Chapter 412 Waiting for a Response
Zhou Yun really did not expect that Meng Ran would be the first to stand up and say these words on the cusp of this storm.

Of course, some people said that Meng Ran was not standing in line with Zhou Yun, not supporting Zhou Yun, but that two things just happened to coincide.

Meng Ran was just discussing the matter and expressing his gratitude to Zhou Yun. It was not worth saying that he was expressing his support for Zhou Yun on the matter of Zhou Yun's violence on campus.

But those who can see clearly, naturally know what's going on.

Zhou Yun was surprised when suddenly another call came.

It was Yu Chu who called.

Zhou Yun guessed that she must have seen the news and came to call to care.

"Xiaoyun, I read online——"

"It's fake." Zhou Yun said, "The fight was real. She fought first, but she didn't beat me."

Yu Chu: "What's going on? Why did someone suddenly come out and say something about your high school? Is there someone encouraging her behind the scenes?"

"I don't know yet, but it doesn't matter whether she suddenly wants to come out to hype herself, or someone is instigating her behind her back. This matter is because she turned black and white." Zhou Yun said, "Now I just Wait a minute and see if she has any follow-up reaction, I will sue her afterwards."

"This kind of person should be sued severely." Yu Chuyi said angrily, "It's so shameless!"

Zhou Yun: "Unlucky, I have met such a person as a classmate."

"I don't know how to comfort you."

"No need to comfort me, I'm fine." Zhou Yun said.

"That's right, anyway, Song Chi must have comforted him." Yu Chu said with a smile.

After Yu Chu, Wen Xi and Liu Yuqian also called to inquire about the situation, while the others paid attention on WeChat.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, it was rare for his mobile phone to stop today, so he simply muted it.

She returned to the set and met Shi Luoqi and Xue Qin.

Shi Luoqi warmly hugged Zhou Yun and said, "Welcome back."

She touched Zhou Yun's face and said, "Let's ignore those malicious and slandering voices, just keep filming well, see people's hearts over time, and our entire crew knows what kind of person you are."

Zhou Yun: "Thank you, Sister Luo Qi."

Seeing Xue Qin, Xue Qin pretended to be disgusted and said, "There is trouble again."

Zhou Yun shrugged his shoulders, "There are so many people who are popular, there is no way."

Xue Qin: "Don't affect your filming status."

"That depends on the level of the director." Zhou Yun retorted.

Xue Qin smiled.

Zeng Lili walked over, holding a box of dried fruit in her hand.She handed it to Zhou Yun and said, "Do you want to eat dried fruit?"

"Okay, eat." Zhou Yun stretched out his hand directly and asked Zeng Lili to pour some on her hand.

Zeng Lili: "We are all still discussing this matter this morning. You are so unlucky to meet such a classmate."

"I told Yu Chu that just now, but when I got back to the set, I felt at ease. Anyway, the company will take care of these things, so I will take care of my scenes." Zhou Yun hugged Zeng Lili, "Lily Miss, do you miss me?"

Zeng Lili exaggeratedly said, "Miss, you've only been away for a day, I miss you so much."

Zhou Yun smiled, "There's an old saying that seeing each other every day is like three autumns."

"It's still sticky like a little girl." Zeng Lili said, "You're not here, the director is only staring at me and Lao You, you don't know how long we haven't filmed with such high intensity, scalp It's all tight."

"Sister Lili speaks so exaggeratedly, who doesn't know that you and Mr. You are old actors, how can you be so tight-lipped with such a little intensity."

Zhou Yun rested his head on Zeng Lili's shoulder.

Some meaning of attachment.

In the afternoon, filming continued in full swing.

A group of people took pictures in one go until eight o'clock in the evening before finishing work.

In the afternoon, the scene where Zhou Yun and Zeng Lili confronted each other was filmed.

"Zhou Yun, your tone is still not high enough, you have to be more tempered, don't habitually show the expression of besieging Wei and saving Zhao, you are playing Xue Yun, not yourself, this person is not so tactful." Xue Qin walked away Go to the middle of the two of them and tell Zhou Yun, "She's a tyrant, but you're not afraid of her. You have to remember that you are the one with the toughest temper. When Teacher Zeng plays tricks on you, don't Subconsciously, I wanted to soften her attitude."

Xue Qin's words were to the point and awakened Zhou Yun.

The filming ended at [-]:[-] p.m., and Shi Luoqi asked everyone to have dinner together before leaving.

I didn't go to book a restaurant again, just put together a few tables in a temporary tent, and put the dishes made by the chefs on the table.

"Thank you for your hard work, teachers." Shi Luoqi raised his teacup, "Substitute tea for wine to show our respect."

Seeing Wang Jing sitting on her right, Zhou Yun was very reserved.

Zhou Yun understood Wang Jing's restraint.She used to be so cautious.

She naturally raised her right hand, put it on Wang Jing's shoulder, and rubbed it.

Wang Jing thought that Zhou Yun had something to say to her, so he quickly stretched his head over.

Zhou Yun didn't say anything was wrong, and asked, "Did the filming go well these days?"

"It's okay." Wang Jing said.

Zhou Yun has seen Wang Jing act in a play, and if she were to say how good she is acting now, it wouldn’t be that much, but Wang Jingsheng is acting very seriously, cleanly, without being so clumsy, and without using brute force.

Zhou Yun was not taboo, and ate very heartily.

Wang Jing can't do it anymore. Her role should be young and beautiful, not fat.

She only took a few bites before stopping her chopsticks.

Zhou Yun took Wang Jing's actions into his eyes and thought, this is a girl who really has self-control.

After leaving the set and returning to the hotel, Zhou Yun took out his mobile phone, and after looking at it, sure enough, many unread messages were all concerned about her.

This matter is really making a fuss on the Internet, and it's all talking about it.

When Zhou Yun was watching Weibo, he saw a Weibo that got many likes and comments: Zhou Yun, who used to be violent to his classmates in school, has no brand to terminate the contract with her?This is really an era of traffic supremacy.

Zhou Yun brushed over with a blank expression.

After waiting for a day, there was no response from that person.

After Chengqian Entertainment issued a statement, neither Zhou Yun's classmate nor Sanliu Media, which released the interview video, made any further response to this time.

On the contrary, several of Zhou Yun's high school classmates were found by great powers. Some were willing to show up, and some were not. Seven or eight of them were interviewed to talk about their impressions of Zhou Yun.

"I haven't contacted her since graduation, but she was our goddess at that time, with good grades and good looks. The boys all like her."

"I don't think she is a person who likes to bully other students. She doesn't communicate with everyone in class. Of course, she is not the kind who does not communicate at all, nor is she withdrawn. She is really hardworking. problems, or reading books, and basically do not participate in activities that have nothing to do with learning."

"I admire her very much. A person like her will succeed no matter what she does."


The contents of these interviews did not contain anything that was unfavorable to Zhou Yun.

On the contrary, very real.

Zhou Yun wondered who conducted these interviews?How could she be able to contact so many classmates in her high school class in one day.


Under the cross-river bridge, a road along the river bends and extends.

There are some weeds growing on the side of the road, and there are plastic bottles thrown by others lying in the weeds, and there are some waste papers.

This corner is a place that sanitation workers will not patronize.

It was January again, and the wind swept across the river. People would get cold if they stood for a long time. Generally, no one would come here.

Especially this time.

The night is frosty, and the fog locks the river.

But at this moment, there were two people standing here, and a black car was parked not far from them.

Of these two people, one is slim and tall, wearing leather boots and high-waisted jeans, with long wavy hair, and the other is dressed in ordinary clothes, with a ponytail and a slightly fat body.

"You told me swearingly at the time that Zhou Yun was violent to you on campus!" The wavy-haired woman sternly reprimanded the slightly fat woman standing in front of her, "What's going on now? What about things? Why didn't you dare to speak when she made a statement?"

This slightly chubby woman lowered her head submissively and said, "I was indeed bullied by her at the time, but after so long, I really can't find any evidence to prove this. When I was with you, I made this very clear to you, if I continue to say that, what if she sues me? I don't want to be targeted by her, I'm just an ordinary person. "

"What do you mean now? You're denying the things you said?"

"Of course I won't deny it! What I said is true! She is afraid that I surpass her, so she has been displeased with me, humiliated me, and even beat me! I went to tell the teacher, but the teacher didn't take it seriously. Don't trust me at all!"

The woman with long wavy hair stared at each other for a while, then suddenly smiled.

"This isn't all your imagination, is it?"

"What did you say?"

"Because she has always been number one, and you are always ranked behind her. You are not reconciled, and you are jealous of her, but you have no strength to surpass her, so you imagine that she is jealous of you, and you also assume that what she says is right. Your sarcasm and ridicule."

"No! I didn't!"

"It's pathetic."


The woman with wavy hair stopped entangled with this person, turned around and got into the car, and made a call.

"Hey, Siyao, let's stop this matter, we were all deceived by that person."

After the woman with wavy hair finished speaking, she hung up the phone and was about to start the car.

dong dong.

Someone knocked on her car window.

When she turned her head, she saw that the man had followed her just now, standing outside the car door, looking at her anxiously.

"I have something else that I didn't tell you!" The man said through the window, "About Zhou Yun!"

Her eyes were fixed on the woman in the car, her eyes were a little crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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