Chapter 410
During the real performance, Zhou Yun felt less nervous.

Cold is still cold.

Especially the clothes she wears are not "warm" at all.

She put on a black, thick down jacket on herself, and waited for the staff to help her put on the earphones before taking the microphone.

Zheng Xiaoju stared suddenly: "Sister Xiaoyun, don't lick your mouth all the time, the lipstick you just put on is almost finished by you!"

Zhou Yun came to his senses and widened his eyes in surprise.

Zheng Xiaoju took out the lipstick and refilled it for Zhou Yun.

The voice of the host has already sounded from the front of the stage.

Under the guidance of the staff, Zhou Yun stood on the lifting platform.

To debut.

Zheng Xiaoju: "Fighting! Sister Xiaoyun!"

The host has announced the curtain and left.

Even under the stage, Zhou Yun could hear cheers and screams that sounded like ocean waves.

Song Chi was on the other side.

They can still see each other.

Seeing Song Chi, Zhou Yun turned to look at her.

Zhou Yun took a deep breath.

The music is already playing, there are footsteps on the stage, the sound of dancers starting to dance.

The lifting platform starts to move and slowly rises.

Zhou Yun took a deep breath.

At this time, Zheng Xiaoju suddenly shouted: "Sister Xiaoyun, clothes! You are about to take off your clothes! You haven't taken off your clothes yet!"

Zhou Yun opened his eyes as if waking up from a dream.

What clothes did you not take off?

She looked down and thought, well dressed.

She was dazed again before she realized that she hadn't taken off the long down jacket she used to keep warm.

Zhou Yun panicked and quickly took off his clothes, but at this time the lifting platform had already risen halfway.

She hurriedly took off the down jacket, preparing to give it to Zheng Xiaoju.

But at this time, the gap between the ascending stage and the main stage was already very small, and Zhou Yun couldn't fit Zheng Xiaoju's clothes into it.

Zhou Yun's head buzzed. She was squatting on the stage with her back facing the auditorium. Zhou Yun could already be seen from the auditorium.

Louder cheers erupted from the audience.

There was no time for Zhou Yun to hesitate, Zhou Yun put down his down jacket directly, picked up the microphone on the stage, listened to the prelude in his ear, and turned his back neatly to get up.


Director Zhang heaved a long sigh of relief when he saw Zhou Yun stand up.

There were several cameras on the scene, but after Song Chi appeared, Zhou Yun was not seen for a long time. At first, everyone thought that Zhou Yun was not standing on the lifting platform, until her figure squatting on the ground appeared on the screen.

Director Zhang's reaction was also quick, and he cut the scene directly to Song Chi.

"Give the live broadcast footage to Song Chi first, and don't cut to Zhou Yun." Director Zhang ordered.


Director Zhang frowned and stared at the camera aimed at Zhou Yun, and asked, "What is Zhou Yundun doing on the ground?"

"It seems that I forgot to take off the down jacket and just took it off." The person next to me said.

Director Zhang: "..."

He said: "Cut into Zhou Yun's headset immediately, and tell her to ignore it...forget it, don't need it."

In the camera, Zhou Yun had already put down his down jacket on the ground, and stood up holding a microphone.

Director Zhang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Come on, cut to shot No. 3."

Zhou Yun finally appeared in the live broadcast.

With a smile on her face and stars twinkling in her eyes, she waved to everyone.

"It's so beautiful." The producer on the side sighed with emotion.

In Zhou Yun in the camera, long wavy hair falls down on her exposed shoulder blades. The background of the stage effect is dominated by sea blue. She stands in this blue in wine red, forming a kind of Very visually comfortable color contrast effect.

And Zhou Yun has always appeared in front of the public with a bright and sweet image. On the basis of the past, her current look has added the bright and colorful classic Hong Kong style, which has a kind of grand beauty.

Director Zhang said blankly: "Beauty is true beauty, but it will be ruined by one mouthful."

As Director Zhang's voice fell, Zhou Yun raised the microphone and began to sing.

As Zhou Yun said before, she would never lose the chain at such a time—she dared not speak.

When her voice intertwined with Song Chi's and resounded throughout the audience, the audience's cheers reached a climax.

Fans of Zhou Yun and Song Chi know that Binjiang Satellite TV and are also promoting it these days—this is the first time that Zhou Yun and Song Chi are in the same frame after they made their relationship public.

Therefore, when the two of them appeared on the stage at the same time and started to sing together, their fans screamed like they were ignited.

The screams overlapped to form a sound wave.

Their enthusiasm was conveyed directly to the stage.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi walked towards each other, singing in chorus while approaching each other.

This simple stage design completely hit the hearts of the audience.

Standing behind the stage, Su Yan, who was about to appear in the next performance, looked at the scene on the stage and heard the cheers and screams from the audience, her nails were deeply embedded in her palm.

Until the end of Zhou Yun and Song Chi's performance, the cheers at the scene did not stop.

The audience's chicken blood was completely pumped up, and they didn't mean to stop at all.

At this moment, Su Yan felt a sense of abandonment that she was not expected by everyone.

They all just wanted to see Zhou Yun and Song Chi, they didn't expect her appearance.

Su Yan stood at the corner of the stage, surrounded by only a few staff members.

She really wanted to leave in a fit of anger, ruin the show, let it do what it should, in a word, she didn't want to go on stage again, stand beside the man and woman, and be their foil.

But reason tightened her ankles, so of course she couldn't just walk away.

Even if she is really going to be reduced to a foil tonight, she must be firmly stuck on the stage like a nail.

On the stage, Song Chi held Zhou Yun's hand tightly, and said, "Have you watched "Question Heart" starring Xiaoyun and I?"

There was a chorus from the audience: "Look!"

Song Chi said, "Do you like it?"

There was another chorus from the audience: "I like it!"

Song Chi said: "The following program is for us to sing the theme song of this drama together. Now, let's invite another heroine of "Ask Your Heart", Su Yan—"

The audience in the audience cheered naturally.

The reality is that Su Yan's popularity and fans in the drama "Ask the Heart" are not lower than Zhou Yun's.

The battle between drama fans and character fans between the two has been going on round after round.

What Su Yan was worried about was actually unfounded.

As a long-established first-line female star, no matter when she appears on the stage, it is impossible for her to suffer a cold reception.

Su Yan stepped onto the stage in anticipation.

Musical accompaniment has sounded.

Su Yan raised the microphone and waved to everyone: "Happy New Year!"


Director group.

"Director Zhang, our real-time ratings have broken 1.2, and the number of online viewers also exceeded [-] million when Zhou Yun and Song Chi performed!"

The assistant excitedly reported the latest situation to Director Zhang.

Director Zhang showed joy and said, "This is definitely the number one."

"The real-time ratings of Hongcheng Satellite TV are similar to ours, but we have been overwhelmed by us. After Zhou Yun and Song Chi came out, the ratings were even higher."

Director Zhang said: "It's the right thing to invite Zhou Yun and Song Chi over here."

"That's right, the three of them are the most popular artists right now. "Questioning Heart" has such a high ratings and everyone likes it so much. It's the first time that Zhou Yun and Song Chi will perform on the same stage after their relationship was exposed. Of course, it has attracted much attention."

"What's going on with Meng Ran?"

"It has been checked in the hospital. There is no major problem. I just sprained my foot and need to rest for a while." The assistant said,

"Her manager Wen Tianlang said that he wants to meet with you."

"Since there are no major problems, let's wait until tomorrow." Director Zhang said, "I don't have time tonight. Has the hospital arranged for our people to come?"

"Go, Director Wang has already passed on behalf of our program group."

"That's fine."

Director Zhang calculated in his mind that although Meng Ran's accident on stage tonight was an accident, the number one ratings and the number of real-time viewers on the Internet exceeded 6000 million. This result is enough to offset the bad influence of the former.

For a party, no one wants to see an accident, but it doesn't matter-as long as the party is successful enough.

The chorus of the three people and the subsequent lottery draw pushed the ratings and real-time viewer numbers even higher.

Until Zhou Yun and Song Chi stepped down, Su Yan still had two solo songs.

After stepping down, Zhou Yun's down jacket was brought over by the dancers.

"Here are the clothes you left on the stage."

"Ah, yes, thank you!" Zhou Yun quickly thanked, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

"You're welcome."

Holding his down jacket in his arms, Zhou Yun breathed a sigh of relief, and explained to Song Chi the little accident before he went on stage.

Song Chi said: "Fortunately, Xiaoju saw it. If you came on stage wearing a down jacket, then you would instantly kill all the performers today."

Zhou Yun's head was full of black lines.

Zheng Xiaoju and others came over.

"Sister Xiaoyun, we have to hurry to catch the plane." She said.

Zhou Yun asked in surprise, "Are you in such a hurry?"

"Well, we're leaving now, and we're running out of time." Zheng Xiaoju said, "This is the last flight tonight. If you miss the flight, you won't be able to make it to the crew tomorrow morning."

Zhou Yun turned to look at Song Chi.

"Then I have to go first."

Song Chi nodded, hugged Zhou Yun, and said, "Be careful on the road, and send me a message when you arrive at the hotel."

"That's very late, you must have rested."

"I'm going to sleep late today." Song Chi helped Zhou Yun zip up the down jacket to the top position, "I have time in January, so I'll visit a class."

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded, "Goodbye."

"A kiss." Song Chi pointed at himself and said.

Zhou Yun was a little embarrassed and said, "There are so many people watching."

"Then what's the matter?" Song Chi said, "If you don't kiss me, then I will."

Zhou Yun suddenly and quickly kissed Song Chi on the lips, and shook his hand without looking back, "Let's go, go, goodbye!"

(End of this chapter)

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