I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 408 Make waves again

Chapter 408 Make waves again
Meng Ran's sudden accident made it to the top of the hot search list.

After all, the accident happened when so many people were watching the live broadcast, and the heat couldn't be suppressed.

Regarding Meng Ran, although she is very popular and has many fans, she also has a common weakness in draft artists.They are all well-known in their own circles and fan bases, but in fact, they are unfamiliar to most people.

This time he fell from the stage, which aroused great attention.

The attention directly overwhelmed other stars who were performing at the New Year's Eve party at the same time, including Lily, who Meng Ran had always been a little afraid of.

Meng Ran's company responded quickly.

On the car taking Meng Ran to the hospital, Wen Tianlang communicated with the company's publicity side how to guide the public opinion on this matter: "Now you must concentrate on promoting Meng Ran who still insists on singing and performing for everyone after falling off the stage. Spirit, do you understand what I mean? I don’t want that kind of fake propaganda slogan, I want everyone to be moved by Meng Ran’s actions spontaneously! Dedicated, strong, professional, I want these three keywords to stay in the In everyone's mind."

An accident, plus time, can become a story.

Wen Tianlang is a shrewd person. On the one hand, he felt sorry for Meng Ran's injury, but on the other hand, he also keenly sensed that this is a good opportunity. If he uses it properly, he may not be able to get many benefits from it.

He didn't need to discuss this matter with Meng Ran.

Meng Ran had to listen to him in matters of work.

"Brother Lang, I saw that many fans on the Internet are concerned about me, why don't I report my safety on Weibo." She said.

Wen Tianlang shook his head and said, "Wait a minute, everyone's attention is on you now, let the heat ferment for a while, and come out to report safety when the heat is about to subside."

Meng Ran groaned for a while, looked at Wen Tianlang, and kept what she wanted to say, but didn't say it.


Zhou Yun and Song Chi returned to the lounge to wait.

At this time, the party is still going on.

They didn't start until about half past ten, and there was a long time before that.

Usually at this time, the actors are not just idle. This kind of party, dozens of artists, big and small, will participate. Everyone will take this opportunity to hang out with them, greet each other, and take photos.

In addition to these, there are also interviews with the organizers.

These tidbits will be released through various channels to expand the influence of this New Year's Eve concert.

For the broadcasting platform, the significance of a New Year's Eve concert is not just a simple matter of ratings and advertising revenue.

Whether a party can be held, how well it can be held, which stars can be invited, and how far it can be achieved are all windows to fully demonstrate the comprehensive strength of a platform.

Why do many platforms lose money and do this?

The meaning behind it cannot be clarified in one or two sentences.

Suddenly, Zhou Yun's cell phone rang, and almost at the same time, Song Chi's cell phone rang too.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi looked at each other unexpectedly.

It was Zhou Lan who called Zhou Yun, and Yuan Chengbao who called Song Chi.

This is too coincidental.

Zhou Yun answered the phone and asked, "Sister Lan, are you looking for me?"

"Well, I have something to remind you. About Meng Ran falling off the stage, if someone comes to ask your opinion, you must not express your opinion."

"Ah?" Zhou Yun frowned suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

Zhou Lan said: "Someone bombarded Binjiang Satellite TV on the Internet, accusing them of causing such a stage accident for Meng Ran due to their negligence at work, and demanded that Binjiang Satellite TV apologize to Meng Ran."

Zhou Yun: "Well, who is bombarding you on the Internet?"

"I don't know." Zhou Lan said, "But it should not be from Meng Ran's side. Meng Ran's company has cooperated with Binjiang Satellite TV for many years, and the relationship between the two parties is very tight. Not only Meng Ran, but many artists in their company They have cooperated with many programs of Binjiang Satellite TV, and Meng Ran's company may trouble Binjiang Satellite TV in private, but it will definitely not embarrass Binjiang Satellite TV in public."

Zhou Yun: "But this incident is the program crew's fault, right?"

"Yes, but it's not important." Zhou Lan said, "I guess someone is behind the scenes trying to intensify the conflict between the two parties."

"I see, if someone comes to ask for my opinion, I don't give an opinion, that's right, right?"

"Xiao Yun, it's not that if someone comes to ask your opinion, but someone will definitely come to interview you." Zhou Lan said, "When Meng Ran returned to the backstage, were you and Song Chi backstage? Someone took a video It was posted on the Internet, and now many people have seen the picture of you helping Meng Ran, not only Meng Ran’s fans, but everyone who saw this video is praising you. This was originally a good thing, but now someone is doing it on purpose To provoke Meng Ran's side and Binjiang Satellite TV to make a fuss about the stage accident. I am worried that if this matter is not resolved soon, it may become more and more fermented. The only behavior that has been exposed by the two of you The celebrities who have helped Meng Ran online, I am afraid that they will also be forced to speak up and cannot remain silent."

Zhou Yun immediately understood what Zhou Lan meant.

She said: "I understand, and I will also tell Song Chi that we will not publicly express any opinions on this matter."

"Hmm." Zhou Lan muttered, "Actually, this incident was originally a mistake of the program team of Binjiang Satellite TV. If we really want to pursue it, Binjiang Satellite TV should indeed issue an apology statement to Meng Ran."

Zhou Yun said, "Of course it is."

"At present, I don't know whether the person who accused Binjiang Satellite TV under the banner of Meng Ran is Meng Ran's opponent, or Binjiang Satellite TV's opponent." Zhou Lan said, "If it is the former, then this matter is better resolved , as long as Meng Ran negotiated with Binjiang Satellite TV, the problem will not be a big problem, but if it is the latter, then this matter will not be so easy to calm down. In the past two years, the competition between several satellite TVs at the New Year's Eve concert It's very big, and it's not uncommon for them to dislike each other and play tricks on each other."

"Now all the TV stations are still holding evening shows, so they probably don't have time to spare energy to do this." Zhou Yun said.

"Maybe, no one knows. It depends on how Binjiang Satellite TV responds to this matter." Zhou Lan said, "No matter what, it has nothing to do with us. You must not answer other people's questions indiscriminately."


After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun looked at Song Chi.

After a while, Song Chi also hung up the phone.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

"Is it also to remind you to be cautious in your words and deeds?" Song Chi raised the corner of his right eyebrow and asked.

Zhou Yun nodded, "It seems that I don't need to tell you again."

(End of this chapter)

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