Chapter 392
Song Chi said: "It's fine, I was shocked when I saw something happened to your crew."

"Ah?" Zhou Yun didn't understand why Song Chi was taken aback.

Song Chi: "The news didn't say who was injured. Many people on the Internet thought you were injured."

Zhou Yun was surprised.

She browsed the relevant reports on the Internet and knew why there was such a misunderstanding.

Basically all the reports are saying that the cast members of "Words of Fallen Leaves" were injured on set, were hit on the head by a light stand, and are being rescued in the hospital!

Among the cast members of "Words of Fallen Leaves", only Zhou Yun is known to the public.

In the evening, the official blog of "Words of Fallen Leaves" posted an explanation about this matter.

At this time, everyone knew that Zhou Yun was not injured, but another actor was injured.

Zhou Yun read the explanation, the content of the explanation was very concise, and did not mention how Luo Zhiheng was injured.

She sent Shi Luoqi a message and asked: Sister Luo Qi, how is Luo Zhiheng doing now?
It took Shi Luoqi a while to reply: she had stitches, she was out of danger, she was still in a coma, she didn't wake up, the doctor said she needed to be observed in the hospital for a period of time.

Zhou Yun: Are you still in the hospital?
Shirouqi: Yes.

Zhou Yun: Thank you for your hard work, you should go to bed earlier.

Shi Luoqi: Xiaoyun, let's have a meeting tomorrow morning. We may have to stop filming this movie for a while.

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

She thought about it, contacted Zhou Lan, and told Zhou Lan what Shi Luoqi had told her just now.

Zhou Lan sighed, and said, "I'm not surprised at all. The actor who will play Meng Fanyan has not yet been decided for a play. Luo Zhiheng was injured again and was lying in the hospital. The play can't be filmed anymore. Xiaoyun, the key is, are you willing to stop shooting for a while, and then continue shooting again?"

Before Zhou Yun could speak, Zhou Lan said again, "With this suspension of filming, it will be difficult to coordinate the schedule later on. You still have a few plays waiting for you, and they are all protagonists. You can't cancel the play."

"Now that something happened to Luo Zhiheng, no one is going to shoot, so I'll be filming alone, for at most ten days." Zhou Yun sighed, "If it's decided to play Meng Fanyan, we can still shoot me and his part first, but The person who will play Meng Fanyan has not been decided yet, in this case, what can be done besides stopping the filming?"

"Change the script, or change the actors," Zhou Lan said.

"Change the script? That's not okay. I thought the script was well written, so I wanted to act it. If I change the script, what else is there to do?" Zhou Yun said, "How can I change it in such a short time? Unless Delete all the dramas of these two people, if you delete them all, won't it become my one-man show again?"

Zhou Lan: "It's impossible to change the script, that's to change the actors. No matter where they find them, in short, they have to quickly find two actors to replace them. Only in this way can the filming continue as usual."

"Based on what I know about Shi Luoqi and Xue Qin, their requirements are already high. It is probably impossible for them to find two people to make ends meet."

"But we can't wait unconditionally like this, Xiao Yun." Zhou Lan said, "Of course, unless you simply move the film back for a year, then you will only have a schedule."

"Move for a year?" Zhou Yun felt that this was unrealistic.

When and how long to shoot a film is a very complicated project.

Zhou Lan: "There will be a meeting tomorrow morning. Don't say anything, and don't promise anything. I'll come over tomorrow afternoon, and I'll talk to Shi Luoqi."



The meeting was not very crowded, only seven or eight people, and among the actors, Zhou Yun was the only one.

Seeing the people seated, Zhou Yun understood that she was the only actor factor that the crew needed to consider when making a decision.

Regardless of whether the filming stops at the end or when the filming resumes, the other actors are easy to coordinate, but Zhou Yun is the only one who is in trouble.

Zhou Yun felt a little embarrassed for a moment.Obviously, this sudden situation has nothing to do with her, but when the production crew was making a decision, she became a troublesome again.

It wasn't supposed to be like that, she knew.

Shi Luoqi looked like he didn't sleep well last night.She was wearing a black jacket, her permed hair looked fluffy, and she wore some foundation and lipstick, probably just to enhance her complexion, not very delicate.The sun came out that day, and the winter sunlight came in through the glass windows, making everyone's faces glow white.

"The crew had an accident yesterday. Everyone knows about it. The good news is that Luo Zhiheng's operation was successful. The bad news is that Luo Zhiheng needs to recuperate in the hospital for a while. The filming may need to be suspended for a period of time."

After finishing speaking, Shi Luoqi looked at Zhou Yun.

"Xiaoyun, what do you think?"

"I have some problems here." Zhou Yun said directly, "The main problem is that I will take on three films later. If the filming is stopped, when will the filming resume?"

Shi Luoqi said: "It doesn't matter when we resume shooting, we can coordinate later, we can wait for your time here."

Zhou Yun asked, "Can I wait a year?"

When she asked this question, everyone fell silent.


After Zhou Yun left, other people also left one after another, and finally only Shi Luoqi and Xue Qin were left in the meeting room.

It was a little quiet in the conference room.

After a while, Xue Qin spoke.

"Sister Luo Qi, look, that's why I didn't want to use celebrities in the first place. If something like this happens, they have no way to go with us." Xue Qin put her hands in her pockets, "It's impossible for them to help us with this project." I've been used to those who sacrifice their own interests for the sake of acting."

Shi Luoqi glanced at her and said, "Xiaoqin, I have told you many times about whether to be a star or not. To raise wages for delayed wages, and not to mention other requirements, just say that I have already accepted other dramas in the later schedule, and worry about the coordination of schedules. In my opinion, this is already a very reasonable issue. You cannot ask everyone Everyone puts down everything about themselves and devotes all their time to a play with you, especially actors like Zhou Yun. Let’s not talk about stars, shall we? Among the young domestic actresses, you can still Can you find a second actress who suits you so well? We have also seen many actresses. When you were an assistant director for Director Chen, you have dealt with many actors. How many of them have acting skills like her? A talented and well-known actor can be asked to retake over and over again every day on the set without any complaints?"

Xue Qin: "I didn't say that she is a bad person. Yes, I really think she is very different from what I imagined in the past few days of cooperation. She performed better than I expected. I just want to say that she Such a big star has a very full schedule, a lot of work, and too little room for flexibility, so what should I do this time? She has a full schedule for the next year, so we stop filming and wait for her. , you have to wait until a year later.”

Shi Luoqi glanced at her, sighed, and said: "Her agent has already contacted me, and I will meet with her agent in the afternoon, and everything will be discussed after I have met and chatted with her agent. "

"Her manager is coming?" Xue Qin frowned, "Wouldn't it be more difficult to deal with?"

"Don't worry, her manager is not bad, very talkative." Shi Luoqi said, "I've told you many times that Zhou Yun and her team are among the best artist teams I have come into contact with in China. Now, don't always look at them with hostility. If you want to become a big director in the future, instead of being an independent director who makes low-budget films forever, you must learn to deal with stars and don't treat them as you. If you make good use of these well-known actors, they can also make your film better, good directors are not only able to train newcomers."

Xue Qin pursed her lips and nodded.

"Then I will meet Zhou Yun's manager with you this afternoon."

Shi Luoqi patted Xue Qin on the shoulder, "Let me talk to her first, you should sort out with them in the afternoon, and shoot the scenes that can be filmed these days first, taking advantage of this time, Zhou Yun is still on the set, now Make more scenes, and you will have less time for Zhou Yun to act later, Xiaoqin, work hard with Zhou Yun, do you know what is the most valuable thing about her to you?"

Xue Qin was taken aback.

"Don't you always boast that she doesn't have big-name airs?" She said.

"No." Shi Luoqi said, "For you, the most valuable thing about her is that she can really understand every instruction you give on the set, and she can perform better than you imagined."

Shi Luoqi's words made Xue Qin fall into surprise and silence.

Xue Qin left the meeting room and went to her own studio.

I met some staff members in the corridor, and their expressions were a little disturbed.

The news that the filming of this movie will be stopped has spread, and everyone is a little absent-minded because of this news, not knowing how long they can work.

This industry is different from other industries that have a normal nine-to-five working system. The work in this industry follows the project.

Income also follows the project.

The production crew was shut down, and their original project cycle was in vain, and their income was also in vain. Who doesn't feel bad?
Xue Qin bit her lip and walked into her studio expressionlessly.

Is there a way to stop shooting?
Unless someone who can play Meng Fanyan can be found immediately, or Luo Zhiheng can be discharged from the hospital in a week and return to the crew to participate in normal filming.

Otherwise, there would be nothing to film, and dragging everyone here would only be a waste of money.

It costs money to work every day.

The shooting location needs money, the staff needs money, the actors need money, and the equipment also needs money.

The money was spent like water, even if Xue Qin didn't care about the money, she knew how much it cost.

If the filming is stopped and then resumed, there is almost no hope that the original cast will return [-]%.

It's not just that Zhou Yun has other jobs behind him, whether it's the photography team or the lighting team, their schedules are also set in advance by many projects.

Xue Qin closed her eyes in melancholy.

(End of this chapter)

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