Chapter 390
At first, Zhou Yun was not used to Xue Qin's shooting method.

I used to work with Jiang Xin, Cong Lan, and Wen Bing. Although they each have their own styles, their requirements are very clear. After the filming is completed, this one will be passed. At most, one will be kept.

But Xue Qin was different from them.

She doesn't seem to think about saving time at all, so she grinds with you slowly.

It's not in a hurry, it's not in a hurry, it doesn't make you feel that she is dissatisfied, but it doesn't make you feel that she is satisfied either.

But after a few days of filming, Zhou Yun gradually got used to it.

She also found a more comfortable way of performing in this shooting rhythm.

The main reason is that she found that Xue Qin quite let her play.Sometimes, while she was acting, she would suddenly have a little inspiration, break away from the script and improvise a line or two. can catch it.

Regardless of whether Xue Qin will use these flashes of inspiration in the end, Zhou Yun himself is enjoying the performance.

At this time, there is another very important matter that needs to be solved urgently.

Who will take over Feng Chaotian's role and play Meng Fanyan?
This problem has not been solved yet.

Even Luo Zhiheng, who plays his cousin Wen Long, is on standby, but the actor who plays Meng Fanyan has not been found yet.

In the past few days, Zhou Yun often saw strange faces appearing, and they all came to see Shi Luoqi and Xue Qin.

I don't know where I recruited a group of newcomers to audition, but judging from the new faces that change every day, the progress is not smooth.

Zhou Yun was a little anxious for them.

In this case, in fact, the producer shouldn't be picky in every possible way. If they can make do with this role, it won't open the sky for the crew, so thank God.

Otherwise, it would be bad if the shooting progress was delayed.

But in this situation, Xue Qin still remained calm and expressionless, and she didn't seem a little anxious when directing the scene on the set.

Zhou Yun was anxious for her.

Once, halftime.

Zhou Yun stood beside Xue Qin and asked, "Director, haven't you found the actor to play Meng Fanyan?"

Xue Qin said, "Still looking."

"Any interested candidates?"

"No." Xue Qin flatly denied it, then glanced at Zhou Yun again, and said, "Do you have someone to recommend?"

And again.

Zhou Yun noticed Xue Qin's words.

It seems that she knew about the fact that she recommended Wei Zhichang last time.

"I don't have it. I just saw that the actor who played Meng Fanyan has not been in place for a long time. I want to rehearse with him in advance." Zhou Yun said.

Xue Qin: "Don't worry, I really can't find a suitable one. It's okay to shoot the later scenes first."

She still looks like she is sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

"..." Zhou Yun asked, "Then do you mind if I find a suitable actor?"

"I don't mind, but you also don't mind my attitude. If you recommend someone who is not suitable, I will not agree." Xue Qin still had this straightforward tone.

Zhou Yun was relieved instead.

"Of course."

Zhou Yun herself did not know any suitable actors, but she knew quite a few people who had been in this industry for many years, so she should be able to find suitable actors by asking them for help.

At noon, Zhou Yun called Song Chi, Jiang Xin, Cong Lan, and Shen Yao in turn, told them about his problems, and asked them to help recommend someone.

"A good-looking, about thirty-year-old, professional elite, but actually a scumbag with two feet." Zhou Yun described this character in this way.

What she didn't expect was that the bigwigs were so strong that everyone sent her a few resumes in the evening.

Zhou Yun directly asked Zheng Xiaoju to find a printer to print them out and read them one by one.

Because there are no requirements for the fame and qualifications of actors, there are even two drama actors who have never acted in film and television dramas.

She went directly to Shi Luoqi and Xue Qin.

"Sister Luo Qi, director, take a look and see if there are any of you are interested in." Zhou Yun said, "These are some actors I asked a friend to find."

Shi Luoqi looked at her in surprise, as if he didn't expect her to do this.

"I don't want to give my opinion on which actor Meng Fanyan chooses to play, but the actor has not been in place, and I am not at ease in my heart, so I took the initiative to do this. I hope you don't mind. If none of these people are satisfied, You can decide, I will not participate in your decision-making."

Zhou Yun expressed his attitude and left gracefully.

Shi Luoqi and Xue Qin looked at each other.

After Zhou Yun left, Shi Luoqi asked, "Do you know what she did?"

"She told me that I didn't take it seriously. I didn't expect her to do it." Xue Qin shrugged, "I'm so anxious."

Shi Luoqi: "Oh, the role of Meng Fanyan is not easy to play. It is really not easy to find a suitable actor."

"Since she has found all these people, let's meet them all." Xue Qin said, "Sister Luo Qi, after working together for the past few days, I found that what you said is right, she really doesn't have any celebrity airs."

"It's more than this. I think you are very satisfied with her."

"Indeed, I don't like actors who have been famous for a long time, because their acting methods have formed their own system." Xue Qin said, "You also saw it on the set. Zhou Yun almost changed her acting method. You never know what she's going to do next, it's a surprise."

"She is indeed talented." Shi Luoqi smiled, "People are also reckless, there is no one like her who directly oversteps her body to do the work of the producer, thanks to the fact that I know what kind of character she is, so I don't think too much about it. People probably think that their authority has been challenged a long time ago."

"So what? For another producer, facing a big star like her, it's impossible to get angry." Xue Qin curled her lips.

"Look, here you are again. You obviously admitted that she is good before, but now you start to care about her star status."

Shi Luoqi rubbed Xue Qin's cheek, "You can film with peace of mind, and I will help you worry about other things."



Two days after the photo was handed over to Shi Luoqi and the others, there was no new movement. Zhou Yun guessed that maybe they were not satisfied with these people?
By this time, Zhou Yun was no longer surprised.

Sometimes Xue Qin's requirements are really not high, because I don't know where.

Zhou Yun gave up trying to figure out Xue Qin's request.

She said that if she took another one, she would take another one. Anyway, if she lost her strength, she would rest.

After returning to China, the scene in Wen's family had to be filmed earlier.

Wen's play is no longer set in the shed.

Xue Qin found a real location, which is said to be her friend's house, and turned it into a studio.

The whole team has changed cities.

The actor who plays Wen Long is called Luo Zhiheng. He is only [-] years old. He is very young. He just took the college entrance examination in June last year. He studied in an art school and studied painting.

Luo Zhiheng is quite handsome, with a cool and handsome style, with an inch-shaved head, a long face, and well-defined features, which are a little more erect than ordinary people.

He has no management team or assistants, and his mother is by his side to take care of his daily necessities.

During studio shooting, Luo Zhiheng had already gone to stand by.

But at that time, he was mainly arranged by Xue Qin to observe and study on the set.

Luo Zhiheng has no serious acting experience, and used to perform dramas and stage plays in clubs or some local stages.

He is handsome, but he does not lack experience in this area.

A system is missing.

So Xue Qin asked him to enter the group early, and let him learn with his eyes and heart what acting is all about.

Zhou Yun has a lot of work to do in filming, so he doesn't have much private chat with him, just nod and say hello every time.

After getting in touch with him, Zhou Yun only felt that this boy Luo Zhiheng was quite aloof, he didn't talk much, he always sat on the side with a cold face, arms crossed on his chest, he was cold to the end.

Little kid.

This is Zhou Yun's inner impression of Luo Zhiheng.

When I was in school, I saw a lot of boys who pretended to be cool, but they were not as handsome as Luo Zhiheng.

Zhang Mo left the group, and Zhou Yun was about to change his acting partner.

At this time, Zhou Yun had to communicate with Luo Zhiheng more to get acquainted.

How to get acquainted with an eighteen-year-old boy?
When Zhou Yun was thinking about this question, he didn't realize that he was actually only twenty-four years old.

Even though it's going to be twenty-five soon.

The age gap between the two was only six years old, but Zhou Yun looked at Luo Zhiheng with the same mentality as he looked at a child.

Zhou Yun didn't realize it yet.

"Just talk to him normally, and treat him like an adult, not a child." This was Song Chi's advice to her, "I tell you, children of this age are most annoying when others don't treat him like a child." They were treated like adults."

Zhou Yun snorted.

It took a while for her to react.

"Wait, I'm eighteen, so I'm already an adult."

Song Chi: "Well, these [-]-year-old boys I know now always give me the appearance of [-] years old, immature, I think the standard of adulthood is raised again, the current children, empty long The body, not the brain."

"You don't come to be mean to others, how good are you when you were eighteen years old?" Zhou Yun said, "Aren't you just pretending to be cool and handsome, thinking of saving the world, and being unique, how old are you now? Are you starting to look down on people?"

Song Chi: "I was not as naive as them at that time. My company signed a kid who had just passed his [-]th birthday and had no social experience. Let him act in a play. He doesn't even know how to fry eggs. The egg asked the director how to open the egg, it was so stupid that it bubbled."

Zhou Yun: "What kind of show makes an eighteen-year-old kid fry eggs, it's weird."

"You still help him find a reason? Don't you think it's ridiculous that you don't know how to fry eggs?"

"Song Chi, you have to think about it. Do children nowadays need to cook their own eggs? Do they need to go into the kitchen? Are they grown up in different environments?"

"If you think about them and speak for them, why do you need to ask me how to deal with eighteen-year-old children? You can just do it." Song Chi suddenly ran out.

Zhou Yun: "Let's talk about the matter, why are you running on me all of a sudden?"

"I didn't run on you." Song Chi denied it.

"Don't deny it, I can hear your little thoughts." Zhou Yun said, "You don't mean to be jealous of someone who is [-] years old and young and in full bloom, right?"

Song Chi: "...Do I need to be jealous of them?"

A "what are you kidding" tone.

Zhou Yun: "Otherwise, I can't explain why you are so mean to them all of a sudden. This is not your usual style."

"I still have something to do here, hang up."

Song Chi actually hung up as soon as he said he would.

"What's the situation?" Zhou Yun clicked his tongue in surprise, her curiosity made her not intend to stop there.

She sent a message to Song Chi's assistant: Your boss recently had a feud with an eighteen-year-old boy?
Song Chi's assistant sent a shocked expression and asked, "Sister Xiaoyun, do you understand?"
Zhou Yun asked: I heard him mention it, tell me, what's going on?
Song Chi's assistant didn't have the slightest bit of defense, and came out directly: Brother Chi took a fancy to a project the day before yesterday and went to meet the producer, but the producer said that the protagonist of this play is eighteen years old, and Brother Chi's temperament is too mature Yes, playing an eighteen-year-old boy is better, and then Chi Ge was rejected.

Zhou Yun was bewildered.

There is such a thing behind it?
Although he was surprised that Song Chi would be rejected by the producer, why did Zhou Yun feel that he was gloating for some reason?

Speaking of which, it's not uncommon for a twenty-five-year-old to play an eighteen-year-old boy. In the film and television industry, playing an eighteen-year-old boy in Song Chi's appearance is still possible.The producer actually disliked him for being too mature?

Zhou Yun's first reaction was that this producer is capable.

There are really not many producers in the film and television industry who have the confidence to refuse Song Chi's olive branch.

So many projects begged Song Chi to favor them.

Zhou Yun asked again: What project?

Song Chi's assistant replied: Brother Chi said, tell Miss Xiaoyun to film well and stop gossiping.

Zhou Yun: "..."

It was discovered so quickly.

After thinking about it, Zhou Yun decided to buy a cup of milk tea for Luo Zhiheng.

"Xiao Luo." Zhou Yun greeted the boy with a smile, "Drink milk tea? I bought this for you."

Luo Zhiheng said: "I don't like sweet drinks."

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

Before she could speak, Luo Zhiheng's mother suddenly came over, patted him on the head, and said: "Miss Zhou's heart, do you still like to drink, thank you first, it's not polite at all."

Luo Zhiheng immediately frowned.

Zhou Yun saw that Luo Zhiheng looked at him with a little irritability and hatred.

"..." Holding the milk tea, Zhou Yun thought to himself, this is the legendary saying "you can't lose money by stealing chickens"?
I wanted to see milk tea to bring the relationship between the two closer, but it turned out fine...

"Auntie, don't say that, it's okay, Ronaldinho doesn't like sweet drinks, next time I'll treat him to coffee." Zhou Yun said with a smile.

Luo Zhiheng drooped his eyes and said, "Just because I said I don't like sweet drinks, doesn't mean I like bitter drinks."

Zhou Yun: "..."

She couldn't help wondering, did Luo Zhiheng deliberately oppose him?
(End of this chapter)

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