Chapter 416

The filming of "Behind the Scenes" was actually relatively smooth from the beginning. There was a freeze in the middle, and the actors were not in good condition. These things happened, but they did not affect the overall situation.

Today was the first time that the filming went so badly - and only Xue Qin knew about the crux of the trouble.

Including You Jiang and Zeng Lili, they all felt that the scene was well acted, but they really didn't know what Xue Qin was dissatisfied with.

But both of them are old actors, it is even more difficult to actively question the director at this time.

Good actors know that they must maintain the authority of the director on the set, and they must communicate in private if they have ideas and opinions.

I didn't know how many times I took pictures all afternoon, but I didn't pass.

have dinner.

A few of them sat at a table to eat, but the atmosphere was too silent, no one spoke, only the sound of bowls and chopsticks colliding, which was completely different from the usual atmosphere of talking and laughing.

Zhou Yun drooped his eyelids tiredly, took a few mouthfuls, but lost his appetite.

Xue Qin said, "Eat more."

Zhou Yun glanced at her unexpectedly.

Xue Qin said: "I've consumed a lot today, so eat more, or I'll be hungry at night."

Is this Xue Qin caring about her?

Zhou Yun was surprised.

Because of this, Zhou Yun nodded, picked up the chopsticks again, and ate a little more.

"Director Xiao Xue, what do you think is not good about this scene?" At this time, Zeng Lili suddenly spoke up, and she said, "It's been filming all afternoon, and we have been doing our best to act, and I am not I can’t continue filming, but what’s wrong, you have to tell us so we can make adjustments.”

Xue Qin said: "Mr. Zeng, I'm sorry, I know that today's scene is very hard for everyone, but this scene is very important and the highlight. I know that you may have such doubts in your heart, and you don't know where the problem is. , but I can’t tell you now, so I ask you to persevere.”

Zeng Lili lit a cigarette, took a puff, exhaled the smoke ring, shrugged her shoulders, "Okay."

After dinner, rested for a while, and resumed work.

However, the shooting at night was still not smooth.

After filming until ten o'clock in the evening, Xue Qin was still dissatisfied with the scene and refused to give it.

Almost every actor is a little irritable, and getting more and more irritable later.

The set was filled with restlessness and unhappiness that was almost visible to the naked eye.

Even Zhou Yun couldn't bear it any longer, his irritability immediately appeared on his face, and his eyes were a little slack.

"Do it again." Xue Qin sat behind the monitor expressionlessly, saying these four words over and over again.

Suddenly, a loud bang was heard, and You Jiang impatiently kicked the light box.

Zhou Yun looked at You Jiang in surprise.

"Director, what do you want us to do, can you just say it?" Zeng Lili finally couldn't help it, and asked with a straight face.

All eyes were on Xue Qin.

Xue Qin pursed her lips in silence, and met everyone's gaze, but did not flinch.

She said: "Act better."

"What's wrong?" Zeng Lili never thought that Xue Qin would say that, and the dissatisfaction accumulated throughout the day immediately exploded. She shook her hands angrily and said, "What's wrong with our acting, tell me!"

Xue Qin refused to speak.

"do it again."

Zhou Yun felt that the atmosphere at the scene was almost on fire.

She didn't understand what was going on with Xue Qin today, why did she suddenly start competing?
From her point of view, this scene has been filmed well enough, and she has performed heartily in several scenes, almost taking out her heart and lungs.

But Xue Qin was still not satisfied.

Why not satisfied?

Several actors looked at each other in blank dismay, no one spoke, but no one moved.

Everyone has a feeling of resistance, and some don't want to act anymore.

"One last time." Xue Qin said, "If it doesn't work this time, I'll call it a day and come back tomorrow."

You Jiang waved his hand and said impatiently: "All right, come on."

A hint of boredom flashed across Zeng Lili's eyes, but she suppressed her temper and prepared to do it again.

Just this once—

"If it weren't for us still here, do you think you can survive now? Director, we call you director, but it doesn't mean that on this set, we all have to listen to you!" Zeng Lili's face contained a kind of Almost calm disdain.

When Zeng Lili opened her mouth, Zhou Yun suddenly felt different from before, an almost primitive and brutal sense of humiliation rushed over her face, Zhou Yun was directly substituted into the situation, and at this moment she suddenly seemed to be infused Like a ray of light, he raised his eyes suddenly, and subconsciously twitched the corner of his mouth, holding back his uneasiness, primitive anger, and anger that turned from embarrassment into anger.

"I just want to finish this movie." She looked at Zeng Lili persistently and with a little extreme, and the moment of extreme was fleeting, she calmed down again, "There is no other meaning."

"Then what do you mean by letting Xiao Mo go?" You Jiang said leisurely, raised his eyebrows, took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, lit it, "Don't you like it?"

He exhaled a smoke ring.

"She's not an actress in our crew."

"She's my girlfriend."

"If you don't have your ex-girlfriend here, I'll just call any girlfriend you want!" Zhou Yun suddenly broke out, raised his voice, and shouted back.

You Jiang's complexion suddenly changed, he took a step forward, and approached Zhou Yun with a sense of oppression, his expression was a little gloomy for a moment, "What do you mean?"

"What's the point?" Zeng Lili sneered, holding both hands on her chest, "Don't you have any points in your heart?"

You Jiang turned back abruptly, and said in a fierce tone, "If you weren't jealous here, would there be such a mess?"

Zeng Lili's eyes were fierce: "I'm so jealous of you! Don't put gold on your face!"

You Jiang rushed in front of Zeng Lili in a flash, and grabbed Zeng Lili's collar directly. With so much effort, Zeng Lili's face and neck turned red instantly.

"Can you say that again?!"

At this moment, Zhou Yun suddenly rushed up, pushed You Jiang away, and pointed his hand at his nose like an angry lion, "What are you doing? You want to do something to a woman, right?!"

The veins on You Jiang's forehead popped up, he struggled for two seconds, then spat to the side, cursing "Fuck!".

Zhou Yun stood between You Jiang and Zeng Lili, his jaw trembling uncontrollably for two seconds.

Tired, forget it.

So be it.

Her look became disheartened and her enthusiasm faded.

"Since the movie can't be made, let's forget about it." Zhou Yun turned around and turned his back to the two of them, "I've worked hard for you all this time."

Neither You Jiang nor Zeng Lili spoke, but their expressions of anger changed a little.

Zhou Yun stood in the shadow of the backlight, his face was so blurred that he couldn't see clearly, only some light could be seen gushing out of his eyes, and it was only after careful observation that it was the light refracted by the light shining on the tears.

At this time, Wang Jing walked into the camera, a little at a loss, and asked, "You... what's wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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