Chapter 399
"Teachers, I am Xue Yun."

Zhou Yun stood between the two people and said to those sitting on both sides.

You Jiang and Zeng Lili glanced at each other at the same time.

You Jiang got up first, walked over, smiled gentlemanly at Zhou Yun, and said, "Hi, director."

Zhou Yun stretched out his hand generously, and said, "I have heard about you for a long time, and I finally have the opportunity to cooperate with you, Teacher You."

"I've heard a name for a long time? A name that's an old cow eating young grass, or a name that's shameless?" Zeng Lili said in a strange tone, twisting her waist, and walked slowly, with her hands on her chest, "Director Xiao Xue, the first We met for the second time."

Zeng Lili stretched out her hand and shook Zhou Yunxu's hand.

You Jiang glanced at Zeng Lili a little annoyed but fearful, smiled at Zhou Yun, and said, "Director Xiaoxue met Zeng Lili before?"

"Before the filming starts, I always have to talk about my role. I'm not like someone who has a lot of work and is busy flirting with my little girlfriend." Zeng Lili smiled at Zhou Yun, "Director Xue, Can we start filming this movie tomorrow? This place is too remote, it's boring to be alone."

Zhou Yun said, "The filming will start tomorrow."

"That's good." Zeng Lili shrugged, "It's better to talk to you, if there are no men in this world, oh, no, I shouldn't be so absolute, I should say, if there is no man in this world Men are fine, don't you think so, Director Xiao Xue?"

Zhou Yun: "..."

She smiled lightly and raised her chin slightly, meaning: Really?
"Mr. You, Mr. Zeng, in an hour, let's have a meeting together to discuss tomorrow's shooting." She didn't suffer from either side, and carried out her own ideas.

You Jiang put his hands in his trouser pockets, nodded, and said, "I'm ok."

Zeng Lili raised her eyebrows in surprise, let out a yo, and said, "Mr. You won't be with your girlfriend later?"

You Jiang seemed really impatient, and said with a stern face: "When will I accompany my girlfriend, what's your business? Zeng Lili, are you enough?"

Zeng Lili said with a smile: "Of course it's none of my business, but I'm also curious about the girlfriend who would rather have an affair than to be with her in secret. When will Teacher You break up with her?"

You Jiang sneered and said, "Do you think she is as mean as you? I have a very good relationship with her, so don't worry about it."

"I don't have anything to worry about. I'm just wondering if Teacher You has improved a bit. Seeing that a person likes another person, have you corrected it?" Zeng Lili smiled delicately, "Oh, Teacher You, don't be angry. Well, what are you doing when you become angry, you think I still have thoughts about you, tsk tsk, then you really don’t understand women, I just want to see you in bad luck, women are very grudges, don’t you think so? Director Xiaoxue .”

"Crazy." You Jiang finally couldn't help yelling, "Are you crazy? We have broken up for so long, and you are still so paranoid."

"Paranoid?" Zeng Lili shook her head and smiled contemptuously, "Do you think I'm paranoid? Then you don't understand me too well."

"I never knew you, you are crazy." You Jiang pointed at Zeng Lili angrily, "The one thing I regret most in my life is that I was with you once."

"Finally tell the truth, You Jiang, no matter how hard I forced you to tell the truth before, you refused to tell the truth, but now you finally say it!" Zeng Lili glared at You Jiang nervously, "You just never loved me! you liar!"

You Jiang tensed his face, clenched his fists, and almost said word for word: "I really fucking regret knowing you."

You Jiang turned and left with a livid face.

Zeng Lili's jaw trembled slightly.

Zhou Yun glanced at You Jiang's back, then at Zeng Lili.

Zeng Lili's eye sockets gradually turned red, and a layer of mist quickly filled the air, but she almost wiped the underside of her right eye with her hand, turned her head, smiled desolately at Zhou Yun, and said, "I'm sorry, Director Xiao Xue, let you see a joke."


"Cut!" Xue Qin's voice came from behind.

You Jiang is also back.

Zhou Yun and Zeng Lili smiled at each other.

Zeng Lili's assistant immediately stepped forward and gave her a tissue.

Zeng Lili took the tissue and wiped her eyes.

"The acting is really good." Xue Qin came over and gave the three people a thumbs up, "Mr. You and Mr. Zeng are really capable, and they came as soon as they said it."

Zhou Yun said with a smile: "I was frightened. If I say I explode, I will explode, and if I say it, I will accept it. This emotion is in the hands of the two teachers. It is like plasticine, and they let them shape it into the shape they want."

"It's not as exaggerated as what you said." Zeng Lili gave them a look, "But it's true, I haven't had such an addiction for a long time."

"It's really good." You Jiang said with a smile.

Xue Qin said, "Let's take a look at the filming just now."

The three of them followed behind Xue Qin, looked at a fortune
Zhou Yun asked Xue Qin: "Director, do you want to do it again?"

"Okay, pass." Xue Qin said, "I have no objection."

A scene can be passed three times.

Zhou Yun was surprised.

It's okay to put it in other crews, but for Xue Qin, it's very rare.

You must know that when Xue Qin was filming "Words of Fallen Leaves", a scene was filmed more than ten times.

Seeing the surprised expression on Zhou Yun's face, Xue Qin smiled and said, "Why, I didn't expect me to pass so soon?"

"That's right, you didn't usually take more than a dozen shots before." Zhou Yun said directly.

Xue Qin: "That scene had to be shot meticulously, but this scene couldn't be shot finely."

Zhou Yun asked curiously, "Why?"

Xue Qin said: "In that scene, the drama was not strong in the first place. It was originally about filming people's states and emotions. This scene focuses on drama. As long as the characteristics of the characters are identified, no matter how you act, it will be right. If you are picky, the final result It's just that the actor's state is getting more and more tired, and instead he loses his vitality."

Zhou Yun seemed to understand but not understand.

The shooting progress of "Behind the Scenes" is very fast, even faster than the shooting plan set at the beginning.

When the outside world is talking about it, the crew of "Behind the Scenes" seems to be isolated from the outside world. Every day when Zhou Yun goes to the set, he can see relaxed and happy smiles on everyone's faces.

In fact, whether a movie is shot well or not can be felt during the shooting process.

Every night, Xue Qin locked herself in her room to write the script, and Zhou Yun, You Jiang, Zeng Lili, and Wang Jing, the main actors, found a place to rehearse.

Every scene is the result of their collective rehearsal.

In such a creative atmosphere, Zhou Yun almost forgot that he still has a popular TV series on the air.

"Don't forget the party the day after tomorrow." That night, Zhou Lan called Zhou Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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