Chapter 395 Art Blooms
"Sister Lan, I know, I'm the same as you. When I heard her tell me this idea, I also felt unreliable, very unreliable, but after I read the script written by her, I... Do you know that feeling? The feeling that I really want to act."

Zhou Yun called Zhou Lan, and without accident, Zhou Lan taught her a lesson again.

Zhou Yun also knew that Zhou Lan's lesson was justified.

If she were Zhou Lan, she would scold herself too.

From a rational point of view, she shouldn't have accepted Xue Qin's words.

But... people are impulsive, and Zhou Yun couldn't restrain his impulsiveness.In particular, Zhou Yun felt that Xue Qin's idea was worth taking risks and taking a gamble.

"Sister Lan, I also told you how Xue Qin wants to shoot. You can feel it, right? This is a very good story, especially, this story is completely about Xue Qin herself. The mental journey of time, this kind of filming, definitely has her own style, you believe me, I have been filming with her for a while, you believe my vision, she is definitely a talented director , I am willing to follow her to take risks."

"She didn't treat you very well at first."

"A talented person has a bad temper, and I am willing to endure it." Zhou Yun said, "Besides, her attitude towards me is not the same as before. I can probably guess why. That has nothing to do with me. There is no principled conflict between me and her. Sister Lan, I want to act in this play. Really, you believe my judgment. I know from what she said. It will be no worse than "Words of Fallen Leaves"."

Zhou Lan: "Isn't this the bloody story at eight o'clock? I can't hear anything good about it."

"Isn't drama just high-end shit?" Zhou Yun said, "Go and see Pedro Almodovar's "Return". Is there anything more bloody than that? But the filming is really good. There is also the Indian movie "The Tuner". I don't say it is a classic movie, but you and I have both watched that movie. We all like that movie, don't we? Sister Lan, I never think that movies must be To have a model, not everyone is Ang Lee, and not everyone is Wong Kar Wai."

Zhou Lan sighed.

"And—" Zhou Yun took out his trump card, "There is a very important role in this movie, I think it can be reserved for Wang Jing."

Wang Jing, another actor under Zhou Lan.

At the beginning, because of the dispute with Xu Siyao, Zhou Lan and Zhou Yun were attracted by Zhou Lan and signed to Zhou Lan's subordinates.

Under Zhou Lan's command, Wang Jing's resources have visibly increased several levels, and even VX gave her the title of a brand friend.

Although Zhou Yun and Wang Jing have never shown their sisterhood in public, everyone in the circle knows that if Zhou Yun really wants to admit who is Zhou Yun's junior sister in Chengqian Entertainment, then This person is definitely Wang Jing.

Zhou Lan was silent for a while, and asked, "Are you talking about the role of the actor's girlfriend?"

"Yes." Zhou Yun said.

"Wang Jing and You Jiang are nearly twenty years apart."

"Is it rare for a man in his forties to find a girlfriend in his twenties?" Zhou Yun said, "Wang Jing has never acted in a movie. Don't you want to let her act?"

"Stop here, Zhou Yun, don't think I don't know what you're planning, do you just think that if you do this, I will definitely agree to let you act in this new play that came out of nowhere? ?" Although Zhou Lan's words were still so tough, Zhou Yun could tell that she was moved.

Although Xue Qin is not a great director now, anyone with eyes can see whether a person has talent and whether he will be successful in the future.

After all, there are a small number of people who are really blind, and most people are just pretending to be blind.

And Xue Qin is backed by two big trees, Shi Luoqi and Chen Zian. She has no shortage of talents and people. What she lacks is qualifications and time.

If Wang Jing can also get along with Shi Luoqi and Xue Qin and form a good relationship, there may be other resources in the future.

As for whether the play will succeed or not?

In fact, Zhou Lan's mentality has always been like this. Any movie has the risk of failure. Even at Steven Spielberg's level, not every movie can be successful.They pick projects, choose projects, they just choose the most likely, the one that looks the best.

But every year, there are always high-profile movies that are disappointed, and there are always movies that are not expected to break out of the encirclement.

"Okay, I see. It seems that I have to buy a ticket and fly to you again." Zhou Lan said.

Knowing that his idea had succeeded, Zhou Yun raised the corners of his mouth and showed a triumphant smile.

What Zhou Yun didn't expect was that just after hanging up the phone, Shi Luoqi came to look for her again.

"Sister Luo Qi?" Zhou Yun looked at Shi Luoqi standing at the door in surprise, "Are you looking for me?"

Shi Luoqi nodded, smiled, and said, "Xiaoyun, are you free? Let's have a chat."

"Okay." Zhou Yun invited Shi Luoqi into the room, "But I only have instant coffee here, Sister Luo Qi, would you like to drink it?"

"Just pour me a glass of water." Shi Luoqi shrugged, "I've already drank two cups of coffee today, if I continue to drink like this, I'm afraid my heartbeat will speed up."

Zhou Yun helped Shi Luoqi get a bottle of mineral water, and said, "You have worked hard too. You must be busy with a lot of things recently, right?"

Shi Luoqi nodded and said, "What I didn't expect was that Xue Qin actually proposed an idea that I found incredible. What I didn't even expect was that she told me that you supported her idea."

Zhou Yun showed a bitter smile and said, "Sister Luo Qi, have you heard the specific thoughts of the director?"

"I've heard it, and I've also read the content of the script she has written. It is because of this that I came to talk to you about this matter. Otherwise, I didn't even plan to talk about it." Shi Luoqi said.

"I love the story, especially that she's willing to let me play her in the movie, and I'm honestly flattered."

"It's her first time making a film, and she's not afraid of your jokes when she says it. She is different from others in my heart. I grew up watching her. She met me when she first entered the industry. Following me and director Chen Zian, one project after another, I never complained of hardship or tiredness. I treat her as my sister, so I always hope that her journey will be slower and more stable. I know her Why do you suddenly want to use this month's time to make a film? I don't know what she told you, but I know that she is afraid that this month's downtime will cause me a lot of losses. But she said To be honest, the movie "Words of Fallen Leaves" is indeed not a big investment. Although it will cost a lot of money to suspend work for a month, I can accept that Luo Zhiheng was injured. No one would have thought of it. I have also communicated with investors about this situation, and I am lucky, they understand us very well, do not plan to withdraw their capital, and are willing to wait for us.”

Zhou Yun nodded.

Shi Luoqi said: "Xue Qin is a very talented and talented girl. You must be aware of this. Of course, that's how I described you to her. I am very pleased and fortunate that her first The film has you in it, and your performance is better than we expected, but I don't want to put too much pressure on the kid. A month's time, while writing the script, and shooting a movie with no preparation at the same time, it sounds like It is a romantic adventure, but for a film, even a project with various plans is extremely risky, let alone this kind of temporary project, if something goes wrong with this new film, Xue Qin couldn't bear the pressure."

"Sister Luo Qi, don't you want Xue Qin to make this movie?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

"I hope she will make it, but I hope she will make this movie after she finishes filming "Words of Fallen Leaves" steadily." Shi Luoqi said.

"But "Words of Fallen Leaves" can't be filmed now, unless two suitable actors can be conjured up overnight." Zhou Yun said, "There is a one-month downtime, during which we can do nothing. Home, rest, one month later, January, and the Chinese New Year is about to come, can we really call everyone back at that time? What if some people don’t come? They have to be replaced temporarily.” Zhou Yun said, "Xue Qin told me that she just hopes that this month, everyone can still stay on the set with peace of mind and start working normally every day, so that everyone's hearts will not be disturbed, and wages can be settled normally."

Shi Luoqi was silent.

Zhou Yun said: "You said that this is a romantic adventure, I think you are right, but to be honest, I am willing to accompany her to participate in this romantic adventure, the worst, the worst is failure, in the end What about a bad ending? That is, halfway through the filming of this project, it can’t be filmed, and it doesn’t matter if you give up halfway, anyway, this month, if you don’t take this risk, there is nothing else you can do.”

Shi Luoqi opened his mouth and smiled helplessly.

"I didn't expect you to stand by her side and speak for her."

"Because she made me believe in her. To be honest, if someone else did the same thing, I might not agree at all." Zhou Yun smiled, "But there is something about her that makes me want to believe and accompany her to take risks." The power of a risk, and, aside from all of this, just those two pages of the script, Sister Luo Qi, you are a senior producer, and you come into contact with many amazing projects every year. In all fairness, you would rather not let her Will it be filmed? Don’t shoot at this time, after half a year, after a year, after this stage, and then come back to shoot, Xue Qin’s mood at that time is no longer the mood of Xue Qin at this time, people are still That person, but the state of mind is completely different."

Zhou Yun said: "Maybe there are many differences between the two professions of director and actor, but I think that artistic creation itself is interlinked. Sometimes, creation is an art that blooms in a flash."

(End of this chapter)

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