Chapter 405
After Song Chi's assistant left, Song Chi said to Zhou Yun, "You scared my assistant just now."

"Scared?" Zhou Yun looked puzzled, "Why did I scare him? I didn't show the prototype of my white lady."

Song Chi smiled and said, "I've never seen a female star who picks out clothes and shapes so quickly like you."

Zhou Yun understood, he laughed a few times, and said, "This kind of aesthetics is based on intuition at first glance, picking and choosing, but in the end it's not very good."

Song Chi nodded and gave a thumbs up.

"Makes sense."

Zhou Yun glanced at the time, it was already ten past six.

"Why hasn't the live broadcast started yet?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi said: "It probably won't be so fast, there are so many people participating in the performance."

Zhou Yun asked, "Who are here today?"

Song Chi said, "Don't you know? The list should have been announced online, let me check."

Song Chi found the list of guests for the New Year's Eve concert released by the TV station's official Weibo account on the Internet.

"Wow, they invited Teacher Chen Quanying here?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise, "I haven't seen her for a long time. The last time I saw her was more than a year or two ago."

Song Chi: "She hasn't come out for many activities in the past two years. I heard that something happened at home."

"Ah? What happened?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

"It's said that her husband got sick, which is very troublesome. She has spent most of the past two years taking care of others." Song Chi said.

"It's no wonder I haven't heard her sing much in the past two years. She sings really well." Zhou Yun said, "When I'm filming, I still listen to her songs when I have nothing to do."

Song Chi said: "Then let's go and say hello to her later. Her show is scheduled for the New Year's Eve, and she probably hasn't come yet."

Zhou Yun supported his head with one hand and yawned.

"When you're full, you get sleepy."

Song Chi said, "Then why don't you sleep on the sofa for a while?"

"The live broadcaster will come later." Zhou Yun yawned again as he spoke, "Hold on, I'll squint for a while when the live broadcast is over, and I'll fly back overnight, it must be very difficult It's late to sleep."

Song Chi sighed directly when he heard Zhou Yun's words.

"Don't make yourself so tired next time, you have to take a vacation." Song Chi said.

"Hey, isn't it rare that I come across a story that I'm particularly impulsive and want to act in? I'm surprised when I say it, there is no script, and I don't like this director very much, but she just asked me to say that. , I felt a sense of mission spontaneously. I must act in this play, not only because I really like this play, I am very optimistic about it, and think it can be done, but also because if I don’t act in this play, maybe it will That sense of purpose that will never get the chance again."

Song Chi smiled and said, "Many actors have had such moments."

"Then have you ever had one?"


"Then how did you do it?"

"Of course it is to complete my mission."

"Look, you don't either."

"Well, so I didn't object to you." Song Chi said with a smile.

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

After thinking about it carefully, Zhou Yun realized that it was true that Song Chi had never said a word of objection to her going to play "Behind the Scenes" from the beginning to the end.

Even Zhou Lan objected, but Song Chi did not.

"I thought you supported me unconditionally."

"I'm not a brainless man."

"Hahahaha." Zhou Yun couldn't help laughing, "Brainless man? What kind of word is this, it's the first time I've heard of it."

"I heard my assistant complain about it before, saying that his girlfriend complained about him being a brainless guy." Song Chi looked at Zhou Yun, "What's the matter? You're smiling so happily."

Zhou Yun: "I think this word is very vivid, vivid and lively."

The two talked and laughed.

At this time, someone knocked on the door.

Zheng Xiaoju put down his phone and went to open the door, "Who is it?"

"Are Xiao Chi and Xiao Yun there?" It was Yu Hailong who spoke.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi knew it was the live broadcast when they heard the voice.

Neither of them stood up, as if they were already prepared.

This kind of live broadcast event under the banner of "revealing the backstage" is to create a sense of surprise for the audience.

"Teacher Yu?" Zhou Yun poked his head in surprise.

The mobile phone used for the live broadcast was being placed on a selfie artifact, and Yu Hailong held it in his hand.

Yu Hailong smiled and said to the phone: "Dear audience friends, we are in this room now, guess who is the celebrity we are going to meet next?"

Yu Hailong made a silent gesture to Zhou Yun and Song Chi.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi cooperatively stopped talking.

"Wow, your ears are really sharp, you can recognize Zhou Yun's voice just now!"

Apparently, someone in Yu Hailong's headset was also reporting to him the barrage situation in the live broadcast room in real time.

"Since everyone has already guessed it, I won't fool you. Come on, let Zhou Yun say hello to the audience friends in our live broadcast room first." Yu Hailong said.

Zhou Yun walked over cooperatively, and first shouted "Hello, Teacher Yu".

She stood beside Hai Long, smiled and asked curiously, "Can everyone see me now?"

Yu Hailong smiled and said: "Everyone is praising the goddess for being so beautiful today! They said that it has been a long time since I saw you come out for activities, and today I finally saw a fresh goddess again."

Zhou Yun smiled shyly and shyly, bright and moving.

"I miss everyone too, hello everyone, I'm Zhou Yun."

Yu Hailong said: "Xiaoyun is really beautiful today, is this the look you performed on stage tonight?"

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "No, Mr. Yu, the look will be kept secret for the time being. Everyone remember to watch our New Year's Eve concert later, so that everyone can see it for the first time. It is a look that I like very much. It used to be It seems that such a style is rarely attempted."

"Xiao Yun said so, I can't wait." Yu Hailong said, "My friends, remember to watch the live broadcast of our New Year's Eve concert on Binjiang Satellite TV and Haiyu Network later."

Zhou Yun smiled and waved.

Yu Hailong said: "In addition to Xiaoyun, there is actually a male god that everyone is looking forward to here. Have you guessed who it is? Everyone is watching Song Chi. Alas, the live broadcasts are getting worse and worse. Done, why do everyone always guess it so easily? I can't sell this trick anymore, okay, let's stop talking nonsense, please Song Chi come and say hello to everyone. "

Only then did Song Chi walk into the camera.

In the era of vertical screen live broadcast, it is already the limit to hold Yu Hailong and Zhou Yun. If you want to bring Song Chi in, you have to push the phone farther away.

For this reason, Song Chi stood directly behind Zhou Yun, put one arm around Zhou Yun's shoulder, and held her in his arms.

While hugging Zhou Yun naturally, he smiled and waved his hands: "Hello, I'm Song Chi."

(End of this chapter)

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