I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 400 Long time no see

Chapter 400 Long time no see

Zhou Yun almost forgot about it.

"Do you know how popular "Question Heart" is now?" Zhou Lan said, "The number of collaborators who come to you has doubled compared to usual!"

Zhou Yun looked at Zhou Lan in surprise, and asked, "Is it true?"

She stayed in the crew during this time, because of the drama "Behind the Scenes", when Yao Yuanfeng contacted her, she felt that she had made a very wrong decision, so Zhou Yun didn't even post on Weibo in order not to let herself be disturbed. Yes, I handed over the account password to Zhou Lan, and asked Zhou Lan to be in charge of the daily promotional activities of "Question Heart".

From the perspective of the outside world, Zhou Yun will post a Weibo related to "Question" every day, closely follow the plot of "Question", and promote "Question". Is it about "Ask the Heart" or about the play "Behind the Scenes".

Like it or not, Zhou Yun recognized it.

But these voices cannot be allowed to affect her mood and affect her state of filming "Behind the Scenes".

Xue Qin is going all out, Zeng Lili and You Jiang are going all out, and she must also go all out.

In particular, she can basically only get the script to be shot one or two days in advance. After getting it, she has to hold a script meeting with Xue Qin, rehearse with several other actors, and complete the normal daily shooting. Tight and demanding, Zhou Yun was doing this as if he had given himself blood.

She has no distractions, no energy to focus on other things.

Even Song Chi could only make one phone call a day to keep in touch.

Song Chi also knew that this period of time was special for her, so she basically didn't bother her. If there was anything to do, she would leave a message on WeChat, take a photo of the sky, or a photo of her work. There was no reply to several messages, and she didn't see it until midnight when she was about to go to bed, and she replied a voice message to Song Chi.

But now, she has to ask for leave from the crew to attend the performance of the New Year's Eve party.

Regarding this matter, Zhou Lan had communicated with Shi Luoqi and Xue Qin a long time ago.

But at that time, we communicated that the filming of "Words of Fallen Leaves" hadn't been stopped.

Xue Qin only asked: "Do you have to go?"

Zhou Yun replied: "I have already signed a performance contract with them, and they have already announced the news that I will participate. I can't break the contract at this time."

Xue Qin nodded and said, "Okay, you go, I will adjust the shooting task and wait for you to come back."

"Well, I'll leave at noon on the [-]th, and I'll be back all night after the recording at night." Zhou Yun promised, "Just ask someone to put the new script in my room, and I'll read it when I come back."

Xue Qin suddenly hugged Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun was terribly surprised by this, and looked at Xue Qin with a blank face, bewildered.

"It's been a hard time." Xue Qin said, "I've never told you, but this time I want to say, fortunately, you are here."

Zhou Yun didn't know how to describe the shock in his heart.

What a shock.

Zhou Yun would not be so shocked even if Shi Luoqi made and said this action and such words.

Who is Xue Qin?She was the one who made Zhou Yun and Song Chi complain many times in private at first.To this day, Zhou Yun only recognizes and appreciates Xue Qin's talent, but he doesn't think that Xue Qin's temper has become much better, nor does he think that she and Xue Qin have become friends.

But Xue Qin's move caused Zhou Yun to fall into astonishment.

Lucky to have you here?
Xue Qin's words made Zhou Yun couldn't help wondering whether Xue Qin had been pierced by someone's soul?
"It's disgusting." Without paying attention, Zhou Yun directly said what was in his heart.

Zhou Yun was taken aback, a little embarrassed.

Xue Qin laughed heartily and said, "Okay, I won't tell you about it in the future."


On the night of the [-]th, Zhou Yun talked with Song Chi on the phone.

"I'm going to arrive tomorrow afternoon. I don't know if I can make it in time for the last rehearsal. If I can't make it, I can only rely on you." Zhou Yun said, "I'm going to sing tomorrow night, but you know, I'm really good at singing." Generally speaking, so, don’t assign me the solo part, it’s okay for me to mix in with you, and the solo performance is really going to be a hotly searched car accident scene.”

Song Chi smiled and said: "The TV station arranged for the two of us to sing a song together. It is impossible for all of us to sing together. There is no such thing. After the two of us sing a song together, we will have to sing with Su Yan again. Sing the theme song of Asking the Heart."

"Sister Lan sent me these two songs in advance. I'm practicing, but the practice effect is really mediocre. I'm very serious. Song Chi, don't embarrass me."

"Then do you want to lip-sync?"

"That won't work, isn't fake singing a lie." Zhou Yun said, "You still can't fake singing, alas, I just said, I really hate this kind of singing work, Sister Lan insisted on telling me, This is to promote "Question Heart", I really bite the bullet and follow up."

Song Chi smiled and comforted: "It's okay, it's really okay, you're not a professional singer, why do you have to sing so well? You can sing ordinary, and the audience understands."

"Then you are really... don't you know that every year there is a collection of singing car accident scenes on the Internet?" Zhou Yun said, "Do you think I haven't accepted this kind of public singing commercial before? You think I didn't believe it Have you been tolerated by the audience? No, I tell you, never trust the audience, as long as it can make them happy, there is nothing they can’t do.”

"..." Song Chi said helplessly, "But the two of us sang together from the beginning to the end. I... I really have never seen this form."

"Then let's innovate." Zhou Yun said, "Oh, Song Chi, Brother Chi, Brother Song, my boyfriend, it's time for you to stand up."

Song Chi breathed heavily, "Okay."

This is promised.

Zhou Yun immediately cheered.

As for what the TV station said, that was Song Chi's business.

"However, we can only do this on the love song we sang together. The lyrics of the theme song of "Questioning the Heart" are all divided, and Su Yan, you can't let her sing with us from the beginning to the end Let's go." Song Chi said.

Zhou Yun asked: "Can I just stand quietly beside you without opening my mouth? I can share my lyrics for you to sing."

Song Chi: "You are enough, don't push yourself too far."

"Oh, well, I see."

At noon on the [-]th, Zhou Yun took Zheng Xiaoju and Cao Jun to leave the film crew and headed for the high-speed rail station. They arrived at [-]:[-] pm and went to the recording location, a local gymnasium.

At four o'clock, Zhou Yun arrived on time to catch up with the last rehearsal.

"Song Chi!" Zhou Yun ran into him in the backstage corridor, let out a scream of surprise, and jumped on him like a bird flapping its wings.

Long time no see, I miss you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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