Chapter 407 Accidents
"I rely on!"

Song Chi's assistant suddenly exclaimed.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi looked over suspiciously, and found that the faces of the few people who were watching the live broadcast were shocked.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zheng Xiaoju opened his mouth in shock, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say it for a while.

It was Song Chi's assistant who picked it up and said, "Meng Ran fell off the stage."

"Ah?" Zhou Yun widened his eyes in surprise, got up quickly, ran over, and watched the live broadcast.

At this moment, a large group of people had swarmed up on the live broadcast screen, and surrounded Meng Ran firmly. Zhou Yun couldn't see Meng Ran's state at all.

About half a minute later, Meng Ran stood up with the help of others with a pale face.

"What's going on here? Why did you just fall down like this, didn't you get hurt?" Zhou Yun asked worriedly.

"It seems that there was a problem with the elevation of the stage just now." Zheng Xiaoju said, "Meng Ran was singing and dancing, and two of the stages fell down. down."

At this time, Zhou Yun heard lively voices outside the lounge.

I guess everyone knows about this.

Zhou Yun watched the live broadcast nervously, and the live director had already stepped forward.

The director seemed to be asking about Meng Ran's situation. Meng Ran shook her hand, as if to say something to the director. The director hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

In the next second, a scene that shocked Zhou Yun happened.

Meng Ran unexpectedly returned to the stage with the support of everyone.

"I'm sorry, everyone, there was a little accident at the performance." Meng Ran put on a strong face, endured the pain, and smiled, "I wanted to perform my latest dance music live for you today, but my leg hurts so much. It’s a little too strong, I can’t dance anymore, so I can only temporarily change a song for everyone.”

The audience at the scene shouted: "Come on! Meng Ran!"

"Thank you for your encouragement." Meng Ran smiled again, "I will sing a song from my first album, "The Man Who Chasers the Light" for everyone."

She paused, and began to sing.

There was no soundtrack or supporting dancer, and Meng Ran's voice resounded clearly throughout the venue.

Because of the previous dance music, Meng Ran put on heavy makeup and made a very gorgeous look, but at this time, she could only stand on the stage, singing this not very famous song quietly under a beam of light. of light.

Looking at Meng Ran on the screen, Zhou Yun was moved.

She quietly listened to Meng Ranqing finish singing "The Man Who Chasers the Light".

There was thunderous applause and cheers everywhere.

Obviously, Meng Ran's persistence moved everyone present.

Meng Ranying smiled, waved her hand, and said, "I wish everyone a happy new year in advance. Of course, everyone must be careful, and don't accidentally get hurt like me."

Someone came up to help Meng Ran, but Meng Ran got off the stage with the help of others.

The host came to the stage and played around.

Zhou Yun said to Song Chi, "I'll go and see her."

Song Chi said, "I'll go with you."


They went in the direction leading to the stage, walked through the corridor, and suddenly heard an angry voice coming from the front.

"You guys are so unprofessional! Such a big mistake! You are responsible for anything that happens to Meng Ran!" A fat man in a suit scolded several people with work badges, "What the hell are you doing?" How did you control the stage? Come down while people are still dancing on it! You all wait for me, I must give me an explanation for this matter!"

"Brother Lang." Meng Ran's voice sounded from the front.

Others helped her over.

This fat man in a suit is naturally Meng Ran's manager, Wen Tianlang.

When Wen Tianlang saw Meng Ran, he immediately stepped forward, supported her, observed carefully, and asked, "How is it? Where is the injury? Didn't the leg break?"

Meng Ran said, "The right side of my thigh was scratched, the skin was torn, and the tendon seemed to be twisted, and it hurt when I moved."

The scene was in chaos.

Zhou Yun walked over and asked with concern: "Xiao Ran, how are you doing? Is there any fracture?"

Seeing Zhou Yun, Meng Ran was a little surprised, shook her head, and said, "No, probably not."

Seeing that Meng Ran's face with heavy makeup actually showed pain from time to time, Zhou Yun knew that it must still be in pain.

She turned her head and was about to call for someone to bring her a chair, when Song Chi came over with a plastic stool and said, "Sit down first."

Meng Ran was flattered and said "Thank you Brother Chi".

Zhou Yun helped Meng Ran to sit down, "I was shocked when I saw you suddenly fall off the stage when you were performing in the waiting room. You are really strong enough to keep singing even after falling off the stage. Why? Don’t go directly to the hospital! What if it’s a fracture?”

A layer of sweat appeared on Meng Ran's forehead due to the pain.

"No, no, I know. I have a broken bone, and I know what it feels like to have a broken bone. It's just a sprained tendon." Meng Ran said, "It hurts a lot, but it's not a big problem. I used to get sprained often during dance practice."

Zhou Yun didn't dare to touch it, but he looked at Meng Ran's ankle, which was already swollen with a big lump, which looked scary.

"Does anyone have Yunnan Baiyao spray? Has anyone prepared it?" Song Chi turned around and asked.

"Here comes the medical kit!" Someone hurried over with a medical kit.

They sprayed some spray on Meng Ran's swollen area first.

Meng Ran gasped frequently, her eyes were red, and she controlled herself not to shed tears.

Artists who were going to perform on the stage followed closely behind. Seeing them, they also came over to ask about them, but time was tight, so they rushed to the waiting room.

Tonight's performance will be broadcast live. No matter what happens, the show will continue.

If it wasn't for this, Meng Ran wouldn't have insisted on singing a song after falling off the stage.

Meng Ran said to Zhou Yun: "Sister Xiaoyun, Brother Chi, you go and prepare yours. I'll go to the hospital later to have a look. It should be all right. Don't delay your business."

"Our show is still early." Zhou Yun wiped the sweat off Meng Ran's forehead with a tissue, "Check it out later, don't make judgments for yourself, we must make a film, you know?"

Meng Ran nodded and said, "I know."

Wen Tianlang came back and said: "The car is ready, Xiao Ran, let's go to the hospital for an examination first."

Meng Ran nodded.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi stopped, Zhou Yun said: "I won't send you to the car, you should pay attention to yourself."

"Well, thank you Miss Xiaoyun." Meng Ran smiled at Zhou Yun.

People went to the hospital, and the people gathered around slowly dispersed.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi returned to the waiting room, sighed softly, and said, "I'm so troubled by this, I'm already psychologically disturbed, and I dare not go on stage."

Song Chi comforted: "The stage of our show hasn't changed much, it's not as complicated as hers, so don't be nervous."

(End of this chapter)

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