Chapter 389

At seven o'clock in the evening, the first day of filming was over and work was over.

What Zhou Yun didn't expect was that all day today, he actually filmed a scene in this room.

In the end, Zhou Yun couldn't remember how many times he came here, and he became paralyzed.

It was obvious that work was done early, but Zhou Yun felt like he had stayed up all night, so he went back to his room to take a shower, dry his hair, and then fell asleep.

In a daze, the phone rang.

Seeing that it was Zhou Lan's call, she answered it and said, "Sister Lan, I'm so tired and I'm sleeping. If you're not in a hurry, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Zhou Lan said yes.

This sleep lasted until six o'clock in the morning the next day, and I woke up naturally, refreshed.

Zhou Yun let out a long yawn.

Looking at the phone, Zhou Lan actually sent her a message ten minutes ago: Call me back when you wake up.

Why did Zhou Lan get up so early?
Zhou Yun suddenly remembered the phone call last night.

Does Zhou Lan have something to tell her?
Zhou Yun immediately called Zhou Lan back.

"Are you awake?" Zhou Lan said, "Were you tired from filming yesterday? I called you at nine o'clock, and you were already asleep."

"I'm so tired, I'm exhausted." Zhou Yun stammered, "Did you call me last night for something?"

"Well, it's like this. Binhai Satellite TV wants to invite the crew of "Questioning the Heart" to the New Year's Eve party this year, because "Questioning the Heart" is broadcast on Binhai Satellite TV and has a high ratings. It was broadcast on, and both parties hope that you can participate." Zhou Lan said, "It's nothing else, this time it mainly involves the promotion of the drama "Questing the Heart". If you join the party together, you will definitely be able to achieve The good publicity effect may further increase the ratings.”

Zhou Yun said with some embarrassment: "For the New Year's Eve live broadcast, do you need a rehearsal? This continuous leave of absence will definitely take three days. It will be very difficult for the crew."

Zhou Lan said: "I can coordinate the time with the crew, and we don't have to go to the rehearsal, but only appear in the live broadcast of the day. In this case, one day and one night will be almost ok."

"Are Song Chi and Su Yan going?"

"I asked, and Song Chi will definitely go. He doesn't have to film recently, and the schedule is relatively empty. Su Yan didn't have a clear answer, but I guess she will go. Now it is popular and can be promoted. The drama has a lot of exposure, and the announcement fee from Binhai Satellite TV is very high." Zhou Lan said, "I still suggest you to participate, Xiaoyun, I know you don't want to leave the crew when you are filming, but doing promotion is also an actor. If you ask for a day off from your job, it won’t affect the normal progress of the crew, and they don’t always shoot scenes with you alone, so it’s okay to communicate in advance and coordinate the time.”

"The main reason is that I want to take a leave of absence in January, and I want to participate in the Aoki Awards ceremony." Zhou Yun said, "Song Chi will be the best actress award presenter."

Zhou Lan was taken aback.

After a long while, Zhou Lan smiled and said, "What's the matter, please take a leave of absence for the awards ceremony. Anyway, the awards ceremony will be held in Shanghai, so just take a half-day leave, and you can come back after participating in the evening."

Zhou Yun: "I always ask for leave, isn't it good?"

"Do you know that every time you film a movie, I will give them the top slot?" Zhou Lan said, "If it is so clear, we can only give two months of slots, but we gave a full twenty My God, you are a popular female star. There is no popular female star in this world who can devote herself to filming on the set, not even Oscar queens. Things like schedules are coordinated with each other. Of course, I know you don’t I am willing to trouble the production crew, but any production crew that invites a popular star to act will inevitably have to bear such a price, and we also need to compromise."

"I see."

"Don't worry, any mature crew is familiar with coordinating schedules, not to mention that the producer of your show is Shi Luoqi."

As Zhou Lan said, during these two vacations, Zhou Lan invited them to work easily.

Shi Luoqi didn't even hesitate.

Zhou Yun suddenly felt that his previous thoughts were really naive and mediocre.

How can there be such a perfect actor job in the world?

Any popular actor has partners from all walks of life around him, and the schedule itself is the result of multi-party coordination.

It takes several months to shoot a play, and it is too rare for an actor to get in and not get out.

At least at Zhou Yun's current stage, he cannot be so "willful".

In fact, "Question Heart" is currently on the air, and in terms of commercial value, it is the time when she can make the most money.

At this time, the attention focused on her was several times that of usual - not only her fans, but also the fans and audience of the show.

At this time, all partners are willing to offer a price higher than the usual market price in exchange for cooperation with Zhou Yun.

Be it Song Chi or Su Yan, both of them happened to be away from the filming crew at this time, and the new business cooperation made them both earn a lot of money.

But Zhou Yun missed this most profitable opportunity because he was filming in the crew.

Zhou Lan didn't say anything, and Zhou Yun knew how much pressure the company was under.

Why can't Zhou Yun accept this business?

Filming?Can't you take time off from filming?
Aren't other artists all able to come out of the crew?It's just half a day of business. If you take half a day off, you will get a reward of millions.

Zhou Lan has been under such pressure to prevent the company's pressure from spreading to Zhou Yun.

Under such circumstances, Zhou Lan suggested that Zhou Yun should go to the New Year's Eve party. It is conceivable that Zhou Lan really thought it was necessary to go to this event.

Zhou Yun secretly reminded himself in his heart that he could no longer let his own ideas do things like this in the future.

Zhou Lan leads a large team in charge of her brokerage business. Some are in charge of publicity, some are in charge of business matching, and some are in charge of reading scripts. Everyone has different responsibilities, but behind every job Zhou Yun does is their collective efforts and negotiations. the result of.

Balance the relationship between all aspects and maximize the benefits.

Zhou Yun reminded himself once again, trust Zhou Lan, trust them.


As for the crew, the filming of "Words of Fallen Leaves" went smoothly, except that it took a little energy.

To Zhou Yun's surprise, Xue Qin usually has a bad temper, but on the set, she never lost her temper.

She will take pictures of the table during the meeting, criticize when watching the scenery, and criticize every mistake and place that does not meet her wishes on various occasions, but on the set, she has no ups and downs except for her expressionless Great mood swings.

In a word, she gives people a sense of calm and restraint on the set.

But this person's requirements are really high, she will only tell you clearly at the beginning what she wants.

Then, if you are not satisfied, retake it, if you are not satisfied, continue to retake it, it’s not bad, let’s do another one, okay?come again.

over and over again.

 good night!
(End of this chapter)

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