Chapter 387
After breakfast, Zhou Yun still hadn't received today's notice.

Looks like we won't be able to shoot today.

Zhou Yun was already mentally prepared, and after receiving the official notice, she didn't say anything.

Instead, the coordinator who came to inform her in person looked apologetic.

"Sister Luo Qi told me yesterday that a script reading meeting was arranged this morning, is it still going on?" Zhou Yun asked.

The coordinator was stunned for a moment, and said falteringly: "I... haven't received this notice, I'll ask right away."

"Forget it, don't ask, everyone is probably very busy, you can go and do your work." Zhou Yun said, "Just give me the notice when it comes out."

The coordinator smiled gratefully at Zhou Yun and said, "Thank you, Miss Zhou, for your understanding."


It's winter, it's freezing outside, and she can't go out.

Zhou Yun was bored reading in the hotel room all morning.

Suddenly Zhou Lan called.

Zhou Yun thought that Zhou Lan had heard about the situation on the crew's side and came to inquire about the situation. Who knew that Zhou Yun would be reprimanded by Zhou Lan as soon as the call was connected.

"Are you a pig? Eat so much in public!"

Zhou Yun was stunned.


Zhou Lan: "You were eating breakfast in the restaurant, and someone took a video and uploaded it on the Internet. Now netizens are talking about why you eat so much!"

Zhou Yun: "Huh?"

"Just what happened this morning? Why don't you pay attention to this in public? You don't even know if you were secretly photographed."

"No, so many people filmed me, how did I know someone was still recording the video." Zhou Yun retorted, "What's going on?"

Zhou Lanyan summed it up succinctly: "There's nothing wrong with it. It's just that passers-by say that you eat more than men, and black fans say that you've also started hyping up the foodies."

Zhou Yun suddenly became annoyed, "It's none of their business how much I eat."

"Those people on the Internet, don't you know? They can pick on the bones in the egg, and they can pick and stab you in every word and deed."

"Then you still criticize me? No matter what I do, they will criticize me." Zhou Yun said.

"No, big sister, I watched that video, and you can eat it too!" Zhou Lan said helplessly, "Even I am embarrassed to say that you have a normal appetite, let alone a female star, what normal person would Take a bowl of noodles, a plate of barbecue, a piece of fruit and a glass of milk for breakfast."

Zhou Yun: "...Aren't I gaining weight for the role?"

"Yes, many people say that with your appetite, it's no wonder that your face has gained weight recently." Zhou Lan said.

Zhou Yun rolled his eyes: "None of their business."

Still this sentence.

"It's really worrying, don't go to eat in public places at this time." Zhou Lan said, "You can't hang a sign on your chest that says, don't disturb while gaining weight for the character."

Zhou Yun rolled his eyes and said, "I can't hang a sign on my chest, but I can post this sentence on Weibo."

Zhou Lan: "..."

Zhou Lan was silent for a few seconds, then said, "It doesn't seem to be impossible."

Zhou Yun: "Then I'll post on Weibo, really, these people are in a hurry."

"If you're not busy, you won't pay attention to these gossips in the entertainment industry." Zhou Lan said, "Relax your mind, public figures, even if you have blisters on your feet, people will pay attention."

Zhou Yun: "Then why not give him a pair of socks that I have worn for seven days."

"..." Zhou Lan hesitated for a moment and asked, "You don't really have a pair of socks that haven't been changed for seven days, do you?"

"I'm going to spray you with a mouthful of blood." Zhou Yun rolled his eyes.

At noon, Zheng Xiaoju inquired about the latest news, and briskly came to report to Zhou Yun.

"Sister Xiaoyun, the latest news is that Feng Chaotian is definitely not coming to the show. He has already appeared at the opening ceremony of "Commission"." Zheng Xiaoju turned on her mobile phone, found a photo, and handed it to Zhou Yun, " Look, the one in the middle of the first row."

Zhou Yun saw Feng Chaotian in the photo, and behind this group of people, hung a banner: "Commission" has a good start, tune in Changhong!

"Then who will replace him, is it decided?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zheng Xiaoju shook his head, "Everyone is guessing, and there is no certainty. Sister Xiaoyun, who do you want to replace?"

Zhou Yun: "Me? It doesn't count if I say it."

Zheng Xiaoju said: "But your opinion is very important. Someone has heard from the coordinator that this matter can only be decided after discussing with you."

"Nonsense, who sent the news." Zhou Yun shook his head, "It has nothing to do with me."


In the afternoon, Shi Luoqi knocked on Zhou Yun's door.

She came to tell Zhou Yun the news.

"We have contacted Wei Zhichang, unfortunately, he has already accepted another drama, and there is no schedule."

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

No schedule?
No, Gu Huaichun told her last night that Wei Zhichang was willing to act in this play.

How could this be?
But when Shi Luoqi said that, Zhou Yun couldn't say anything.She couldn't tell Shi Luoqi that she only contacted Gu Huaichun last night and that Wei Zhichang had a schedule.There must be something wrong in the middle.

"Then what should we do?" Zhou Yun asked.

The filming has already started, even if the filming of the role of Meng Fanyan will not be filmed until later, it will take time to find actors and get familiar with the script.

Shi Luoqi said: "I will find an actor here. If you have a suitable one, you can also recommend it to me, and I will get in touch."

The role of Meng Fanyan is a scumbag, and many actors are unwilling to play it.

There is no suitable person around Zhou Yun.

She really felt that Wei Zhichang from last time was quite suitable.

After Shi Luoqi left, Zhou Yun immediately contacted Gu Huaichun.

"What's going on with Wei Zhichang? The producer of my drama told me just now that Wei Zhichang said he has a problem with his schedule and can't come?"

"What? Wait, let me ask." Gu Huaichun was also confused.

After a while, Gu Huaichun called back, very embarrassed, and said: "I'm sorry, he said he thought about it, but he chose another play. He has a play appointment in his hand, and he has already discussed it with others. It’s almost there, when I contacted him yesterday, he said without much thought that he wanted to go to your place, but after thinking about it for a long time, he didn’t want to release people at this time, so after much deliberation, he decided to give up this place.”

"That's it, okay." Zhou Yun nodded, "There is no other way."

"I'm sorry, I made an oolong." Gu Huaichun apologized to Zhou Yun.

"Oh, it's okay."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun sighed.

The actor opened the skylight, and the set hurriedly rushed to it, and finally got it out.

It wasn't until this time that Zhou Yun was able to meet Xue Qin.

Xue Qin had two big dark circles under her eyes, and she didn't have a good rest.

"Director." Zhou Yun walked in front of Xue Qin refreshed, forming a stark contrast with her.

Xue Qin took a closer look at her, sighed, and said, "Why do you grow a little fat, but look like a lazy lady, without any sense of fatigue in life?"

Zhou Yun: "..."

"Recently, I ate well, slept well, and looked good." Zhou Yun said, "If you feel tired, I will stay up for a few nights and put on some makeup, and the state will come out."

Xue Qin covered her mouth with one hand and yawned.

"Okay, I let you, a busy person, wait for a day, so you're in a hurry?"

"No rush, slow work and meticulous work, how and when the crew will shoot, I'm up to you." Zhou Yun said, "Did you not sleep much yesterday? You can't look at your eyes."

Xue Qin nodded, "I just slept for two hours, there are a lot of troubles, all kinds of troubles to be solved."

Zhou Yun asked: "Then you rest for a while?"

"Take a break, I have to read the materials of the candidate actors with Sister Luo Qi tonight, the role of Meng Fanyan has not yet been decided." Xue Qin yawned, "Let's not talk about this, you sit with Zhang Mo and chat for a while Tomorrow's play, and your understanding of the characters."

Zhou Yun nodded and took his seat.

She and Zhang Mo first expressed their opinions and expressed their understanding.

Xue Qin nodded, "That's what I mean. Anyway, I've watched both of you act, and you're both very good at acting. Don't lose your temper tomorrow. I've stayed up late for the past two days and suffered from a nervous breakdown."

Xue Qin still spoke so bluntly that Zhou Yun couldn't help laughing.

Xue Qin hurried to another meeting.

Zhou Yun and Zhang Mo stayed in the conference room.

"The director is so busy." Zhang Mo sighed.

Zhou Yun nodded, deeply convinced, and asked, "How about we chat for a while?"

Zhang Mo nodded and said yes.

"Do you think Zhong Qiulai and Wen Duoyan are in love?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhang Mo nodded without much hesitation, "It must be in love."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun was taken aback, "Are you so determined?"

Zhang Mo said: "If two people don't love each other, they probably won't be able to talk about their relationship for so long."

"When I was reading the script, I kept thinking about a question. If these two people are in love, why would Zhong Qiulai not accompany Wen Duoyan back when they are in love?"

Zhang Mo was taken aback.

"Because of work." He said as a matter of course, "They are all grown-ups. How can anyone say that they accompany people back to China? They have worked hard in the United States for so long, and Zhong Qiulai did not expect Wen Duoyan to return to China." From Zhong Qiu's point of view, Wen Duoyan is just going back to China to visit relatives, and he will be back soon."

"But when Wen Duoyan revealed that she wanted to stay and settle in the country, Zhong Qiulai only made phone calls and video calls from the beginning to the end, until the two of them were about to break up. He never thought about flying. Come here and ask Wen to say more, don’t you?” Zhou Yun expressed his doubts, “Of course, it’s also possible that I’ve got into a dead end, and when I’m substituting myself, what I care about most is this issue, that is, you and I We quarreled so much that we were about to break up. We are a couple in love. At this time, you are not willing to fly over and have a face-to-face talk with me? To be honest, if the person I love really did this, I will In the end, I will definitely not be so determined not to return to the United States."

Zhang Mo glanced at Zhou Yun in surprise, and said, "You and I have completely different views."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun was taken aback.

"You know, when I was reading this script, although I knew that Zhong Qiulai was not a perfect boyfriend, I really could understand what Zhong Qiulai did." Zhang Mo said frankly, "Look Well, Zhong Qiulai and Wen Duoyan are actually not doing very well in the United States, right? Even though the script doesn’t say what Zhong Qiulai does, I don’t think the two of them are actually that kind of elite. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be renting such a small apartment together. In this case, a plane ticket to fly back to China is very expensive, and for them, it’s not something they can afford casually.”

Zhou Yun was stunned for a moment.

Because she hadn't thought about it before.

"If Zhong Qiulai doesn't like Wen Duoyan, why would he call her every day to inquire about the progress and when she will come back?" Zhang Mo said, "Frankly speaking, few men around me can persist I call my girlfriend every day to ask her about her health."

Zhou Yun was stunned again.

"So when I was reading the script, I actually felt that Zhong Qiulai was powerless throughout the whole process. He wanted Wen Duoyan to return to him, but every phone call backfired. Many problems that did not exist before have arisen during this time." Zhang Mo continued to analyze from his perspective, "Especially a very important point, you see Zhong Qiulai asked Wen Duoyan many times why she wanted to stay in China , I don’t want to go back, Wen Duoyan has never given an exact reason, of course, from the perspective of God, we can see what Wen Duoyan has experienced, and we can understand why Wen Duoyan made such a choice , but Zhong Qiulai doesn't know these things, he can only feel a little bit, Wen Duoyan is hesitating, refusing to tell him the truth, then think about it in another way, what would Zhong Qiulai think? Supplement, is Wen Duoyan dissatisfied with his life in the United States, to put it bluntly, their life in the United States is not good, so Zhong Qiulai is not so confident."

Zhou Yun suddenly understood what Zhang Mo meant.

"I understand."

Zhang Mo smiled bitterly, "I'm just telling you in private that this script has brought a lot of the director's own experience and shadows. It tells Wen Duoyan's mood changes and stories. The perspective is different, which makes us watch the clock. The character of Qiulai will bring some negative impressions, because the script only shows Zhong Qiulai and Wen Duoyan getting angry again and again. We can’t explain Zhong Qiulai’s richness as much as we give Wen Duoyan, which makes him somewhat flat and labelled.”

"Is this the academic school?" Zhou Yun admired Zhang Mo sincerely, "Amazing."

Zhang Mo laughed twice, and said, "Don't hurt me, you're playing tricks in front of the actress, don't think I talk too much."

"How come, this is the way to communicate in a rivalry scene." Zhou Yun's eyes lit up, and he said, "If you didn't talk about what just happened from Zhong Qiulai's perspective, I would never have thought that I would treat Zhong Qiulai as a A person with a particularly bad temper, even if I would question whether Zhong Qiulai loves me, then my reaction would be completely different."

"I am not very honored to be praised by the actress." Zhang Mo bowed artificially, "Looking forward to the rivalry."

Zhou Yun shook his hand quickly and said, "Don't have too high expectations for me. My ugly words come first. Everyone says I have talent in acting. That's what they praise me for. I'm just a rookie actor. Like you have received professional training, you often act by instinct, there are inaccuracies, so many times I may have to shoot a scene three or four times to find the right way, don't think I'm troublesome."

Zhang Mo looked at Zhou Yun in surprise.

"You really don't have the airs of a movie queen at all."

"Because you finally realized the other me outside the camera." Zhou Yun said with a smile.

The two talked and laughed.

Back at the hotel at night, Zhou Yun received a message from Zheng Xiaowen: Xiaoyun, the first draft of the script of our play is out!

Zhou Yun was a little surprised.

After a few months, Zheng Xiaowen really came out?
Zhou Yun sent an applauding emoji and said: When can I see it?
Zheng Xiaowen said: I have sent someone to fly to you with a copy of the script, and I can hand it over to you tomorrow morning.

In this era of advanced Internet, scripts are still delivered in this traditional way, mainly for the sake of keeping secrets and not leaking them.

Zhou Yun said: Okay, then I will wait for the script.

Zheng Xiaowen: I went to see Yu Zhiyang today, and this young man is more silent than before.

Zhou Yun: Really?I haven't seen him for a long time, and speaking of it, I don't even have his contact information.

Zheng Xiaowen: He is indeed handsome, but he looks so gloomy. When he came to meet me, two bodyguards followed him every step of the way.

Zhou Yun hesitated for a moment, thinking, those two bodyguards may not be there to protect him, he is now a newcomer and a man, so why does he need such protection, probably Xu Guiying arranged to watch him.

Zhou Yun: Is he filming other movies now?
Zheng Xiaowen: I asked, and they said no.

Perhaps Xu Guiying was still unhappy?

No way, since Xu Guiying agreed to let him make this movie, why did he stop him from making other movies?

Zhou Yun couldn't figure it out.


The next day, after wasting a whole day, "Words of Fallen Leaves" finally started filming.

Zhou Yun and Zhang Mo sat on the set.

Xue Qin told the two of them about the scene to be filmed later.

Zhou Yun found that Xue Qin's dark circles were getting heavier.

(End of this chapter)

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