Chapter 420
"Others fake it?" Zhou Yun frowned suspiciously, "Who would pretend to be Zha Zhongwei to do such a thing?"

But if Zhou Lan's guess is true, it can explain what Zhou Yun couldn't figure out before.

It is not Zha Zhongwei himself, of course he will not take into account the impact of the exposure on Zha Zhongwei.

Although, the general public does not know that the real name of this pseudonym Wang Gang is Zha Zhongwei.

Zhou Lan: "I don't know who it is. Only Sanliu Media knows who the person interviewed in the video is, but they are very tight-lipped and refuse to disclose the other party's information."

"Then call the police." Zhou Yun said, "This is already infringing on my reputation, a seriously untrue rumor."

"Xiaoyun, are you sure?"


"I mean, at that time, did you have any flaws in your handling of this matter? If you really reported to the police, once the police introduced you, with your reputation, this matter would definitely attract attention. Even if there are flaws, even if it's not your fault, they will be held by the braids." Zhou Lan said, "The announcement from the police will not be released according to our will."

Zhou Yun understood what Zhou Lan meant.

She said: "Sister Lan, in this matter, I have nothing to do with it. From the beginning to the end, Zha Zhongwei was singing alone. Not only I know about this matter, but the whole class knows about it, and my teacher also knows about it. "

Zhou Yun said it firmly, and the meaning is very clear.

Zhou Lan understood and said, "Xiao Yun, let's not rush to call the police. Since your whole class knows what's going on, let me contact your classmates and ask them to help you." You talk."

Zhou Lan is still cautious.

"It's not that I don't believe you, but this kind of thing. I suggest not to call the police easily. I will tell you my concerns. The last time was Qiao Yufei, and this time it was Zha Zhongwei. I don't know if there will be a next time. If There will be a next time, or even the next time, we can’t call the police every time. This kind of thing, once or twice, everyone supports it. If you report too much, others will be annoyed no matter whether you are real or fake. , will feel that you are acting, or that everyone will think, why are there so many things about you? Why doesn’t this kind of thing happen to others? Human nature is like this.”

Zhou Lan convinced Zhou Yun.

Because she knew that Zhou Lan was right.

Zhou Lan acted very quickly. She contacted Zhou Yun's former high school head teacher and asked her to give an explanation on the matter. The official account of Chengqian Entertainment posted it on Weibo and severely condemned it. this behavior.

Same as last time, Zhou Yun still didn't speak, just forwarded it.

After she reposted it, Song Chi also reposted it.

Both were intelligent and restrained men.They have the emotions and impulses that normal people would have, but at critical times, they know what to do is the most beneficial.

It is useless to seriously reason. In this Internet age where everyone can have a voice, it seems that everyone has the freedom of expression. In fact, various voices that are chaotic, disorderly, and driven by the interests of all parties have long Truth and truth have been squeezed into a corner. No truth in this world is invulnerable. This is a kind of normal, but their imperfection is destined to be a defect that is attacked by others. Barbarism has changed its way and made a comeback. In the hustle and bustle of the world, a sad fact has been established silently, and keeping silent is the best way to let things go.


The time will soon be mid-January.

""Behind the Scenes" is about to finish filming, is Luo Zhiheng okay? Can he return to the crew to shoot as scheduled?" Zhou Yun asked Shi Luoqi.

Shi Luoqi said: "Xiao Luo has almost recovered. I just called his mother this morning. The doctor said that he will be discharged in a few days."

"That's great." Zhou Yun breathed a sigh of relief, she was really afraid that another accident would delay the filming of "Words of Fallen Leaves".

Shi Luoqi asked: "Are you planning to leave tonight or tomorrow morning?"

The Aoki Awards ceremony will be held tomorrow night. Zhou Yun has been shortlisted for Best Actress by virtue of "Days". He has already communicated in advance and wants to attend.

This is one of the most important film awards in China, and it is impossible for Zhou Yun not to go.

"Tonight." Zhou Yun said, "I will be working all day tomorrow, and I owe a lot of homework before."

Shi Luoqi nodded and smiled, "Then see you tomorrow night."

Shi Luoqi also received an invitation to attend the awards ceremony tomorrow night.

Of course, she didn't have to do anything.She received the invitation because she is a famous producer, and she decided to go because after the awards ceremony tomorrow night, there will be a dinner party, basically all the filmmakers who participated in the awards ceremony will attend, this is the domestic filmmakers For a grand ceremony, Shi Luoqi also needs to maintain his social circle.

"Sister Xiaoyun, you have to decide quickly which dress you want to wear to the ceremony tomorrow. Sister Lan is urging you." Zheng Xiaoju said.

Zhou Yun sighed, and said, "I don't know either, I have no idea now, or I can wear a down jacket to participate."

"Then sister Lan will definitely kill you and then dismember me." Zheng Xiaoju pouted and said, "Oh, sister Xiaoyun, you should make a decision quickly, don't be in a hurry every time, even the shape is different. Temporary decision."

"Then help me choose, I will wear whichever one you think is better." Zhou Yun said with a smile.

Of course Zheng Xiaoju refused.

Just kidding, if you choose the wrong one and the effect of wearing it is not good, who will Miss Lan ask for trouble?

Zhou Yun dawdled and dawdled, and didn't make a decision until the end of filming in the afternoon.

Zheng Xiaoju still finds it strange that Zhou Yun was quick to make decisions in this area before, why didn't he make a good decision after so long today?

Until she heard that Zhou Yun was on the phone with Song Chi, asking Song Chi what to wear tomorrow, and asked Song Chi to take a photo of what he was going to wear tomorrow and send it to her.

Zheng Xiaoju watched Zhou Yun study for a long time, finally clapped his hands, and said to Zheng Xiaoju, "Xiaoju, I wear white."


"The pure white one." Zhou Yun said, "That's the one."

Zheng Xiaoju didn't realize why Zhou Yun suddenly made a decision until she caught sight of the photo on Zhou Yun's phone.

It's Song Chi's fitting photo today.

Song Chi was wearing a black formal suit, black from head to toe, only the shirt was white.

Zheng Xiaoju suddenly understood that her sister Xiaoyun wanted to dress "to match" with Song Chi.

This thought...

Zheng Xiaoju murmured in his heart, and sent Zhou Yun's decision to Zhou Lan.

"When you arrive tonight, send me a message." Zhou Lan ordered.

(End of this chapter)

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