Chapter 415
What happened to Yu Zhiyang made Zhou Yun feel bad for several days, feeling angry.

This emotion was brought into the state of acting by her. Even Wang Jing acted and acted several times, and was frightened, so he froze and reshot.

Although Zhou Yun didn't say anything, everyone could tell that she was not in a good mood these two days.

Fortunately, apart from her own displeasure, she did not cause any unhappiness or trouble for the crew.

In private, Shi Luoqi said to Xue Qin: "Look, she is really a nice person. She is clearly angry, but she will never blame others."

Xue Qin squinted: "Sister Luo Qi, are you making allusions to me?"

Shi Luoqi laughed, and raised his hands as a sign of surrender, "I didn't mean that, don't get me wrong, I just want to tell you that Zhou Yun is really a good and easy-to-work actor."

"I have a pretty good relationship with her now, why do you still think I have conflicts with her?"

"I don't think you have conflicts with her. I don't want you to miss this good opportunity to make friends with her." Shi Luoqi said, "Many world-class directors and actors have achieved each other. Why do you have your own actors? Because of the tacit cooperation, you can immediately understand what you say. Like Pedro Almodóvar and Penelope Cruz, Martin Scorsese and Robert De Niro, Zhang Yimou and Gong Li, Wes Anderson is even more so, a group of actors followed him in one after another.”

Xue Qin blinked innocently.

"Such a talented actress, do you only want to work with her once?"

"Twice." Xue Qin said, "Two plays."

Shi Luoqi: "Okay, twice, do you think twice is enough?"

Xue Qin stopped talking.

Shi Luoqi made it very clear.

"Director Wen Bing, who just finished filming "Days" with her, and the two of them will soon collaborate on a new movie "One Mountain, Two Tigers" in March."

"That was just a cameo."

"That's also cooperation." Shi Luoqi said, "I can see that Zhou Yun admires you very much, even if you have a bad temper, she is very tolerant of you."


On the set, Zhou Yun was wearing earphones and sitting alone in a corner studying the script.

It was a big play in the afternoon, but the script was written only last night.

Zeng Lili came to her and said, "Don't study it alone, let's discuss it together."

Zhou Yun took off the earphones, nodded, and was about to get up, when Zeng Lili suddenly held her down and said, "You don't seem to be in a good condition these two days."

Zhou Yun actually knew it himself.

She just didn't want to hide her emotions at ordinary times, she was tired.

"Something else, Miss Lily." Zhou Yun smiled and said, "I'm sorry to make you worry."

Zeng Lili: "I'm not worried about you, you girl has a good idea, and you won't be affected by trivial matters, but you are in a bad mood, and everyone is a little at a loss. Everyone doesn't know if they haven't done a good job. .”

"It has nothing to do with them, why do you think so?" Zhou Yun was a little annoyed, "Okay, I will adjust it."

When Zeng Lili saw Zhou Yun say that, she smiled knowingly, and took her hand, "You are a very kind girl, I know."

Several people rehearsed twice together.

"Xiaoyun, I think you can give me a little more when you pointed at my nose and scolded me just now." You Jiang said, "The explosive force should be a little bit stronger."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Be more hysterical, fuck me!"

She swears, "That's what it means, right?"

You Jiang nodded and said, "That's right, that's what it means."

But this idea was not accepted by Xue Qin.

Xue Qin commented: "You played her like a shrew."

Zhou Yun didn't quite agree with this evaluation. There was still a difference between an emotional outburst and a shrew, but Xue Qin's expression didn't look like she was joking. She really didn't like the performance just now.

"What's the problem?" Zhou Yun asked.

Xue Qin also refused to say what the problem was, so she said, "Let's do it again."

This scene is indeed the highlight, a climax of the play "Behind the Scenes".

The director played by Zhou Yun, Xue Yun, was devastated by the contradiction between investors withdrawing capital and the actors. The filming could not continue, and both parties were clamoring to leave. She finally lost control of her emotions.

It's just such a game.

Zhou Yun's way of dealing with it at the beginning was to suppress his temper at the beginning, and the more he talked, the more excited he became, and the more he talked, the more angry he became. There was a gradual process, and finally broke out.

According to You Jiang's suggestion, Zhou Yun no longer controlled his emotions when he finally erupted, but let it erupt completely.

Obviously, Xue Qin didn't like the last treatment.

In the second performance, Zhou Yun played the moment of emotional outburst in a depressive direction.

Xue Qin was still dissatisfied and continued to shoot.

After an hour passed, Zhou Yun felt that his energy was about to be exhausted.

"I can't." Zhou Yun shook his head, "I need to take a break."

Xue Qin nodded and asked everyone to rest for ten minutes before continuing.

Zhou Yun returned to his little corner to let go of his mind.

Zeng Lili walked up to her and asked in a low voice, "How is it? Is it okay?"

"I have no strength." Zhou Yun shook his head, "I feel dizzy and want to sleep."

"You have been in an angry mood just now, and your spirit has been squeezed out." Zeng Lili said, "Why don't you sleep for a while, you will feel better after a while, and the director is also, he can feel whatever he wants. If you don’t say anything, let us reshoot over and over again.”

Zhou Yun didn't say anything.

Zeng Lili: "Okay, I won't disturb your rest."

Zhou Yun really fell asleep.

As soon as I closed my eyes, I fell asleep.

I don't know how long it has passed, anyway, there are people's voices around her constantly reaching her ears.

She thought she was awake all the time, but it wasn't until the moment she really woke up that she realized, oh, it turned out that she fell asleep just now.

After taking a nap for a while, my head felt a lot more comfortable.

No longer so heavy, so dizzy.

She stood up and stretched.

"Xiaoju, do you have coffee?"

Zheng Xiaoju said: "I brought it out in the morning, and there is still half a cup."

"Give it to me." Zhou Yun stretched out his hand.

She took a big sip, and her whole body was instantly refreshed by the bitterness of the black coffee.

Zhou Yun usually doesn't like to drink black coffee, it's too bitter, she still likes a little more latte, but on the set, drinking black coffee is more refreshing.

At this time, Xue Qin came over and asked, "How is it? Continue shooting?"

"Come." Zhou Yun handed the water glass to Zheng Xiaoju and got up.

Over and over again, Zhou Yun didn't say a single complaint.

Because she believed in Xue Qin's vision.

What is good, what is not enough, what is not good.

These days, Zhou Yun has accumulated full trust in Xue Qin in this regard.

(End of this chapter)

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