Chapter 391
Luo Zhiheng pursed his lips.

Sure enough, his mother tapped him on the head again.

Luo Zhiheng hissed and stared at his mother impatiently: "Again?"

His mother said with a straight face, "Sooner or later, I will sew up your broken mouth with a needle!"

Luo Zhiheng turned his head with annoyed expression.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, don't make this worse.

"Auntie, I came to see Xiao Luo, mainly because I want to chat with him about the filming in the future, how about I chat with him alone?"

Luo Zhiheng's mother's attitude towards Zhou Yun was still very warm, upon hearing this, she nodded repeatedly and said, "Okay, okay, please take care of this brat, Miss Zhou."

Zhou Yun smiled.

"Who wants her to take care of you? Mom, why don't you always ask someone to take care of me when you see someone?" Luo Zhiheng looked at his mother speechlessly, and complained again.

Zhou Yun: "..."

This little kid doesn't like everyone, and wants to hate everyone, right?
"Dead child." His mother glared at him, then smiled apologetically at Zhou Yun, "Miss Zhou, please forgive me."

Zhou Yun smiled indifferently, and he didn't seem to take Luo Zhiheng's words to heart at all.

"I understand."

After Luo Zhiheng's mother left worriedly, Zhou Yun's eyes returned to Luo Zhiheng.

"Let's talk, Student Luo."

Zhou Yun blinked his eyes and looked directly at Luo Zhiheng.

Luo Zhiheng looked at her with dead fish eyes, "What are you talking about?"

"After chatting, act and cooperate." Zhou Yun said, "otherwise you think I came to talk to you about something."

"Who knows what you female stars want to do." Luo Zhiheng muttered softly.

"What?" Zhou Yun looked at Luo Zhiheng in surprise.

"It's nothing." Luo Zhiheng sat on the stool, stepped on the stool with one foot, lowered his head, and looked up at Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun cursed inwardly.

This poor kid is really handsome, this frivolous look of "you can't help me", she is full of energy, she suddenly thought, when this movie is released, with Luo Zhiheng's appearance, it is estimated that it will attract many girls Bar.

In such a huge film and television market, Zhou Yun has never seen a few young actors who are so righteous.

"Okay, let me apologize to you first. I really didn't know that you didn't like sweet drinks. I bought milk tea and ended up getting shot. But I also want to get to know you better so that we can cooperate better in the future." Zhou Yun said, "After all, we still have so many rivalries."

Luo Zhiheng let out an oh.

Zhou Yun: "...Then can we continue to communicate?"

"I can't take a needle and sew your mouth shut," he said.

"..." Zhou Yun couldn't bear it anymore, "Can you talk properly?"

Luo Zhiheng turned his head away and remained silent.


Zhou Yun did not expect that the communication with Luo Zhiheng would be so difficult.

This frustrated her a bit.

Luo Zhiheng seems to be targeting her?But it's the same way he talks to his mother, and it doesn't look like he's targeting her alone.

The most important thing is that she has never interacted with him before, so why is he targeting her so well?
Zhou Yun couldn't understand what Luo Zhiheng was thinking.

An hour later, the two met again on the set.

Seeing Luo Zhiheng, Xue Qin beckoned him over.

With both hands in his trouser pockets, he stood in front of Xue Qin.

Xue Qin didn't know what to say to him, so he nodded.

"Luo Zhiheng is so handsome." Zheng Xiaoju sighed softly.

Zhou Yun said: "Isn't Gu Huaichun on your wall?"

Zheng Xiaoju said shyly, "I like them all."

Zhou Yun: "You didn't see the way Luo Zhiheng was talking to me just now, you were so mad at me."

"Huh? Why did he make you angry, Miss Xiaoyun?" Zheng Xiaoju asked suspiciously.

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "Forget it, there is nothing to say, just a naive and arrogant child."

Zheng Xiaoju glanced at Zhou Yun silently, and there was something she wanted to say but didn't say: Sister Xiaoyun, you don't look much older than this naive and arrogant child?

Having stayed by Zhou Yun's side for almost two years, Zheng Xiaoju is no longer the impulsive and fastest Zheng Xiaoju.

She silently swallowed the sentence from her throat without saying it.

In fact, there are not a few girls on the set who have the same idea as Zheng Xiaoju.

Just like men like beautiful women, women like handsome men.

Especially, this young man with a youthful temperament.

From the beginning to the end, Luo Zhiheng didn't show a few smiles on his face, but he was especially attracted to the sisters in the crew.

If there is something good, the first thing the sisters think of is him.

Even the aunt who was in charge of cooking had a bright smile on her face when she saw him.

Zhou Yun rolled his eyes.

It's all an illusion.

In the first few scenes, all of them were big scenes and big adjustments.

Especially in the scene where a dozen people sat at a table to eat, Zhou Yun never expected that the filming would take three days.

The same scene was filmed for three days, and the dishes on the table were changed more than ten times.

Xue Qin has truly inherited the spirit of "slow work and careful work". She is not in a hurry and shoots slowly.

More than a dozen people, all professional actors.

Zhou Yun met more than a dozen people in a row, added WeChat to each other, and exchanged pleasantries.

While waiting for the play, chat with this one, and smile with that one.

What everyone talked about the most was the recently aired "Ask the Heart".

Because there are many actors of the older generation, in this play, they play the elders of the Wen family.

They are all people who have worked hard in the film and television industry for many years. They may not be well-known, but they each have their own abilities.

Zhou Yun chatted with them and listened to many old old melons.

If Zhou Yun blended into this group of actors like a fish in water, then Luo Zhiheng didn't blend in at all.

When he was acting, he was the junior who was frequently taught by the elders, a rebellious child.

Outside the play, he would stay alone in the corner after the play, playing with his mobile phone, or listening to music with headphones.

Looks very lonely.

Zhou Yun: "..."

Suddenly she didn't care so much about Yi Luo Zhiheng's previous attitude.

Because he treats everyone like this anyway.

On the third day of filming the scene of people at this table, Zeng Lili, an actress who played a distant aunt in the scene, asked Zhou Yun: "Do you know that child? Why is he always alone and doesn't follow him?" Let's talk."

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "He was like that before, and I didn't say a few words to him."

Zeng Lili said with a smile: "When I see him, I think of my son. He is about the same age as him. He is a headache. He only thinks about dating all day long and doesn't study hard. It makes my liver hurt."

Zhou Yun smiled and said: "You are so beautiful, your son must be handsome, girls like it."

Zeng Lili asked: "Did you fall in love when you were in school?"

"Me? I didn't." Zhou Yun shook his head, "I haven't talked about it seriously, but it's inevitable to have someone you like or have a crush on when you were in school."

Zeng Lili smiled softly as if recalling her youth, "Yes."

"In the future, I have to let my son learn from you. It's amazing to be a high-achieving student who can be admitted to the University of A." When I read it, I have a poetry and book spirit in my belly."

"Oh, sister Lili, don't praise me like that, I don't have it, and I'm not a liberal arts major, I'm a science major, and I don't like to read those romantic things, my favorite is mystery novels. "Zhou Yun said.

Zeng Lili said pleasantly: "Do you like to read mystery novels? I also like to read."


"Really, I didn't read it at first, but later I acted in a play based on Agatha Christie's novel, and I fell in love with this type of novel. It's really interesting." Zeng Lili said, "I just finished reading it last week. It was written by a Japanese writer called "The Holy Mother", I don't know if you have read it, but the last reversal shocked me, and I started to read it a second time in one breath."

"I haven't read that one yet, I bought it, and the courier is still at home and hasn't been opened yet." Zhou Yun smiled.

The two were chatting, when suddenly, there was a bang of a heavy object falling to the ground, followed by a scream.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Yun and Zeng Lili got up to look at the same time.

Many people in front ran in one direction.

Zhou Yun and Zeng Lili stood still to avoid further confusion.

"Something happened, Luo Zhiheng was hit by a falling light stand!" A message came from the front.

Zhou Yun and everyone else were taken aback.

"Call an ambulance!" Someone shouted from the front.

The scene was chaotic.

"Luo Zhiheng, Luo Zhiheng, can you hear me?" The assistant director's rough voice sounded.

Zhou Yun couldn't bear it anymore, and ran to the point where the incident happened.

"Has an ambulance been called? How long will it take?"

Zhou Yun heard someone ask.

In the crowd, Luo Zhiheng fell to the ground, half of his face was covered with blood, covering half of his usually handsome and unruly face.

He fell to the ground, his eyes were closed tightly, his brows were furrowed, it seemed to be in pain, his eyelashes were still struggling, and he was not completely unconscious.

Xue Qin knelt beside Luo Zhiheng, and shouted Luo Zhiheng's name along with the assistant director, so as not to let him pass out completely.

"Where's the car? Who has a car?" Seeing this, Zhou Yun turned his head around and asked loudly, "Where's the crew's car?"

"The crew's cars are not here, and the equipment has been moved." Someone said.

Why this time?
Zhou Yun was annoyed.

"I, I have, I drove here!" Zeng Lili trotted over.

"We can't wait for the ambulance. Check the nearest hospital and we'll send it there!" Zhou Yun said loudly.

When Zeng Lili heard this, her eyes trembled.

She probably didn't expect Zhou Yun to ask who had a car for this purpose.

Zhou Yun said to the man next to him: "Whoever carries him on his back, take him into the car."

Seeing this, Zeng Lili asked, "Who knows the way, tell me where the nearest hospital is? Which one is it? Show me the way?"

The rest of the crew looked at each other in blank dismay.

"I'll navigate." At this time, Shi Luoqi, who heard the news, ran over.

Luo Zhiheng had already been carried on his back by a tall staff member.

Several people hurriedly got Luo Zhiheng into the car.

Zeng Lili drove, Shi Luoqi got on the co-pilot navigation, Zhou Yun and the person who helped carry Luo Zhiheng sat in the back, supporting Luo Zhiheng.

As soon as the car drove away, Luo Zhiheng's whole body tilted onto Zhou Yun's shoulder.

Zhou Yun quickly reached out to support Luo Zhiheng's head, but he didn't dare to use force, he didn't even know where Luo Zhiheng's wound was.

There was too much blood, and most of his head was mixed.

Seeing this shocking scene, Zhou Yun took a deep breath and said, "Luo Zhiheng, you are awake, don't faint."

Why can't you pass out?

Zhou Yun actually didn't know either.

It's just that when watching movies and TV shows, when I often see people getting hurt, I will tell them not to close their eyes and not pass out.

Luo Zhiheng kept frowning tightly and did not let go.

All the way to the hospital.

Shi Luoqi had already contacted the hospital in the car, and as soon as he arrived at the hospital, the doctors sent Luo Zhiheng to the emergency room.

Zhou Yun and the others were waiting outside the rescue room.

"What happened just now?" Zeng Lili covered her chest with one hand, "I'm so nervous, why did this happen suddenly?"

Zhou Yun took Zeng Lili's hand and said, "Sister Lili, it's lucky to have you here."

"Thank you." Shi Luoqi said to several people present, "I'll just guard here, you go back and rest first."

"Wait for other people to come over. You are here alone, without help, and it's inconvenient." Zhou Yun said, "When something like this happens suddenly, the crew is probably in chaos, and they can't continue filming. However, why is the light stand so suddenly? Did it fall off?"

Shi Luoqi said with a sullen face: "Xue Qin was instructing the workers to adjust the lamp stand, but the worker didn't pay attention, the lamp stand became loose and fell off. If Luo Zhiheng hadn't seen it and pushed Xue Qin away, now Xue Qin is lying in the emergency room .”

"Huh? Luo Zhiheng was smashed to save Xue Qin?" Zhou Yun's eyes widened in surprise.

Zeng Lili was also surprised.

"This lad is so brave."

"Yeah." Shi Luoqi said, "I hope there is nothing wrong and safe."

About ten minutes later, Xue Qin and several crew members came over.

Xue Qin's face was pale, and the first thing she said when she came over was to ask: "How is he doing?"

"It's inside," said Shirouqi.


There was no place in the hospital that needed Zhou Yun's help. Zhou Yun and Zeng Lili went back to the hotel together.

This sudden situation caused the crew to stop and the filming was suspended, and they could only go back to the hotel to stay.

Zhou Yun himself was a little flustered, worried about Luo Zhiheng.

The light stand hit Luo Zhiheng directly on the head, seeing Luo Zhiheng's blood flow, it must not be a trivial matter.

Especially when Luo Zhiheng twitched in her hand, Zhou Yun's heart twitched accordingly.

At that moment, all her opinions on Luo Zhiheng disappeared and disappeared.

She just hoped that the child was safe and well.

"I hope it's okay, it's definitely okay..." Zhou Yun folded his palms together and prayed.

In the evening, news finally came from the hospital that Luo Zhiheng was out of danger, had more than a dozen stitches on his head, and was recuperating in the hospital.

Zhou Yun heaved a long sigh of relief when he heard the news.

Fortunately, nothing happened.

Thank goodness.

At this time, Song Chi called.

Zhou Yun answered the phone, "Hello?"

"I saw the news that something happened to your crew?" Song Chi asked.

"Is it on the news? Something happened." Zhou Yun sighed lightly, "The actor who played my cousin, Luo Zhiheng, had his head hit by a light stand. The news just came and he was out of danger."

(End of this chapter)

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