Chapter 406 Ask My Heart
The moment Song Chi and Zhou Yun appeared in the same frame in the live broadcast room, the barrage suddenly became fierce.

Gifts are also swiped up.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi couldn't see what was said on the barrage, but Yu Hailong kept yelling, so they knew that the live broadcast room should be very lively.

Song Chi and Zhou Yun stayed in the lively live broadcast room for fifteen minutes, Yu Hailong said: "Okay, we can't disturb Song Chi and Zhou Yun anymore, they are going to start modeling soon, everyone remember Pay attention to the live broadcast of the New Year's Eve concert starting at [-]:[-] p.m., thank you Song Chi, thank you Zhou Yun, see you later!"

"See you later!" Zhou Yun smiled and shook hands with Yu Hailong.

After Hai Long left, the lounge became quiet.

Song Chi patted Zhou Yun on the shoulder and said, "Hurry up and get some sleep. I'll do my hair first, and I can sleep for twenty minutes."

But Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "I've been talking and laughing just now, I don't feel sleepy anymore, I can't fall asleep, forget it."

Song Chi nodded.

Zheng Xiaoju said to Zhou Yun: "Sister Xiaoyun, let's do some skin care now."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded.


At the same time, in Meng Ran's dressing room.

Meng Ran asked, "During the live broadcast just now, how was the barrage reaction?"

"Very good, everyone is looking forward to your performance tonight."

The one who answered was Meng Ran's manager, named Wen Tianlang, who was rather fat and wore a suit, but the suit was so tight that one couldn't help but worry that two of the buttons would accidentally fall off.

He said: "Perform well, today's show is something we have prepared for a long time, and it will definitely win everyone's love."

"Lily's show also hired a choreographer from South Korea to create a new set of dances. I heard that set of choreography costs [-] yuan? Is she opening the Hongcheng Satellite TV New Year's Eve concert?" Meng Ran asked.

Both Lily and Meng Ran came out of the same talent show. When the two participated in the talent show, they were the two most popular contestants. After making their debut as a group, they also worked together for a year. Their popularity remained high and the team disbanded. From now on, the two are still good sisters on the surface, but they have little contact in private. After all, the competition and friction between each other are not small. This is not something that can be lubricated by simple friendship.

Wen Tianlang nodded, and said: "This time she did spend a lot of money on her side, but our choreographer teacher is not bad, and you also know that if this trick comes out, it will definitely blow up the audience."

Meng Ran said, "Is's variety show with the theme of singing and dancing set for next year?"

"It hasn't been decided yet, but you have great hopes of winning." Wen Tianlang said, "Among all the singing and dancing artists, you are the most popular. The program team is eager to let you go."

"The show is an S-level big production, so don't fool me. Even Mr. Chen Quanying can be invited. This kind of level is not something I can get on if I want to. Since Mr. Chen Quanying's official announcement, many people have come. Ask me about this show, and ask me if I will go." Meng Ran said, "I heard that Lily also fell in love with this show."

"Her? She's going to be filming in May, and she's accepted an online drama, and the schedule doesn't fit at all." Wen Tianlang said.

"Who said that you can't record programs at the same time when you are filming?" Meng Ran said, "Isn't the lesson learned enough last time? You have to say that "Warm Little Pony" has a ten-minute supporting role to go, which caused me She couldn't move her schedule, so she snatched her as a resident guest on a variety show."

"My little ancestor, you can show your face in the show "Warm Little Pony", which is much more cost-effective than recording a show." Wen Tianlang said, "Your popularity is on the table. There are, but how many times can you have the opportunity to act on the same stage with Shen Yao, Zhou Yun, and Yu Sitian in a lifetime? You have this experience in acting, and it is better to be in the film and television industry in the future than Lily who is filming online dramas A hundred times smoother."

Meng Ran actually knew this truth, she was just upset that Lily robbed the show.

"By the way, did you take a photo with someone when you went to see Zhou Yun just now?" Wen Tianlang suddenly remembered and asked.

"No, when I went, she and Song Chi were having dinner, I didn't have the nerve to interrupt, so I hurried out after saying a few words."

"You're thick-skinned. You happened to be taking a group photo with Song Chi. This group photo was posted on Weibo. Let me tell you, others will be jealous." Wen Tianlang gave Meng Ran a look of resentment.

Meng Ran didn't speak.What she wanted to say was that if she did this, the relationship between her and Zhou Yun, which was not considered acquaintance at all, might come to an end.

Meng Ran has been in this circle for a few years, even earlier than Zhou Yun's debut, but she is young and her status is not as good as Zhou Yun's, so she subconsciously regards Zhou Yun as her senior.

Having seen so many people, only Zhou Yun, Meng Ran thinks, you see Zhou Yun as a person who is easy to talk and has a good personality, but in fact, she has a shining principle line, which is placed there.

Meng Ran could clearly feel that Zhou Yun could accept what she did, but Zhou Yun could not accept what she did.

But it's not clear to Wen Tianlang, so it's better not to say it.

Wen Tianlang said, "Teacher Chen Quanying, have you visited?"

"I went there for a while, and said I was still in the hotel, so I didn't come." Meng Ran said, "I'll go find her after the show is over."

Wen Tianlang nodded and said: "Having a good relationship with these seniors will be of great benefit to you in the future, don't be troublesome, be courteous, sometimes, just a word from them, maybe a good opportunity will be presented to you Come."

"Yes, I see. My ears are tired of hearing you tell me that every few days."


At eight o'clock, the New Year's Eve concert officially started.

Zhou Yun has already done the modeling and is waiting to play.

Zheng Xiaoju opened the webcast on the tablet.

The staff of Zhou Yun and Song Chi's teams were watching the live broadcast, but Zhou Yun and Song Chi stayed on the other side, watching "Questioning the Heart" together.

Because Zhou Yun was filming in the crew before, Zhou Yun has not kept up with the progress of the broadcast.

Two people put a headset in each ear.

Song Chi said: "I met Director Jiang two days ago. Director Jiang said that you have great hopes of being nominated for the Best Supporting Actress for the Tripod Award for this drama. This drama has a lot of praise for you."

Zhou Yun laughed, "Liu Rufu really put a lot of effort into this role."

"I hope you win the prize."

"I hope too." Zhou Yun said.

During the filming of "Questioning the Heart", including the character Liu Rusu, Zhou Yun had a deep affection for this drama.

She has already acted in three TV series, "The Eighth Heartbeat", "Questioning the Heart" and "Fixing the Storm". If you want to ask which TV series she hopes to win the award, she will hope it is "Questioning the Heart".

(End of this chapter)

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