ah, then Miss Xiaoyun, you saw so many people in the restaurant just now, why didn't you go up and touch up your makeup?"

Zhou Yun was speechless: "..."

Did she not think of it?No, she is just lazy and narcissistic, believing that she is beautiful even without makeup.

(End of this chapter)

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