Chapter 411

On the way to the airport, Zhou Yun turned on his mobile phone, searched for his name, and wanted to see what everyone thought about the performance just now.

Not surprisingly, what everyone is most concerned about is the fact that she and Song Chi performed on the same stage for the first time after their relationship was revealed.

Especially fans of both of them.

Zhou Yun's private messages and Weibo comments showed many pictures of her and Song Chi clasping their hands and smiling at each other, all of which were cut out by fans from the live broadcast just now.

Zheng Xiaoju was also reading comments online, laughing happily.

"Xiaoju, what are you laughing at?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Some netizens cut the scene of you singing with Brother Chi into a video of ghosts and animals, which is a spoof."

"..." Zhou Yun didn't want to look at it as soon as he heard it, it must not be a good thing.

"However, Sister Xiaoyun, look, you sang very well tonight, and no one said that you sang badly." Zheng Xiaoju said, "I just said, Sister Xiaoyun, you are worrying for nothing, and everyone will not treat you Such a high requirement for a non-professional singer."

Zhou Yun sighed, "But Song Chi sang very well. I also saw someone commented that it would be great if this song had Song Chi's pure sound audio. This person said that Song Chi and I sang together, like a professional singer. The singer's album has been played for a long time, and the sound that comes out has deteriorated and out of tune."

"Brother Chi has also participated in competition shows before, so he knows how to sing, how can he compare you to him?" Zheng Xiaoju complained, "Singing is a matter of talent, really, why does this person talk so annoyingly?" .”

"What's so annoying about it? I really don't like singing well. When I'm on stage, it's the original sin." Zhou Yun sighed, "In the future, we should take less singing activities like this, no, try not to take them."

Zheng Xiaoju oops, "Sister Lan won't agree, and your fans won't agree either, you've always stayed in the crew, if you don't accept this kind of activities, then everyone won't be able to see it You, you know, I watch short videos. When you post videos of you singing, many of the titles are about Zhou Yun reappearing after disappearing for a long time. Many of your fans ask in your super chat every day when you will be back. What about your new itinerary and new materials?"

Fans always hope to see more information about their favorite people.

You can't get enough of people you like, and you can't get enough of people you don't like.

Zhou Yun thought about the distance between himself and his fans, whether it was close or far.

Unlike others, her career breakthrough in the past two years did not actually have many traces of fans.

Everyone says she is popular, but few people say that she has a lot of traffic.

Probably because, in a sense, her diehard fans don't have as many traffic as real ones.

Would they also want to see new signs of her every day?
Zhou Yun rarely publishes his life updates on social media, whether it is Weibo or Moments.

She is not a person who resists the Internet and socializing, she likes to watch, but is not too keen on sharing herself.

Perhaps it is because of the need for inner security.

The past experience has built her character today, Zhou Yun can't just change it, not to mention, in this business now, the exposure is too big, Zhou Yun doesn't think such a character is a bad thing.

Water can carry a boat, and it can also overturn it.

Say more and make more mistakes, do more and make more mistakes.

Showing up too often is always bad.

Zhou Yun arrived at the airport and hurried through the check-in procedures when a reporter she knew suddenly called her.

That was when I was promoting "Days" before, and I added a WeChat friend. He is the editor-in-chief of a mainstream film and television magazine, not an ordinary paparazzi.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised when someone called, but the question was not about Meng Ran.

When she answered the phone, she thought it was.

People said: "Xiaoyun, I have received a piece of news about you. I wanted to stop it, but the leader has given instructions to report it. I can't stop it. I can only send you a letter in advance. Son, you are ready to deal with it."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun was taken aback.

"Have you had an argument with another girl at school before? And sent her to the hospital?"

Zhou Yun was in a trance for a while, and then suddenly realized.

There has been such a thing.

"Now that girl personally accuses you that when you were in high school, you relied on your good grades and being liked by the teacher, so you have a bad temper and often beat people."

Zhou Yun smiled in astonishment.

"Did she say it herself?"

"Yes, I also met that girl in the afternoon. You know, my company never reports rumors without evidence and basis. This revelation involves you again, and it is still negative news, so I am more cautious and invite this person here. , signed a letter of commitment, and at the same time, my colleagues also went to interview your high school teachers, of course, your teachers all denied this. "

"I see, thank you, sister Zhi." Zhou Yun took a deep breath. She knew that the other party called her not only because of the previous friendship, but also at a certain risk. If her company finds out, A fine is a small matter, and there may be a risk of losing your job.

"Sister Zhi, don't meddle in this matter, it's a rumor, it's a thief calling for a thief." Zhou Yun said, "It doesn't matter, just let her talk, and I will refute them one by one."

Sister Zhi also smiled on the other end of the phone, "I was relieved to hear you say that. I also dealt with you before, and I don't think you are that kind of person. Besides, I saw your classmate today. She doesn't give me a good feeling either, it feels like she's just trying to get a reward for breaking the news."

"I know, thank you, sister Zhi, for trusting me." Zhou Yun said, "I just attended the New Year's Eve concert, and I'm at the airport, and I'm going back to the crew to film. When I come back from filming, I'll treat you to dinner. .”

Sister Zhi smiled generously and said, "That must be done."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun contacted Zhou Lan immediately.

At this moment, Zhou Yun sighed once again, how lucky it is to have a reliable manager, how lucky it is to have a manager who devotes all his energy to work and to her.

Long before, Zhou Lan had made a list for her, from elementary school to university, from family situation to friendship, from fights to sneaking and abducting, and asked her to recall her past one by one, and list all risky things The past is marked out, and various plans are made in advance, just to prevent the current situation.

Zhou Lan said: "The person who fought in high school... I remember, it was the person who beat you because he was jealous that you got the first place in the grade?"


"At that time, she lived in the dormitory with me, because I was the first in the exam every time, and she could only take the second, so someone called her Wannian's second, and once I had a little conflict with her, she was irritated She made a move, but she was not my opponent, after being beaten to the ground by me, she complained that I did it first."

Zhou Lan: "I remember this incident. After I heard you tell me about this incident, I called your classmates and class teacher and asked them if they still remember this incident, but everyone didn't remember it."

"Well, it was after school, there were only the two of us, and no one saw us." Zhou Yun said, "That's why she dared to stand up now, let's continue to fight back."

"I'm going to investigate." Zhou Lan said, "This report will come out tomorrow. I have to make some preparations. It hasn't appeared before. Now it suddenly pops up to break the news. There must be some reason."

"Sister Zhi said that she wanted to earn a breaking fee."

"I only trust my own findings."

"Okay." Zhou Yun said, "Then I'll board the plane first."

"Well, I received a lot of calls today. Please express your opinion on Meng Ran's stage accident. I said that you were on the plane and rushed to the filming crew overnight, but I couldn't get in touch." Zhou Lan said, "If there is someone you know When a reporter contacts you and asks about something related, do you know how to answer it?"

"I just said that I don't know the whole story. You reminded me. I'll send Meng Ran a message before boarding the plane."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun sent a message to Meng Ran: Xiao Ran, I need to rush back to the filming crew and I can't come to the hospital to see you. Take good care of yourself and recover soon.

Meng Ran replied almost instantly: Sister Xiaoyun, you still miss me!I'm flattered, thank you Miss Xiaoyun, pay attention to your safety on the road, there is no major problem here, the doctor has already checked it, and also took an X-ray, it's just a sprain, no fracture, just rest for a while and you'll be fine.

Zhou Yun: That's good, I like your professionalism. I really realized a different you today, so strong!
Meng Ran: Thank you Miss Xiaoyun for your encouragement.

Zhou Yun sent a heart.

Boarded the plane, took a nap, and landed in the early morning.

The cold wind howled, and the huge airport seemed to be passed by the wind god.

Zhou Yun clutched his down jacket tightly, got on the shuttle bus with Zheng Xiaoju and Cao Jun, left the airport, and went to the hotel where the crew was located.

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Sister Xiaoyun, I have sent me the notice sheet for tomorrow. There is no show for us in the morning, so just go to the crew at noon."

Zhou Yun thought to himself, it must be that Shi Luoqi and Xue Qin knew that she had rushed back overnight to take care of her, so they didn't arrange a shoot for her tomorrow morning.

"Then get some sleep and go."

Back to the crew.

Zhou Yun's heart became more at ease.

It is more at ease to stay in the crew.

That night, Zhou Yun didn't go to bed until three o'clock in the morning, and slept until... seven o'clock the next morning.That's right, at seven o'clock, Zhou Yun originally wanted to sleep a little longer, but on New Year's Day, some kid outside the hotel got up early and was playing with fireworks, and there was an explosion after a while.

Zhou Yun sat up from the bed dizzily and yawned.

The morning light was blocked by the curtains, and the room was foggy.

She lay back on the pillow again, but the explosion of fireworks outside, one after another, blasted her sensitive nerve endings one after another.

Unable to go back to sleep again, I can only wash up and go to the restaurant for breakfast.

At [-]:[-] in the morning, Sanliu Media, where Sister Zhi works, released an interview video on their official blog, titled "Experienced by someone who broke the news: Zhou Yun once brutalized me on campus".

Campus violence is currently the most sensitive thing on the Internet and the focus of everyone's attention.

Putting these words into the title, together with the word Zhou Yun, is enough to attract everyone's attention and attention.

Not to mention, Sanliu Media itself is a large media company with strong strength and multiple channels.

Needless to say, after this interview video was uploaded, it caused a great splash on the Internet.

This shock shocked the sleepy eyes of everyone who had just woken up after a long vacation.

Zhou Yun rushed to the top of the trending search at a rocket speed. Not only Weibo, but also the headlines of major apps and websites posted instant news, bombarding the news to everyone's eyes.

"When did you meet her?"

In the video, the woman, who goes by the pseudonym Xiaobao, sits in front of the camera, her face mosaiced, and says, "I'm her high school classmate."

"You said, she once violently attacked you on campus?"

"Yes, I was beaten by her."

"I'm sorry, although it may hurt you to say this, but I have to ask further, because fighting and disputes between classmates and campus violence are two different concepts. Excuse me, if you were beaten by her, it refers to you Has there been a dispute or a fight between two people, or did she really violently attack you on campus? Was she alone, or did she bring several people to attack you?"

"Alone." The person with the mosaic on his face was filled with righteous indignation, "But you believe me, although she didn't gather a group of classmates to beat me violently, the reason why she dared to hit me was because of her grades. Well, it was the first place at the time. The teachers never punished her, so she dared to beat me. Isn’t this violent on campus? Besides beating me, she often humiliated me and called me low IQ. No matter how hard I try, I can't pass her test. I admit that I am not as smart as her, but those words she said have hurt me deeply. I once had a deep shadow and couldn't get out..."

"According to our investigation, she has always been the first grader, and you have always been the second grader. Is this the reason for the conflict between you?"

"It's not a conflict, I never thought of conflicting with her! I just want to rely on my own efforts to get into a good university. But she sees me as a threat, thinking that I may threaten her first place position, and she threatened me that if I surpassed her, I would never have a good time at school."

Although her face was mosaiced, she could hear the voice. The person being interviewed was crying.

"Permit me to ask another slightly sensitive question, why did you choose to expose this at this time? I mean, she has been famous for so long."

"Because I can't just watch her continue to deceive everyone and put on such a kind face. Every time I see her smile so innocently and innocently, I get angry. I want everyone to know her true face!"


Gunpowder smoke filled the air.

Zhou Yun sneered after watching the interview video.

Song Chi's phone call came unexpectedly.

"Why did you wake up so early? Don't you sleep in?" she asked.

Song Chi said, "Someone is online..."

"I know, I saw it." Zhou Yun interrupted Song Chi, "It's okay, I know who that person is, and this matter is not like what she said."

"I know, I believe you will definitely not do such a thing, but she said these things in the interview, it will definitely cause bad public opinion to you, how to clarify this matter, are you prepared?"

"Well, yes." Zhou Yun said, "Sister Lan is already ready, don't worry."

Song Chi hummed, "As long as you are prepared, I will forward it when you have a statement from your side."

"It's still hurting you."

"What kind of entanglement is this? There is no entanglement between us." Song Chi said seriously.

Zhou Yun laughed and said, "Okay."

As soon as Song Chi hung up, Zhou Lan's call came in.

"Xiaoyun, the company will issue a statement later, let's not talk about the specifics, let's deny today's revelation first, let's see what other cards the other party has yet to play."

"it is good."

Ten minutes later, Chengqian Entertainment issued a statement, vehemently denying the accusation of Zhou Yun’s violent schoolmate, and did not mention sending a lawyer’s letter, but only said two points:

1. In the Internet age, rumors are spread casually, empty words are not supported, groundless accusations are made, and evidence is used to speak.

2. What kind of person is Zhou Yun? Whether it is a colleague who has worked with him or a former classmate, he has never heard a similar evaluation. Since entering the industry, he has been conscientious, diligent, and has always maintained his original intention and never bullied others.

This statement came out quickly, and it was issued before noon.

Zhou Yun reposted, Song Chi reposted Zhou Yun's repost.

With this attitude, Zhou Yun's fans naturally gained confidence and began to support Zhou Yun.

They collected other people's comments on Zhou Yun in the past two years, and sent them out to prove Zhou Yun's usual behavior.

At the same time, there is one more crucial——

Just yesterday, Meng Ran had a stage accident. In the backstage video captured by others, Zhou Yun took the initiative to ask about Meng Ran's situation and accompanied Meng Ran to wait for the car.

In everyone's minds, the impression that Zhou Yun is a kind girl is still very deep.

Basically, everyone still doesn't believe that Zhou Yun is a man who can violent others on campus, not to mention that the person interviewed played mosaics all the way without submitting any evidence.

At noon, Meng Ran posted on Weibo, explaining the stage accident that happened last night.

The general idea is what Wen Tianlang hoped. The main reason is that the two parties did not communicate well, so the stage changes did not connect well, and there was an accident, but please rest assured that her injury is not serious, it is just a slight sprain. , which made her feel even more heartwarming, because after the incident, she received care and help from many people, especially Zhou Yun, who was clearly going to perform on stage soon, and her makeup, hair and clothes hadn't been changed yet, but she stayed in the background with her all the time , to give her comfort and strength, and send her messages to cheer her up on the way back to the crew for filming in the middle of the night.

Meng Ran's long Weibo actually spent three lines thanking Zhou Yun.

It would be fine in normal times, but when it happened on the cusp of this storm, Meng Ran's words undoubtedly became a clear attitude, even if she didn't express any attitude towards Zhou Yun, she didn't even mention it.

Meng Ran's voice not only made everyone stop paying attention to the conflict between her and Binjiang Satellite TV, but instead turned to discuss Zhou Yun's incident.

Zhou Yun was stunned when he saw Meng Ran's Weibo.

 There is a sensitive word that caused a lot of content to be blocked

(End of this chapter)

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