I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 394 Random thoughts

Chapter 394 Random thoughts
Zhou Lan's words always make sense.

Originally, Zhou Yun had already planned to go home after another week of filming.

That's what the crew planned to do.

But Zhou Yun didn't expect that when Xue Qin finished filming a one-man show by herself, she would be pulled aside by herself.

"Director, who is this?" Zhou Yun didn't understand Xue Qin's intention.

Xue Qin's eyes lit up, she looked at Zhou Yun, and said, "I have an idea."

"Thoughts?" Zhou Yun looked at Xue Qin inexplicably, not knowing what kind of thoughts she had.

Xue Qin said: "I was lying on the bed last night, and suddenly thought, if we use this period of suspension of filming to make another movie, wouldn't we not have to stop work?"

"Make another movie?" Zhou Yun was shocked.

Xue Qin nodded and said, "I'm going to shoot another movie. I've already thought about this movie. I'm going to shoot a story about a film crew that suddenly encountered a problem during filming and had to stop filming. In this case, all the setting It can all be done on this set.”

"Wait, director, I didn't quite understand. What do you mean, rewrite a script and make another movie?" Zhou Yun looked at Xue Qin in surprise, "But what about the script?"

"I can write the script right now, and write it as I shoot." Xue Qin said seriously, "I've already written two pages, take a look."

She pulls out two pages of typed-out script.

In fact, this is not even a script, basically there is no dialogue, it is just an outline.

Zhou Yun thought it was absurd, but Xue Qin looked at her with too much anticipation and seriousness, and Zhou Yun was embarrassed to say directly that he thought it was unreliable and did not watch it.

She could only pick up these two pages of the script and read down.

"After she got divorced, she finally got the chance to direct the film again. When she was about to show her strength, the investor suddenly withdrew the capital. Halfway through the filming, she couldn't continue. The actors were preparing to leave one by one. People are also preparing to leave one by one, the heroine is the only one who is willing to support her to continue filming, she can only do everything possible to keep everyone, and continue filming this film..."

"The actor's company has accepted another play for him, and she has to leave. In order to keep him, she wanted to communicate with him one last time, so she knocked on the door to find him late at night, but she was seen by the actor's assistant. , mistakenly thought that the two had an improper relationship, and tipped off the news to the actor's girlfriend, and the actor's girlfriend rushed over overnight, humiliating and insulting her in front of the entire crew..."

"The heroine is the hero's ex-girlfriend, and she didn't like the hero and his girlfriend, so she stood up to defend her, and also exposed the hero's girlfriend in front of everyone. The friend got angry and got into a fight with the heroine. She had no choice but to persuade the fight, but was accidentally injured and went to the hospital. The heroine came to Zhou Yun and urged her to sue the heroine's girlfriend. Suppressing this matter, I had to agree to stay on the set to shoot this film, but the heroine didn't want things to develop like this, and threatened her that if she didn't sue the lead actor's girlfriend, then she would leave the set..."

Two pages, just write here.

In some places, there are serious dialogues between characters, and in other places, there are only two or three sentences.

After reading it, Zhou Yun only felt that "it's so bloody", but he was inexplicably excited and wanted to know if the female director behind him would make this scene.

Xue Qin was still looking at her.

"How?" she asked, "are you interested?"

"Hmm...does Sister Luo Qi know about this?" Zhou Yun asked.

Xue Qin shook her head, "I haven't told her yet, if you don't want to act, this show will definitely not be able to start."


"During the one-month downtime, I don't want the crew to leave. No one knows how many people will be able to come back after a month." Xue Qin said, "I want to keep everyone, so I will A new film will be shot, so that everyone can continue to work and stay, without any delay in the construction period."

"Director, I, I admit that your story is very attractive to me, but are you sure you can finish filming this month?" Zhou Yun asked.

Xue Qin said, "I believe in me."

"Then who will play the hero and heroine in this script, as well as the heroine's girlfriend?" Zhou Yun asked.

Xue Qin said: "Mr. You Jiang can play the leading role, and Teacher Zeng Lili can play the leading role. As for the leading role's girlfriend, I haven't made up my mind yet, but I will definitely find a suitable one."

You Jiang and Zeng Lili are well-known actors who were invited to perform special performances in "Words of Fallen Leaves". They are both in their forties. Play supporting roles in various plays.

Zhou Yun asked: "Have you talked to them? Are they willing to act?"

"I'm only talking to you about this idea now. If you are willing to act, I will talk to them."

"Where does the money come from for making an extra film?" Zhou Yun asked.

"There is still a sum of money in the crew's account for "Words of Fallen Leaves" that is useless. If the crew can start working normally and continue filming, the next few installments will be settled on schedule." Xue Qin said.

"Your idea is really crazy." Zhou Yun covered his forehead with one hand.

Xue Qin looked at her brightly, and said, "But you also think this idea is very good, right? I was lying in bed last night, and after this story came up in my head, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep."

"This story is completely different from "Words of Fallen Leaves". As literary and personal as "Words of Fallen Leaves" is, this story is full of blood and ups and downs." Zhou Yun said, "I thought you would never I love stories like this."

"Why don't you like it? The story has always been just a carrier. It's bloody, isn't Pedro Almodóvar's movie bloody?" Xue Qin said, "But no one can deny that his movies are outstanding. work."

Zhou Yun realized that he only really realized Xue Qin's private side today.

She was a little excited, even nervous, and when she talked about her own thoughts, she was full of flying confidence.

However, even if this story is completely different from "Words of Fallen Leaves", it is undeniable that for Zhou Yun, the tension of this story is very attractive to her.

"Go and tell Sister Luo Qi, and I'll tell my agent that as long as this project can start normally according to your ideas, I'm willing to shoot." Zhou Yun said, "But, Director Xue, I have to explain one thing , I signed another film in the later schedule, if you don't finish the filming by the time, I have no way to stay here to accompany you filming, I have to leave."

Xue Qin raised her chin proudly and said, "Twenty days is enough."

(End of this chapter)

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