I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 402 Rehearsal Highlights

Chapter 402 Rehearsal Highlights
The song is sung from beginning to end.

The director stepped onto the stage and walked up to Song Chi and Zhou Yun.

"You two, you two should interact more on stage." Director Zhang smiled helplessly, "Everyone is here for you."

Song Chi said: "Director, we just sing a song, but we don't intend to show our affection in front of the camera. Forget it, holding hands is enough."

Song Chi said that, what else could the director say.

"Then at least make more eye contact, especially Xiao Yun. Song Chi looked at you many times during the singing, but you didn't catch his eyes and kept looking in other directions."

But anyone with a discerning eye could tell that Zhou Yun didn't quarrel with Song Chi and didn't want to make eye contact with him, but... shy!
The director himself is unwilling to believe this judgment.

A female star who is now very popular, a female star who is on the top of the search every three days and has enough fans to make any first-line female star jealous, will be shy on the stage because she sings with her boyfriend!
If he told others that, no one would believe him and would say he was spreading rumors.

Whether in front of the camera or on social media, Zhou Yun's public image has nothing to do with shyness or shyness.

She can be sweet and charming, but she is definitely not the kind of obedient and obedient.

She can also smile brightly, but she is also the one who dares to curse people directly on Weibo when she is angry.

Those things that happened to Zhou Yun have built everyone's impression of her.

There are many aspects to this impression, but the director bets that shyness is definitely not included in it.

Zhou Yun said with a smile: "Okay, I will pay attention, it's the first time to sing with him on stage, I'm a little nervous."

Song Chi is that him.

"When the official performance comes later, we also invited a pair of dancers to dance on the other side." The director said, "Their positions will not have any intersection with yours, you don't need to interact with them, and don't worry about it." Our camera, our camera opportunity to capture the two, in the end, the place where the two are fixed is still a little behind, this place."

The director pointed to a point ahead where a cross had been marked on the stage with silver tape.

"The two of you are holding hands and want to come here before stopping."

Zhou Yun nodded.

"Can we walk again?" Zhou Yun asked, "Is there still time?"

The director picked up the walkie-talkie and asked, "Is Su Yan here?"

"Not yet, Director Zhang. Su Yan said that the costumes are being finalized and there is no way to come over."

The director's eyelids twitched.

"Tell Su Yan that the final preparations for the performance will be made soon, and the rehearsal time is only the last hour." The director said, "If you delay the afternoon, you won't be able to rehearse."

"Director, I told them, but they insisted on ordering the costumes before coming over."

The conversation between the two came through the walkie-talkie, and Zhou Yun and Song Chi could also hear it.

Zhou Yun thought for a while and said to the director: "Director, why don't Song Chi and I have a rehearsal first, in fact, the most important thing is me, I know my position and it's fine, Song Chi and Su Yan have walked through it before. right?"

The director nodded hesitantly.

"How about waiting for Su Yan to come, and the three of you walk together?" the director said, "The three of you are today's finale, a very important position. After the performance, there will be an interview with the host. Promote "Ask the Heart" and send red envelopes to everyone."

Zhou Yun thought to himself, Su Yan probably won't come over.

She said: "Yeah, I understand, it's okay, director, Su Yan can't get through anyway, Song Chi and I will rehearse another song first, I will walk through my part to get familiar with it, and the rest of the process will wait for her Come and we can be right again."

The director nodded when he heard it.

The chorus of the three is after the chorus of the two of them.

Therefore, the two of them did not re-enter the stage. After "I Hear Your Voice", Song Chi welcomed Su Yan to the stage. After Su Yan appeared from the lifting platform, Su Yan sang a section. At this time, Zhou Yun and Song Chi had to go to their respective positions. After Su Yan finished singing, the camera cut to Song Chi's side, and finally to Zhou Yun. Then the three walked to the center of the stage and sang together.

When Zhou Yun sang his part, he was really careful.

The director didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard this, and said, "Xiaoyun, your singing is not bad, please sing louder."

Zhou Yun said: "Director, don't worry. During the official performance, even if you are off-key, I won't let you off the hook. You definitely won't be so delicate."

When the director heard the words "Even if it's off-key, I won't let you off the hook", he was stunned.

For a moment he doubted his ability to understand.

If walking away is not losing the chain, then for Zhou Yun, what is losing the chain?

Behind, the actor's dressing room.

Su Yan had a dressing room alone.

Her little assistant returned to the lounge from the side of the stage, and said, "Yanyan, I just went to see Zhou Yun and Song Chi's rehearsal. Didn't you hear Zhou Yun sing? I'm so dumbfounded."

Su Yan, who said she was modifying costumes for the show, was sitting on a chair and applying a facial mask.

She glanced at her assistant in the mirror and asked, "What's wrong with Zhou Yun's singing?"

"Singing is very special... It looks like you are timid and afraid to speak at all." The assistant said, "I was shocked. The staff next to me said that they didn't expect Zhou Yun to sing so stage fright."

Su Yan chuckled lightly, and said, "A person who has just debuted for a few years and is not a professional singer. Isn't it normal to be nervous and frightened when attending this kind of party? Look at the way you make a fuss."

"Yes, Sister Yanyan, today you are performing on the same stage, she has no way to compare with you." The assistant said excitedly, "You two are in the same frame, it will only make her more stage fright."

"Of course, we Yanyan have many years of performance experience. This kind of New Year's Eve party has always amazed the audience." Su Yan's manager He Ting smiled and said, "Okay, Yanyan, You should also go to the final rehearsal now, there are still some procedures that have not been gone through, the performance is the biggest thing, go quickly."

Su Yan took off her mask and sighed leisurely.

"Really, a group of people are waiting for her alone. Now that she's here, she wants me to cooperate with the rehearsal. I'm really going back." Su Yan gave He Ting a sad look, "Sister Ting, you I agreed to pick up the movie before. When can I get a good movie back? I can’t let Zhou Yun keep stepping on my head, can I? How can a senior like me go to this kind of rehearsal? To accommodate her, the younger generation's reason for the rehearsal time."

(End of this chapter)

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