I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 409 Be the Boss' Wife

Chapter 409 Be the Boss' Wife

In the hospital, Meng Ran, who had just finished the examination, surfed the Internet during her break and saw all kinds of public opinion on the Internet.

As a person who debuted on a talent show and mainly worked as an idol in the entertainment industry, Meng Ran's past experience is full of turmoil, public opinion, sowing discord, and black material.

No draft artist is immune to these experiences.

Therefore, when Meng Ran saw a lot of content on her Weibo that began to scold Binhai Satellite TV's "Killing Channel" in her name, her first reaction was not to be moved by these fans fighting for her, but disturbed.

There are two possibilities. The first possibility is that her fans have been regulated. The second possibility is that a group of sunspots pretended to be her fans and regulated the rhythm on her Weibo.

Meng Ran contacted Wen Tianlang immediately.

Wen Tianlang already knew.

At this time, the company's public opinion monitoring center is monitoring [-] hours a day.

"It must be Lily's tricks." Wen Tianlang said, "Deliberately igniting the fire, trying to worsen our relationship with Binhai Satellite TV."

When Meng Ran heard Lily's name, her eyes turned cold.

"Her?" Meng Ran bit her lip lightly, and said, "Is it because she was robbed of the limelight by me, so she was so jealous that she could only do this trick to make me feel good? During the previous competition, she saw I was more popular than her, so I encouraged several other people to exclude me, insinuating that I was out of group, after so long, I was still the same as before, and I liked to sow discord."

Wen Tianlang glanced at her in surprise.

Meng Ran realized that she had said too much, so she immediately stopped talking.

There was a moment of silence between the two.

"The things Lily did before, we don't need to rush, we can wait for the future." Wen Tianlang's voice was gentle, as if he was trying to persuade a female classmate, and at the same time moved a chair and sat down next to Meng Ran, "The one who offended her now There are many people, and when the time comes, the wall will fall and everyone will push it."

Meng Ran didn't answer Wen Tianlang's words, and asked, "Brother Lang, what should we do about this matter?"

This matter refers to the matter of someone deliberately setting fire with rhythm.

Wen Tianlang said: "We all know that the fact is that the staff made a mistake, that is, the problem of the program group. However, Xiao Ran, you are a child who cares about the overall situation. We have no problem making trouble in private, but if we Blame the program group on the public face, and implement this matter. Everyone is not good-looking. The company has a lot of cooperation with Binhai Satellite TV, and you have several invitations to Binhai Satellite TV's programs. I think, since there is no show today What's the big deal, the injury is not serious, why don't you sell someone's favor?"

Meng Ran tensed her jaw.

"Nango, what do you want me to do?"

"In the name of the studio, let's issue a statement to tell everyone that there is a problem with the connection of the staff. We temporarily adjusted the dance steps after today's rehearsal, but our staff did not connect with the program group properly, causing the stage Accidents happen."

"Lang Ge, you mean to tell everyone that this stage accident is our problem?" Meng Ran asked in shock.

Her face was full of disbelief.

Wen Tianlang said: "It's not our problem, it's a communication problem. Only in this way can the public opinion on the Internet be calmed down."

Meng Ran took a deep breath, and tears welled up in her eyes.

Wen Tianlang comforted: "I know, this matter must have wronged you, but don't worry, this time it's their fault no matter what, I won't let you suffer, and I will definitely let them show a trump card later. The show, please be a resident guest."

Meng Ran said, "Brother Lang, I don't lack ace programs."

A popular idol like Meng Ran never lacks program invitations. Variety shows spread out the benefits more than movies and TV shows. Whoever can attract advertisers and who is popular is a frequent visitor to variety shows.

In today's Internet age, big names or celebrities can only let these people count as traffic.

Wen Tianlang laughed, "I understand, for a TV series, I must pry out a heroine from them to play for you."


One and a half hours before the expected performance time, Zhou Yun changed into the costumes for the performance, and began to put on makeup and style.

Her shape was much more complicated than Song Chi's. When she was done, Song Chi was already sitting on a chair and watching a tablet.

Seeing that his brows were tightly clustered, Zhou Yun asked, "What's wrong?"

Song Chi said: "Binjiang Satellite TV and Yuehai.com are very satisfied with the results of "Question Heart", and asked if we have any plans to make the second part of "Question Heart"."

"The second part? What is the second film about?"

"Shoot the story of our next generation in the story." Song Chi said, "I'm considering whether to do it or not."

"Do you want to do it?" Zhou Yun asked.

"The key is not whether I want to do it or not, but that this film was actually produced and produced by my previous company Zuo Jing, and has nothing to do with my current company." Song Chi said, "If I don't do it, they can make it I kicked it aside and made a second film myself, and still made money, but the shooting was poor, which would affect word of mouth, and I would rather do it myself than put these risks in the hands of others."

"A complete change of the team?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi said: "Director Jiang will definitely not be able to direct."

"Then who is the director looking for?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi said, "These are all unknowns."

"Then let's do it." Zhou Yun said, "Your company has signed several newcomers, so why not create a play tailored for them."

"Zuojing, Binjiang Satellite TV, and Yuehai.com will all want to stuff their own people in." Song Chi said, "There are not many pitfalls left for me."

"How many can be won? What's more, didn't you say that? This project makes money lying down, and it doesn't mean that our original cast will act in the second part. The difficulty is much smaller." Zhou Yun said, "Anyway The protagonist of the whole story will be changed, but the worldview of "Question Heart" is still used."

Song Chi smiled and said, "Why are you so optimistic?"

"The sooner you become bigger and stronger, the sooner I will be the proprietress." Zhou Yun said with a smile.

Song Chi laughed out loud.

At this time, the staff knocked on the door to remind them to prepare to play.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi were standing in the lounge, while others were making the final confirmation of their looks and outfits.

"Let's go." Zhou Yun took a deep breath, "I'm going to go on stage to embarrass myself."

Zheng Xiaoju stared and said, "It's not shameful! Sister Xiaoyun, you don't even know how beautiful you are now!"

"You can brag without thinking." Zhou Yun cast a sidelong glance at Zheng Xiaoju, touched her face, "Pray that I don't get out of tune."

Zheng Xiaoju nodded solemnly and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, I will pray earnestly."

Zhou Yun: "..."

Song Chi smiled and said, "Why is Xiaoju so cute?"

(End of this chapter)

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