I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 388 The first scene

Chapter 388 The First Scene
"Later take the shot of the two of you crooked on the bed."

As soon as Xue Qin opened her mouth, she gave Zhou Yun a big news.

Zhou Yun didn't expect to shoot this scene as soon as the filming of the scene started.

She thought Xue Qin would wait until she got a little more familiar with Zhang Mo before taking pictures.

"It's too fast." Zhou Yun said, "Just go to bed."

Zhang Mo held back his smile, and there was actually some embarrassment in his smile.

Xue Qin: "Both of you are professional actors, no problem, right? The main thing is to wait for you to get familiar with this scene before filming. It is even more difficult to shoot. According to my experience, people who are familiar with this kind of scene will laugh out loud. It’s amazing, I don’t want to spend a whole day with you guys like this.”

"I'll work hard." Zhang Mo said.

It's hard for Zhou Yun to say that he can't shoot. To put it bluntly, it's just a psychological problem. In terms of practical operation, when is it not good to shoot?

She said, "OK, come on."

Still, it's not some stripped-down drama.

Zhou Yun was really not ready for such a play.

She changed into casual pajamas, put down her hair, rubbed it vigorously, and then smoothed it out again, only then did she feel frizzy.

She lay down on the bed and tried to sleep.

The quilt and quilt cover are worn out at first glance.

"Don't worry, they have been specially cleaned and sterilized." Xue Qin explained.

Zhou Yun nodded, then turned his head and looked around, looking at the surrounding environment.

At this time, Zhang Mo also came out.

He was just wearing underwear and a short sleeve, and his legs were bare.

Xue Qin took a look and said, "The short sleeves are a bit new, take them off, rub them, and wrinkle them."

Zhang Mo took off his short sleeves and rubbed them.

Probably because he didn't have much experience of being naked in front of so many people before, Zhang Mo was rarely a little shy, and his head bowed a little.

Zhou Yun was lying on the bed, half up.

After Zhang Mo took care of the short sleeves and put them on again, Xue Qin was satisfied, nodded, and said, "Lie down."

Zhang Mo walked to the edge of the bed, his face turned red, and he whispered to Zhou Yun, "Then, then I'm coming up."

Zhou Yun saw that Zhang Mo was so nervous, but he became less nervous.

Xue Qin stood calmly by the bed. She looked at the two of them without being affected by their shyness and embarrassment at all. Like a robot, she looked at them calmly.

"You two are a couple, what are you doing so far apart?" Xue Qin looked at the distance between the two of them speechless and could fit a third person, "Could it be that you are so far away from your lover? ?”

Zhou Yun's cheeks were slightly red.

Zhang Mo turned to Zhou Yun and said, "Then I, come here."

Zhou Yun took a deep breath and said to Xue Qin: "Director, please tell us first, how will we perform this scene later."

"You are free to play, there are only three lines in the script."

The awkward atmosphere is still going on.

Zhou Yun felt that he needed to communicate with Zhang Mo.

"How come later?" she asked.

She didn't expect that Zhang Mo's face was as red as a monkey's butt.

I saw Zhang Mo's eloquent talk yesterday, but I didn't expect him to be so shy easily.

"Ah? How, how come?" Zhang Mo didn't react at all.

Zhou Yun smiled helplessly, and said, "The director asked us to act as a couple, and we have to get tired on the bed."

"Uh..." Zhang Mo opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

Zhou Yun could only look at Xue Qin for help.

"Director, the two of us are a bit reluctant to let go now, don't let us play freely, just tell us how you want us to act."

Xue Qin immediately glanced at them with "Why are these two guys so unlucky?"

She lay on the bed suddenly, and stepped directly over Zhang Mo's body, making Zhang Mo tremble in fright. At the moment Xue Qin stepped over his body, he thought Xue Qin was going to ride on him.

Xue Qin lay down directly between the two of them, "Zhang Mo, watch."

Zhang Mo blushed like a cooked shrimp and nodded.

Xue Qin put her hand on Zhou Yun's waist very naturally, rubbing it lightly.

But that was where Zhou Yun was very sensitive, and he was so itchy that he curled up his body, "Hahahaha..."

Xue Qin looked at her speechlessly.

"I'm sorry." Zhou Yun apologized.

Xue Qin continued to demonstrate.

Zhou Yun realized that he had become a prop in Xue Qin's hands. Xue Qin moved her body around, fiddled with her hair for a while, and the fat around her waist for a while, and leaned over again for a while, while following her Zhang Mo said, "You can rub her cheek at this time", while calmly looking at her face.

This feeling is so... strange.

Zhou Yun felt like he didn't dare to move easily.

At this moment, Xue Qin suddenly sat up and faced her.

"You too, you are not a doll, what are you doing lying here like a dead body?" Xue Qin looked at her dissatisfied, "There is no reaction at all, don't tell me you are like a zombie when Song Chi touches your body no response?"

Zhou Yun looked at Xue Qin in disbelief.

When the people around heard Xue Qin's words, they all held back their smiles.

Zhou Yun couldn't help sighing in his heart: God.

She held back her eyes and said, "I have a thin skin."

"I can see it." Xue Qin cast a look of resentment, "Try it again, there is no way, it is always like this when filming this kind of scene, few people can get rid of the psychological pain right away. burden."

Under Xue Qin's urging, Zhou Yun and Zhang Mo tried twice more.

As Xue Qin said, after trying it twice, the psychological burden and embarrassment gradually disappeared.

"Why did you shoot this scene, and the importance of this scene, you should all know?" Xue Qin said, "You only have the shots of this scene, so you can tell the audience clearly that the love between the two of you The relationship between Zhou Yun, Zhou Yun’s entanglement after returning to China, and Zhang Mo’s repeated phone calls to urge Zhou Yun to come back are all based on this scene. The audience must firmly believe from the beginning that this is a pair that has been together for a long time and has been together for a long time. I'm used to couples, so I can't have special desires, and I can't be ordinary. I have to have the feeling similar to an old couple, but it's the kind of old couple who have passed the period of passionate love and entered a deeper level but the relationship has not yet died. old wife."

Zhou Yun and Zhang Mo nodded.

"Today I have to film this scene first. I know it's a bit embarrassing to ask you to act in an emotional scene, but you two are professionals, not newcomers. You can do it, so it doesn't matter how many times you film it. Today you must I photographed the two of you completely removing the obstacles in my heart."

Xue Qin finished speaking involuntarily, and waved her hand, "Okay, I'm starting to shoot here, and I won't give you a chance to try. I think if you keep trying, you won't be able to fully enter the state."

Zhou Yun pursed his lips.

She knew Xue Qin was right.Indeed, the few times she tried just now, she still stretched the string.

It was shot in a studio, and no natural light was used.

Zhou Yun and Zhang Mo shot again and again, but Xue Qin didn't speak anymore, just stayed behind the camera, shouting "do it again" again and again.

Zhou Yun felt that his strength and energy were being consumed bit by bit.

The same is true of Zhang Mo.

I don't know how many times it was retaken, Zhou Yun lay back on the pillow again, and suddenly thought, if this role was played by Song Chi, what would she look like?
Will she still have a grudge?

"Zhang Mo."


"Let's take it seriously." Zhou Yun said, "Don't think about other things, you don't have a girlfriend yet, right?"

"Uh, no."

"So, you are single, I am not single." Zhou Yun sat up abruptly, "Wait for me."

She raised her hand for the camera.

"Director, give me five minutes."

Xue Qin didn't know what Zhou Yun was going to do, but she agreed anyway.

Zhou Yun got out of bed and walked up to Zheng Xiaoju, "Xiaoju, give me my phone."

Zheng Xiaoju immediately handed the phone to Zhou Yun.

She walked to an empty corner and called Song Chi.

Song Chi quickly answered the phone.

"Xiao Yun."


"Are you...not filming now?" Song Chi asked.

"It's filming, I'm on the set." Zhou Yun said softly, "I have something to tell you."

"Huh? You said."

"The scene I'm filming needs to be in bed with another actor, showing a little intimacy." Zhou Yun said, "I haven't been able to enter the state, and I have a grudge in my heart. After thinking about it, I think I still need to be serious with Tell me."

Song Chi was silent for a while, then laughed, and said, "I see."

"I'm a professional actor. I can't shoot a very necessary scene, but I can't concentrate on filming this scene without your knowledge."

"I see."

"That's just work."


"I will pay attention to proportion."

"it is good."

"Then I'll go take a picture."

"Xiaoyun." Song Chi suddenly called out.


"I know that one day I will be as entangled as you are today, but I know that one day you will be in the same mood as I am now. Although you are a little jealous and unwilling, you still support me [-]%." ​​Song Chi said, "Shoot well, when the time comes, it will be released, and when this shot is released, you will cover my eyes with your hand."

Zhou Yun bit his lip and smiled.

"We are professional actors. If this scene is necessary, there is only one choice, to shoot."


Zhou Yun lay back on the bed again.

Zhang Mo asked, "Did you call Song Chi just now?"

Zhou Yun rolled his eyes at him, "Quiet."

Zhang Mo was taken aback.

Zhou Yun took a deep breath and said to Xue Qin, "Director, I'm ready."

Xue Qin: "All departments are ready, Action!"

Zhou Yun sat on Zhang Mo's body with lightning speed, and grabbed Zhang Mo's collar with one hand.

Zhang Mo was dumbfounded.

This is different from what is written in the script!

Everyone present was stunned, wondering what happened to Zhou Yun, changing the script without authorization?

Xue Qin narrowed her eyes.

Zhou Yun looked at Zhang Mo angrily, condescendingly and provocatively, and asked, "Aren't you afraid that I will go back, won't you come back?"

Zhang Mo was stunned for a few seconds, not knowing how to react, because it was not written in the script.

But when he saw the stubborn light in Zhou Yun's eyes, he was also drawn into the scene.

"You are willing to give up on me?"

He grabbed Zhou Yun's hand, pulled it to his mouth, and suddenly kissed him forcefully.

The next second, Zhang Mo turned around and pressed Zhou Yun under him, leaning over to look at Zhou Yun.

Between the two people's eyes, the light and shadow are moving.

The faces, facial features, and expressions of the two people are gradually condensed in the moving light and shadow.

Zhou Yun suddenly vented his anger and said, "If you don't accompany me, I'm a little nervous by myself. I haven't seen them for so many years."

Zhang Mo also vented his energy, turned over, and lay down next to Zhou Yun, but raised one hand, hugging Zhou Yun into his arms, and gently stroking Zhou Yun's hair with his hand.

"It's okay, meet them. If you're happy, stay a few more days. If you're not, come back early. I haven't seen you for so many years. It's still your relative."


"Crack!" Xue Qin shouted.

Zhou Yun and Zhang Mo were stunned at the same time, as if they woke up from a dream at the same time.

And Zhang Mo was stunned for the first time after waking up.He realized something that shocked him, Zhou Yun brought him into the play just now.

Although Zhang Mo is also young, not well-known, and has not acted in a few film and television dramas, he has always been very proud.Having a background in drama, he has full confidence in his acting skills, which also made him not at all shy when he learned that he was going to act with Zhou Yun.He is a person who has full confidence in his professional ability.

He never thought that he and Zhou Yun would be brought into the film on the first day they were filming.

No matter how strong Zhou Yun's ability is, it is very obvious that Zhou Yun, the actress, is not even as mature as him in terms of technology.

But she has a terrifying talent for instant explosiveness and empathy.

Zhang Mo knew exactly when he was brought into the rhythm.

It was the moment when Zhou Yun turned over and rode directly on him, and looked down at him. That look, that look seemed to go straight into his heart. The kind of staring, there is [-]% trust in the face of the most familiar and closest people, and based on this trust, provocations similar to coquettish.

In that glance, Zhang Mo saw his former girlfriend looking at him.

Hundreds of turns and thousands of times, memories came one after another.

Xue Qin came over and stood still in front of them.

Zhou Yun sat up, hugged the quilt, and looked at Xue Qin.

"Finally it looks a little bit better." Xue Qin said with a straight face.

With this expression, if you didn't listen to what she said, you might think she was criticizing someone.

Zhou Yun said: "I didn't follow the script just now, but I'm finally comfortable with the performance. Come back to a few more later, give me a few opportunities to play freely, and I'll warm up again."

Zhang Mo stared in surprise.

"Hot, warm up?"

What did he hear?
Wasn't it a formal performance just now?

Zhou Yun smiled at Zhang Mo, and said, "Just follow the script, there are too many shackles, warm up, and then we will act according to the script."

Zhang Mo was a little confused.

Xue Qin understood what Zhou Yun said.

After thinking for a while, she nodded and said, "OK, take a break for two minutes and come back."

After two minutes, do it again.

Zhou Yun changed his acting method again.

She propped her arms up, supported her head, and looked at Zhang Mo, only smiling and not speaking.

Zhang Mo didn't know what Zhou Yun was trying to trick, so he responded subconsciously: "You, why are you looking at me like that?"

His reaction at this time was like a boyfriend with a guilty conscience.

Without saying a word, Zhou Yun leaned over, hugged the back of Zhang Mo's head, turned around, and turned his back to the camera.

From the camera, Zhou Yun is kissing Zhang Mo's mouth.

In fact, Zhou Yun just kissed his arm.

After a few seconds of passiveness, Zhang Mo suddenly pressed Zhou Yun under his body forcefully again, as if he had been beaten with chicken blood.

What Zhang Mo didn't expect was that Zhou Yun kicked him directly on the knee.

Zhang Mo hissed in pain and leaned to one side.

"What are you doing?"

His eyebrows furrowed.

Zhou Yun's smile suddenly became very wicked and brilliant.

She curled her lips, pouted and said, "It's nothing."

Zhang Moqi laughed, turned into a big tiger, and pounced on it.

"Go away!"

Zhou Yun and Zhang Mo pushed and shoved, laughing and arguing with Zhang Mo at the same time.



The second one, which is completely different, is finished.

Zhou Yun sat up from the bed, looked at Xue Qin who was walking over, "Director, how are you?"

Xue Qin nodded: "Yes."

She turned her head and raised her chin to Zhang Mo, which meant that she cooperated well just now.

Zhang Mo lay on the bed, grinning his teeth, and said, "Your kick just now was too real!"

Zhou Yun: "I didn't control the strength well. I mistook you for Song Chi and kicked you."

"Song Chi is too pitiful!" Zhang Mo protested in place of Song Chi.

Zhou Yun said proudly: "Song Chi won't feel pitiful."

Readjust the light, touch up makeup, and shoot again.

At the end of the filming, Zhou Yun felt very hungry.

She asked, "What time is it? Why do I feel like I'm going to scream from hunger."

Zheng Xiaoju said, "Sister Xiaoyun, it's almost two o'clock."


"Well, it's afternoon." Zheng Xiaoju said.

They started filming this scene at nine o'clock in the morning, and they have been filming until now.

Shi Luoqi clapped his hands and said: "Okay, everyone has worked hard, let's put the food first, and eat quickly."

Xue Qin took off the earphones, still with the expressionless face, nodded to Zhou Yun and Zhang Mo, and said, "Let's eat first, keep fit, and wait for the last one, keep one."

Zhou Yun and Zhang Mo nodded and got out of bed to put on their shoes.

"I'm so tired." She didn't care about Xue Qin's expressionless face, and threw her whole body on top of her, "Lend me a while."

Xue Qin reacted fiercely like a cat whose fur has exploded: "I'm a person who only slept for two hours yesterday, please lend me a moment! Get up and drive."

Zhou Yun was shaken away by Xue Qin.

Zhou Yun: "..."

Xue Qin yawned, "I'm going to catch up on sleep."

"Go quickly." Zhou Yun yawned as he said, "I want to take a nap too."

Xue Qin rolled her eyes across.

Shi Luoqi said: "It's been hard work, let's take a rest for an hour, after eating, everyone will rest for a while, and recharge your batteries."

"Long live Sister Luo Qi." Zhou Yun cheered.


The job of acting is the same as other jobs, you can choose to be tired, or you can choose not to be tired.

If you don’t want to be so tired, you can choose some easy-to-shoot scenes without hard-working roles. Relying on the fame you have accumulated before, you can also lightly earn a salary that ordinary people cannot earn, and live a relaxed and comfortable life.

But if you want to go a little further on this road, to explore a little deeper, if you want to be not just an actor, but a great actor, or a performance artist, then you have to pay All your energy has nothing to do with how much you get paid, your reputation, or even whether the movie you act in is popular or not.Any great actor will not affect their performance requirements because of any external factors.

Every profession may be different, but in any profession, if you want to reach a certain height, you must not only rely on other people's constraints on you, but on your own requirements. You must be patient and sit on the bench. It takes more than ten years to persevere, hone yourself, and improve yourself.

Zhou Yun has such a requirement for herself. It doesn't matter if she doesn't act well at the beginning, can't get into the state, or has other mistakes. You can't be perfunctory at will, you have only one standard for your own requirements, be ruthless with yourself, and have a heart for the role.


Zhou Yun was quite satisfied with his first scene in "Words of Fallen Leaves".

"The filming is over." Zhou Yun made a video call to Song Chi while eating.

Song Chi asked in surprise, "Did you just eat?"

"Well, I just had dinner." Zhou Yun said, "I read the script and thought it would be over if I just shot two shots. I didn't expect it to be so difficult. The director's requirements are very high."

Song Chi smiled and said, "You ask Zheng Xiaoju to prepare some chocolates, biscuits and so on for you. If you can't eat on time, you can eat some during halftime, so as to cushion your stomach and not ruin your stomach."


Zheng Xiaoju, who was sitting next to Zhou Yun, poked his head over and interjected, "Don't worry, Brother Chi, I'll go shopping tonight."

Zhou Yun pushed Zheng Xiaoju's head away.

"What are you doing now?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi said: "Looking at the script, I haven't seen a suitable script."

"You have started your own company now, and haven't seen a suitable script yet?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

"I don't have anything in particular that I want to act in. Some of the scripts are good. The company will study whether they should approve the project." Song Chi said, "I don't particularly want to act in a play produced by my company."

""Questing the Heart" is very popular now, isn't there a big director who came to ask you to make a movie?" Zhou Yun asked.

"Yes, there is, but I'm a little hesitant because the script is a bit ordinary." Song Chi showed hesitation, "I'm not very interested."

"Are you asking too much?"

"Maybe, at my current age, the roles I can choose are actually not very wide." Song Chi smiled helplessly, "It's not a teenager anymore, but it's not yet a mature middle-aged person. I think there are many roles. The roles I want to try are not suitable for me.”

"You male actors get more and more popular the older you get, but our actresses get less and less popular the older you get." Zhou Yun sighed.

"Don't sigh, the market is getting better and more diverse. The company has given the green light to two female-themed projects. The protagonists are all women in their fifties. The script is well written. We are looking for suitable producers. The team." Song Chi said, "We are making such efforts, and the market is also paying more attention to actresses of this age."

Zhou Yun: "Yes."

"By the way, I heard that "Days" is going to be filmed." Song Chi suddenly said something that shocked Zhou Yun.

"The drama version?"

"Didn't you receive the news? I thought you knew about it." Song Chi said, "Xindun has been approved and filed."

"Yao Yuanfeng has been thinking about making a second film before, but Wen Bing is not very interested, and I didn't take it. Now that he can't make a sequel, he plans to make a drama version?"

"After all, it's to make money." Song Chi said, "It's normal for him to want to do this, from a business point of view."

"Leave him alone, I haven't received any news." Zhou Yun curled his lips, "To be honest, this movie is completely Wen Bing's own creation. Without him, I can't imagine what this movie would be like. Moreover, The male protagonist does not appear in the camera for the whole time, so a two-hour movie is fine, but if it is made into a TV series, with such a long episode, can the audience really stick to it?"

"Adaptation doesn't have to be a complete copy of the movie. It's not impossible for the male protagonist to appear in the camera." Song Chi said, "Anyway, as long as it bears this name, the attention will not be low."


"The Aoki Award ceremony is in January, will you attend it then?" Song Chi asked.

"I don't know. Sister Lan hasn't told me about it yet, but at that time "Words of Fallen Leaves" hadn't finished, so I might not have time to participate."

"Your agent should still want you to attend this kind of awards ceremony, and I will probably negotiate with the crew and ask for a leave of absence." Song Chi said, "Generally speaking, the crew will agree. "

"Xue Qin's words may not be certain." Zhou Yun said, "She was on the set today, and she had no expression throughout the whole process. I was a little bit at a loss how to deal with it. Later, I figured it out. No matter what happens to her, I will do my own thing well. "

"You don't need to worry about this matter, the Zhoulan will negotiate for you."


"I still hope you can participate." Song Chi added.


Song Chi grinned, "I have received an invitation from the organizing committee to be the award presenter for Best Actress."

Zhou Yun's eyes lit up, and he said in surprise, "Is it true?"

"Really, so, if possible, I hope to hand over the trophy to you with my own hands." Song Chi said.

Zhou Yun: "I'm so moved by what you said."

"Well, well, you can eat, and we will talk about it later."



After hanging up the video call, Zhou Yun stretched, and suddenly noticed a piercing gaze staring at her.

Zhou Yun turned his head to look.

Zheng Xiaoju stared at her and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, you must go to the Aoki Awards ceremony."


"Brother Chi is presenting you with an award!" Zheng Xiaoju said with enthusiasm from a CP fan, "If this scene really happened, it would be so classic! Then Brother Chi will send you a congratulatory kiss in front of everyone, what--"

Zhou Yun: "..."

Zheng Xiaoju: "Trust me, Sister Xiaoyun, Brother Chi might really do this!"

Zhou Yun was thoughtful, and she suddenly realized that what Zheng Xiaoju said might be true.

That guy Song Chi looks serious, but he's actually a funny one. In terms of the relationship between the two of them, he has always been the one who is more generous and willing to make public.

Kissing at an awards show?

This scene really moved her a little bit.

 Seven thousand words update!

(End of this chapter)

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