Chapter 404
Meng Ran herself is a popular idol who debuted on a talent show. She is good at singing and dancing. This kind of evening has always been her home.

Zhou Yun asked, "Have you had dinner yet?"

"I don't eat before the performance." Meng Ran said, "Otherwise I won't be able to dance."

Hearing this, Zhou Yun asked in surprise, "Is that so? Then you don't eat before every performance, do you?"

"Yeah." Meng Ran nodded, "I just came to say hello, Sister Xiaoyun, you can eat first, I won't bother you and Brother Chi, goodbye."

"Bye." Zhou Yun sent Meng Ran out.

Song Chi said, "Hurry up and eat, the food is getting cold."

"Here we come." Zhou Yun nodded and sat down again, "I haven't seen Meng Ran for a long time, I didn't expect to meet today."

"She has been very popular in the past two years, and I often meet him in various activities." Song Chi said, "But it is said that she has a big temper and is not easy to cooperate with, especially her work team, which is particularly difficult. I had a movie before, and someone suggested to find her, but Wu Chengbao immediately dismissed it, Wu Chengbao said that he had dealt with Meng Ran's work team before, and there were many things and difficult things."

"Is that so? I met her when I filmed Shen Yao's "Warm Little Pony" together. When I got in touch with her, I felt that she was quite a nice person, but she and Liu Yuqian didn't get along very well. This is true, and there are often small frictions between the two."

"Liu Yuqian is not a fuel-efficient lamp. I filmed a movie with her before. She is really too gossip and likes to tell stories." Song Chi frowned when he heard Liu Yuqian's name, "Although I have never taken the initiative to do it. What a bad thing, but that mouth can say it anywhere, and in the end, many people in our crew were not good because of her mouth."

Zhou Yun asked in surprise: "Really? Liu Yuqian... well, you're right, she really likes to chat with people everywhere, and she also likes to gossip with me, but usually I'm the one who listens, and she Speaking of which, I thought that if I ignored her, she wouldn't talk to me, but she didn't care, and talked to me every now and then. After we finished filming, we met at BJ together. I think she's quite nice. OK."

"That's because you are Zhou Yun, so you will find that you are surrounded by good people." Song Chi said, "If you are not Zhou Yun, but a little-known Jiang Yun, or Chu Yun, you will find , the faces of the good people around you will be reduced by half."

"I know." Zhou Yun grinned, "Someone was sarcastic to me two years ago."

Song Chi: "You're not talking about me, are you?"

"I didn't say that."

"That's because you speak with a stick in your mouth?"

"Ah? Is that so? No one else said it except you." Zhou Yun said, "It should be your problem."

Song Chi glanced over and said, "Yes, my problem is all my problem."

Zhou Yun nodded with a smile, and said, "I have finally realized this, and I will add a chicken leg to you."

She gave Song Chi her chicken leg.

Song Chi smiled helplessly.

The knock on the door sounded again.

"Who is it this time?"

Song Chi's assistant came in and said, "Brother Chi, Sister Xiaoyun, the program team is doing a live broadcast before the party, and they want to come over later, can you please participate in the live broadcast?"

"Haven't you communicated with us before?" Song Chi asked.

"No." The assistant shook his head, "It's not written in the contract."

"Do you want to participate?" Song Chi asked Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun said: "Anyway, we're here, so let's take part in it, and we can also promote "Question". There should be quite a few viewers in the live broadcast room, right?"

"I saw that there are more than [-] million viewers." Song Chi's assistant said, "This live broadcast is hosted by Yu Hailong, and the content is that Yu Hailong goes to the dressing room and lounge of each guest backstage to chat with the guests. Way, do an activity similar to the warm-up of the party."

"What's the topic?" Song Chi asked.

"This is the chat outline given to me by the director team. There are two main aspects. One is to share with you the happy things this year, and the other is whether there are any surprises in tonight's show." The assistant said.

Zhou Yun put down his chopsticks, took out a tissue, wiped his mouth clean, nodded, and said, "It's ok, it's pretty good."

Song Chi nodded and said, "Then you go and reply to them, just say yes."

The assistant nodded and asked, "Then shall we change into another set of clothes?"

Right now Song Chi and Zhou Yun were both wearing regular clothes, one was wearing a long black down jacket and the other was wearing a long white down jacket.

Zhou Yun said: "Let me change it, I haven't even tried on my costume yet, so hurry up."

Just as he was talking, Zheng Xiaoju knocked on the door.

She directed two people and pushed a mobile hanger in.

"Sister Xiaoyun, these are clothes sent by VX." Zheng Xiaoju said.

On the hangers, there are a total of more than a dozen clothes, including long skirts and neutral clothes.

Zhou Yun took a look at each item, and took out a wine red one-piece design. The upper body was a chest-wrapping design, sleeveless, with a V-neck, and the lower body was wide-leg pants with a strong silhouette. , with a golden belt around the waist, a little French style.

She gestured in front of her and said, "Is this one more suitable for wearing on stage?"

"Looks good, Miss Xiaoyun, your legs are long and straight, especially suitable for this kind of dress, so sassy."

Zhou Yun: "Let me try it first, Song Chi, do you have a changing room here?"

"Yes." Song Chi pointed to a door inside and said, "There is a small room inside, you can change inside."

Zhou Yun went inside to change, walked out, put his hands in his trouser pockets, "How is it?"

"Very cool." Zheng Xiaoju's eyes sparkled.

Zhou Yun asked Song Chi.

Song Chi nodded without hesitation, and said, "It's pretty."

Zhou Yun: "That's it."

Zheng Xiaoju said: "The makeup artists are waiting in our lounge, Miss Xiaoyun, shall we go back and do our makeup later, or do our makeup here?"

Zhou Yun said: "Let them come over, just melt here."

Zheng Xiaoju nodded immediately, "Then I'll let them come over right away."

Zhou Yun walked to the hanger again and picked out another casual one for himself, which he will wear when he participates in the live broadcast later.

"Okay, that's all there is to it," she said.

Song Chi's assistant was dumbfounded.

Zhou Yun's speed of picking out clothes, does it take ten minutes in total?
Even Song Chi couldn't pick clothes so fast.

Is this the waywardness with top beauty?

No matter how you wear it, it looks good, even if you put a bed sheet on it.

What surprised Song Chi's assistant even more happened later.

When Zhou Yun's makeup team arrived, they first drew a rough outline on the tablet. Zhou Yun glanced at it and nodded.

"Okay, that's it."

It's settled at a glance.

Song Chi's assistant swears that he has never seen a female celebrity who makes decisions so quickly, especially when it comes to her own style.

(End of this chapter)

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