Chapter 419 Nothing to say
On the second day, on the filming set of "Behind the Scenes", even You Jiang, who never asked about other people's private affairs, asked Zhou Yun, "Did you offend someone recently? Why do people come to touch porcelain one after another?"

Zhou Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "I don't know either, maybe it's just bad luck, I have to find a temple with some efficaciousness to worship."

You Jiang nodded, agreed very much, and said, "Do you want me to recommend it?"

Zhou Yun didn't expect You Jiang to take it seriously, and quickly said, "No need, I'll just say it casually."

"At times like this, we should try to get rid of bad luck." You Jiang said, "Sometimes, when people get unlucky, they have to use some old methods."

Zhou Yun couldn't laugh or cry more and more.

But the atmosphere on the set was still very good, and everyone didn't have any strange emotions because of what happened to Zhou Yun.

Maybe after what happened to Qiao Yufei, she got used to it.

Seeing her, Shi Luoqi patted her on the shoulder and said, "Your manager called me, how was your rest yesterday?"

"It's okay, I took a bath and slept soundly," Zhou Yun said.

Shi Luoqi gave a thumbs up: "Your mentality is really good."

Zhou Yun: "Don't do anything wrong, and don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door."

Shi Luoqi nodded, "That's the reason."

I just finished filming a big scene yesterday, and the atmosphere on the set today is much more relaxed.

Xue Qin is no longer like yesterday, reshooting a scene many times, basically two or three times.

Zeng Lili was overwhelmed, and was still muttering in between shooting: "Why did you shoot so fast again today? Could it be because we were a little harsh yesterday, so we got angry?"

Zhou Yun hurriedly said: "It shouldn't be so, Sister Lili, Director Xue deliberately provoked us yesterday."

"On purpose?" Zeng Lili immediately frowned upon hearing this, "What did she provoke us on purpose?"

"I said that I felt that we played too much in the previous scene of yesterday's scene, and we didn't feel that tired." Zhou Yun said, "But to be honest, the last time yesterday, I also felt that it was different."

Zeng Lili didn't speak.

"During the last filming yesterday, Sister Lily, you brought me in as soon as you opened your mouth." Zhou Yun said truthfully, "You gave me the kind of anger that you would face me at any time, even though you It didn't show at all."

Zeng Lili shook her hand and said: "The filming was so late yesterday. When I was filming for the last time, I really held my breath. I have been filming for so many years. I haven't filmed so many times for a long time. should."

"Sister Lily is already very dedicated, she is our role model." Zhou Yun said.

"What are you talking about?" Zeng Lili said, "This film was enjoyable, and I think it will work."

"Haha, Teacher You Jiang said the same thing."

"Both of us have been filming for many years, and this feeling is still very accurate." Zeng Lili said.

"Then I hope this movie will be a success in the end. However, a movie that was filmed for less than a month, and even the script was written while shooting, if everyone knows, I'm afraid this is another big bad movie." Let's make a movie." Zhou Yun said jokingly.

Zeng Lili snorted softly, and said, "It's not about making a movie for as long as possible. There are many good classic movies in the world, and the shooting time is only ten or twenty days. The key to film art is to see who shoots it. Why is it said that the art of film is the art of the director? The same story is shot by different directors, but it is different."

Zhou Yun laughed and said, "It seems that Sister Lili is actually very satisfied with Director Xue."

"The first time I came to shoot "Words of Fallen Leaves" was because Shi Luoqi called me, so I came to help, but I'm not blind. If I didn't see the ability of Director Xiaoxue, I would have worked for so many years in vain. She is now an actress." Zeng Lili said, "It's you, I think you have a lot of respect for her, you are so young, when everyone else's hearts are higher than the sky, why are you so humble?"

"I really don't think I'm very good. I didn't come from an acting background. I also know that I have a lot of shortcomings. When I meet a suitable role, I feel much more comfortable acting. If I don't like the role I meet, I have to do it. Acting is really gritted your teeth and I don’t have the ability to act whatever you ask me to do, and I can give you a good performance.” Zhou Yun smiled, “I’m also afraid that if you don’t pay attention, you will be caught. See it as playing a big name, but obviously it is not a big name."

"You are not a big name, so there are not many big names in this industry." Zeng Lili said, "Don't underestimate yourself, your acting feeling is very good, if I have your sensibility and judgment at this time, I have already won the Best Actress, but I can’t. I know that I am not a talented actor. I can only be like an old scalper, honestly accumulating my own experience, honing my skills, and absorbing and learning. In fact, as long as you are willing to work hard, you can always reach a level like mine, but a spiritual energy like yours really depends on God's reward."

The two smiled at each other.

"Oh, it's because everyone is saying that I have talent, so I can only order myself over and over again. I must be humble, and I can't be too humble. Talent is a flash in the pan or it can accompany me for the rest of my life. I feel guilty. Quite." Zhou Yun said, "When I was studying, I never believed in such things as talent, especially, many so-called smart students ended up with such poor grades that they couldn't even pass the high school entrance examination, but they were complacent about their talents. In the illusion that if you work a little harder, you can do well in the exam, you will end up with nothing.”

Zeng Lili pointed her thumbs up and said, "No wonder you were able to get into A University."

Zhou Yun smiled slightly, "Sister Lili will teach me more in the future. You are a senior worthy of my study. I have learned a lot by acting with you."

"Really?" Zeng Lili said, "I feel that I have nothing to learn from myself."

"No way."

Zeng Lili said so, but actually smiled like a flower.

Who doesn't want to hear good things.

Suddenly, Zhou Yun's cell phone rang.

"I'll take a call first."

Zhou Yun got up and went to the corner with his mobile phone, because the person who called was Zhou Lan.

Zhou Lan probably wanted to tell him about Zha Zhongwei.

Sure enough, as soon as the call was connected, Zhou Lan went straight to the point: "Xiaoyun, I went to investigate the situation of Zhongwei. There is a situation that he immigrated five years ago."


"Yes, he and his whole family have gone to the United States." Zhou Lan said, "I tried to contact them, but I couldn't find any contact information."

"This...then how did Sanliu Media find him?"

"It is said that the other party took the initiative to contact you." Zhou Lan said, "I asked them to interview the original video, but Sanliu Media refused to give it. I think I suddenly had an idea just now. You said, since the video is mosaic, it is also used It’s a pseudonym, is it possible that the person being interviewed is not Zha Zhongwei at all?”

(End of this chapter)

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