I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 403 Prelude to the performance

Chapter 403 Prelude to the performance
Su Yan arrived late.

Song Chi and Zhou Yun were chatting and laughing with the director.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm late." Su Yan said, "There is something wrong with the costumes for the evening show, and I have been making the final adjustments and revisions. I have to watch it myself, otherwise it will be bad. .”

When the director saw Su Yan, he was also extremely affectionate, and said, "It's okay, Yanyan, just so you're here, let's talk about the interview and lucky draw tonight."

The host tonight is from Binhai Satellite TV. The host in charge of their session is called Yu Hailong, who is Binhai Satellite TV's "host brother".

He is very young, only in his early thirties, but because of his handsome appearance, solid foundation, and being a contestant from the CCTV host competition, he is highly valued by the audience.

Of course, compared with him, Song Chi and the others are almost a round younger.

Still have to be younger.

"After the three performances, Hai Long will invite the three to stay and do a simple interview. The interview questions are all here." The director took out a hand card and said, "Three people, three questions, one for each , the three of you can first prepare how to answer, and the answer time should be controlled in about half a minute."

Su Yan glanced at her own question, and immediately said, "Director, let me change this question."

"Huh? What's wrong?" the director asked.

"Look at this question, ask me if I have any plans to fall in love when I see Song Chi and Zhou Yun are so sweet together, how do I answer this question." Su Yan said, "I don't mean to be jealous of them, I just mean However, we are all here to promote "Question", and I don't want to disclose my private life situation."

Zhou Yun looked at his question: Everyone thinks that you and Song Chi are very sweet. In the eyes of many fans, you and Song Chi are very perfect. Now I want to ask Xiao Yun, what do you think is the relationship between you and Song Chi? In my eyes, what are Song Chi's three greatest strengths?
Look at the questions to Song Chi again, scene by scene, and ask Song Chi what are the three greatest strengths in Zhou Yun.


At first glance, this kind of question is designed to satisfy the curiosity of the audience and to increase the ratings and popularity.

For lovers CP, this is what everyone is most curious about.

Even if they clearly know that both parties will definitely say good things, and there will be popular words such as responsible, kind, and considerate, everyone still wants to hear it, as long as it comes from their mouths, they want to hear it.

This spirit of curiosity and gossip has been inherited from ancient times to the present.

The director still wanted to do Su Yan's work, but Su Yan's attitude was very firm.

There was no way, the director had no choice but to call the director and change the question temporarily.

Finally, I changed to a question about what work plan I have for next year and what I want to achieve.

That's it for the interview session, and there will be another blessing later.

The three of them each want to send a New Year greeting to the audience in front of the TV and in front of the screen.

Finally, there is the lucky draw.

Their work is very simple, a total of three rounds of lottery draws, everyone can call stop once, and then they will read out the mobile phone numbers of the lucky viewers who have been drawn.

The whole link that requires them to play is over.

The director originally discussed with them, and wanted to invite them to the stage to count down to zero with everyone during the New Year's Eve.

But both Zhou Yun and Su Yan are in a hurry, so they can't stay here and count down to zero with everyone.

The two parties communicated, and Song Chi would stay and promote another wave of "Question Heart" during the countdown to midnight. In exchange, Song Chi would come on stage again as a guest and count down with everyone.

At this point, it was already half past five, and there were only two and a half hours left before the live broadcast of the party.

"Okay, let's go get something to eat first." Song Chi took Zhou Yun's hand, "You came out of the set at noon, didn't you eat?"

"I ate a sandwich on the way." Zhou Yun asked, "What can I eat?"

"A box lunch is prepared." Song Chi said, "Are you going to my rest room?"

The program team prepared a separate lounge for each of them, but the two of them finally met once, and obviously they didn't intend to separate.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "But I haven't tried on the clothes yet, I'll wear the clothes for the evening performance later."

Zheng Xiaoju took the initiative to say at this time: "Sister Xiaoyun, the clothes have been delivered, and I will help you take them to Brother Chi's lounge later."

Along the way, many people secretly took pictures of the two of them with their mobile phones.

Especially the ensemble performers who will be dancing later.


On the director's side.

"The last department hastened to make a final confirmation." Director Zhang said.

"Director, let's eat something quickly." His assistant brought him a lunch box, "I won't have time to eat when I get busy later."

Director Zhang sat down by a light box, moved a chair and started eating.

"I found that Zhou Yun is not as difficult to cooperate as the rumors." His assistant also sat down, ate together, and said while eating, "I didn't mention any special requirements."

"It's difficult for Zhou Yun to cooperate. It's not her business, but it's rare to cooperate with her. Think about it for yourself, how many people want to invite her to cooperate, and how many public activities did she have in the end?" Director Zhang said, "If it wasn't for "Ask the Heart" this time, we wouldn't be able to invite her to the New Year's Eve party. She hasn't sung two songs in public for so many years."

The assistant thought about it carefully, then nodded, "It's true, but she's really not good at singing, maybe she doesn't dare to sing."

"Heh, with an appearance fee of tens of millions, you dare to sing even if you are a sound idiot. Are there still few people lip-syncing in the entertainment industry? Who wouldn't want to make money easily?" the director said, "Okay, these You don’t understand anything, so eat yours.”


The assistant paused, and then said: "But I really think she is different from other female stars."


"Her attitude is really approachable, not the kind of approachability she pretends to be, she really doesn't put on a tone at all." The assistant said, "It's completely different from the other one."

"Shut up, eat yours, this kind of place doesn't talk to the door."

The assistant finally shut up now.


"Dong dong."

Someone knocked on the door.

The door opened, and Meng Ran's face appeared at the door.

She smiled sweetly and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, so you are really here!"

"Xiao Ran." Zhou Yun was eating, put down his chopsticks, and stood up, "Are you looking for me?"

"I know you're here today, so I went to look for you in your lounge just now, but they told me that you're here with Brother Chi." Meng Ran's eyes sparkled, and she asked, "Can I come in?"

"Of course, come in." Zhou Yun greeted with a smile, "You also have a performance today, right?"

"Yes." Meng Ran nodded, "The second program."

(End of this chapter)

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