I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 418 What is the truth

Chapter 418 What is the truth
"His name is Zha Zhongwei, and he is my high school classmate."

"At that time, he may have liked me, or he may have made a bet with others that he must chase me. I don't know the specific reason, but he kept pestering me and asked me to agree to be his girlfriend."

"I didn't agree, so he pestered me, and he also liked to do these things in front of the whole class, making others make noise."

"I was very angry once and rejected him very severely, but he still had a hippie smile on his face, so I scolded him, who knew that he became angry and started telling others in class the next day that I told him After that, many people looked at me strangely, and even the teachers heard such rumors."

"The teacher called me to the office and asked about the situation. I told the teacher the facts. The teacher was also angry, so he called his parents to the school."

"After his parents found out about this, they also felt ashamed, apologized to me, and transferred him to another school."

"That's how it is."

Zhou Yun explained what happened to Zhou Lan on the phone, and said: "So, he didn't drop out of school, but transferred. I remember it very clearly, and all the classmates in the class know about his transfer."

"If that's the case, wouldn't it be easy for this man named Zha Zhongwei to come out and say that he was dropped out of school because of you? Why did he do this?"

"I don't know." Zhou Yun said, "I also feel puzzled. It's really inexplicable. Now that I think about it, he should honestly cover it up. Why did he expose it? Once I clarify The truth, didn't the disgusting things he did also come to light?"

"Maybe he's just as crazy as that Qiao Yufei."

"No, Qiao Yufei's situation is different from his. The fight between me and Qiao Yufei, in fact, neither side has any evidence. Whatever she wants to say, I don't have any substantive evidence to refute her, because we did fight. Let’s check Zhongwei’s spreading rumors about transferring to another school. My classmates knew about it at the time, and I always find it unbelievable that he did this.”

"Then I'll find a way to contact him and have a chat with him?"

"He won't tell any truth." Zhou Yun said, "However, you can go and see what his purpose is."


In the middle of the night, public opinion continued to ferment.

Zhou Yun lay in the bathtub and read the information on the Internet.

After Qiao Yufei's incident, almost everyone couldn't believe what this man who also had his face coded said.

Everyone left comments under Sanliu Media's interview video, calling them unscrupulous media.

But Zhou Yun also knows that Sanliu Media was very cautious when releasing this interview video, and did not write a single sentence that was biased or drawn conclusions. Say".

Zhou Yun fell into deep thought.

Not right.

First Qiao Yufei, then Zha Zhongwei.

If it was a coincidence that Qiao Yufei did it because she couldn't help but want to take revenge on Zhou Yun many years later, then it would be too coincidental to show up to investigate Zhongwei again without stopping.

Someone must be searching for her growth past, trying to find a way to dig out the stories that are not good for her.

Someone is organizing this behind the scenes.

Zhou Yun frowned.

Because of the long bath, her cheeks were flushed, and her skin color was like a peach.

Who is it?

Heavy fog.

The phone suddenly rang.

It was Sister Zhi, the editor-in-chief of Sanliu Media, who called.

Because of her early report, Zhou Yun made advance preparations for Qiao Yufei's dirty water, which saved a lot of impromptu preparations.

Zhou Yun answered the phone, "Hello, sister Zhi."

Sister Zhi: "Xiaoyun, is it convenient to talk now?"

"It's convenient, I'm alone, Sister Zhi."

"That's good. I have to give you a letter in advance. My personal judgment is that someone should be eyeing you. That's why people came to us one after another to break the news."

Zhou Yun nodded, hummed, and said, "I know, I think so too."

"Today I met a person in the editor's office. I don't know what she is here for, but she has never been here before, and this person has something to do with you. After thinking about it, I think I should tell you Just a moment." Sister Zhi said, "I met Xu Siyao."

"Xu Siyao?" Zhou Yun widened his eyes in surprise and asked, "Has she gone to your place?"

"Yes." Sister Zhi said, "I was also surprised when I saw her in the editor's office. You know, a lot of news and revelations we release here are related to the entertainment industry. The entertainment sector has always been our It is the main business, so there are indeed many people related to the entertainment industry who come to us, but this is the first time for a celebrity to come."

"She..." Zhou Yun really did not expect to hear the name Xu Siyao.

The most important point is that although Xu Siyao is also a person that she hates, in her opinion, Xu Siyao does not have the ability to deal with her.

Xu Siyao's ability is not enough.

Now, all the resources of Chengqian Entertainment are given priority to her, Zhou Yun. In terms of the company's strategic layout, Zhou Yun is a well-deserved trump card, including He Yong, it is impossible to create trouble for Zhou Yun.

Not to mention, because of some things that happened before, Xu Siyao's impression in the hearts of the public has been completely bad.Although her popularity is getting higher and higher, her reputation and word-of-mouth shackle her further room for advancement.In addition, Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan vigorously supported Wang Jing and robbed a lot of resources that originally belonged to Xu Siyao. Now it is quite improved. Chengqian Entertainment basically no longer focuses on the development of Xu Siyao-the core reason is that Xu Siyao If you want to achieve further development, you must first cleanse yourself. The black material on her body is not ordinary black material, but if you want to wash Xu Siyao, you must step on Zhou Yun to do it, because Xu Siyao The reputation is bad, and most of it has something to do with Zhou Yun, but it is impossible for Chengqian Entertainment to give up on Zhou Yun. "First Sister".

Just like back then, Zhou Yun signed into the company because he was favored, but he had to fight alone for a year because he was feared and suppressed by Wei Ruxue, the "first sister" at that time.

Xu Siyao is now taking the route of "as long as the traffic is not famous", making money is making money, but that's it.

But to find out Qiao Yufei and Zha Zhongwei one after another, and let them attack her and smear her with what happened back then, Zhou Yun felt that Xu Siyao and the people around her couldn't do it.

(End of this chapter)

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