Chapter 417
"Cut! Pass!"

When Xue Qin's voice sounded, no one on the set even reacted for a moment.

Everyone is ready for Xue Qin to do another reshoot.

Zhou Yun wiped away his tears with the back of his hand, and looked at Xue Qin in surprise.


Xue Qin held up the trumpet and said, "Okay, I'll shoot here today, call it a day."

After she finished speaking, she got up and left.

Zhou Yun and several others looked at each other in blank dismay.

After hesitating for two seconds, Zhou Yun still chased after him.

Xue Qin went into the bathroom, Zhou Yun thought about it, only washed his hands, and stood outside the bathroom waiting for her.

After a while, Xue Qin came out.

"What are you doing here?" Xue Qin was a little surprised to see Zhou Yun standing at the bathroom door.

Zhou Yun carefully looked into Xue Qin's eyes to confirm that she hadn't cried secretly by herself before saying, "You ran out suddenly just now, I thought you were angry."

"Angry?" Xue Qin shook her head with a normal face, "Why do I want something?"

"We didn't treat you very well just now." Zhou Yun said, and went back to make up for it, "The main reason is that everyone has been filming for a day and they are all tired, so they are a little upset and irritable. Don't be too angry. angry."

Xue Qin laughed in surprise.

"What are you talking about? I'm not angry." Xue Qin said, "I know you are angry, but I just want you to be angry."

"Ah?" Zhou Yun couldn't understand Xue Qin's thoughts at all, and was a little astonished.

Xue Qin said: "You guys are so good at acting, every time you act very well, the tension is also very high, but the usual scenes are fine, this scene is the only one in which you guys lose control of your emotions, A scene that exposes your sincerity, no matter how real the anger, irritability and exhaustion from the performance are, it is also the reality from the performance. I just want you to have real anger, real impatience, and real fatigue in your own state , and perform on this basis, the effect will be more direct to the hearts of the people."

Zhou Yun was hit in the face by Xue Qin's words, and he suddenly became enlightened.

Is Xue Qin actually planning this?

"I thought……"

"It's been a hard day today, let's go back and rest first, and we'll continue filming tomorrow." Xue Qin patted Zhou Yun's shoulder, "Let's go."

At this moment, Xue Qin looked so bold again.

Zheng Xiaoju was waiting for her on the set, and immediately ran over when she saw her, but her expression was a little anxious, and she said, "Sister Xiaoyun, something happened!"

Zhou Yun had acted all day, and his nerves were sensitive and weakened. At this moment, Zheng Xiaoju ran over to tell her that something had happened.

Zhou Yun didn't know what happened, so he asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

Zheng Xiaoju seemed really anxious, and said: "Ten minutes ago, Sanliu Media released another interview video, another boy who claimed to be your high school classmate said that he was once forced to drop out of school by you, and now he is online It's all fried."

As soon as she finished speaking, Zhou Lan called.

Zhou Yun's first reaction was nothing else, but that she was finally able to go back to the hotel to sleep, and now this beautiful moment was wasted.

There is another problem to solve.

Zhou Yun was annoying, but there was nothing he could do.

She really wanted to post a Weibo, just say one sentence: Can the rumor-mongers let me sleep first before responding?

She suppressed the irritability in her heart, answered the phone, and before Zhou Lan could speak, she said directly: "Fake, not true, his dropping out of school has nothing to do with me."

(End of this chapter)

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