I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 421 The Eve of the Awards

Chapter 421 The Eve of the Awards
The Aoki Award is coming soon, attracting much attention.

As one of the highest domestic film awards, the Aoki Award will receive widespread attention at this time of year, and it will even be broadcast on the news network.

Zhou Yun rushed into the Best Actress category as a dark horse, and it was also a topic that had aroused a lot of heated discussions. When the awards were approaching, she was once again picked up by many people. It is predicted that the possibility of her winning the award is not high.

"Although Ning Yao's performance in "Migration Journey" is remarkable, as an actor who has already won the best actress once, "Migration Journey" is undoubtedly not a breakthrough work, let alone, Ning Yao's role in "Migration Journey" is not too much, so she should apply for Best Supporting Actress."

"Ms. Cheng Rina was shortlisted for the Aoki Award again after eleven years. This [-]-year-old actor is a classic memory for many of us. It's a pity that the movie "Dumpling" is too unpopular. This time she was shortlisted." It has already surprised many people, the quality of the film is not high, no matter how superb the acting skills of Teacher Cheng Rina, it cannot save this mediocre script."

"Speaking of which, among the finalists this time, the real competitors are three people, Zhou Yun in "Days", Mei Ziyun in "Doctor Rescue", and Cheng Yunxiu in "Lu Wenqin". Among the three, I Personally, I judge Mei Ziyun as the most hopeful. Although the play "Days" is novel, it is relatively thin. Zhou Yun's performance in it is still flawed, and the handling is not rich enough. Mei Ziyun has been shortlisted for the Aoki Award many times, but has never won an award. , and the theme of "Doctor Rescue" is more in line with mainstream values, Mei Ziyun has a greater chance of winning. In addition, Cheng Yunxiu, who plays the role of Lu Wenqin, is from a drama background. Although it is the first time to act in a movie, you can watch Audiences who have watched this movie know how powerful and terrifying this actor is, under the attack of Mei Ziyun and Cheng Yunxiu, Zhou Yun, the young actor who was shortlisted for the Aoki Award for the first time, has little chance of winning."

All kinds of analyzes are posted, and Zhou Lan is paying attention.

The Aoki Award adopts the jury voting system, with a total of seven judges.

These judges are not voting in a completely enclosed space, and they will also be exposed to outside news.

Of course, they generally still trust their own judgment more.

In fact, Zhou Lan had also communicated and chatted with He Yong, thinking about whether to go to public relations.

In fact, any award does not lack the shadow of public relations.

Including the Oscars.

It's just that the Oscars adopt a member voting system, and thousands of people voted for the results. It is unrealistic to want to [-]% publicize the next result. It can only be said to guide a certain direction to a certain extent.

But like this voting method of the jury committee, generally if two to three judges can be publicized, the result will be almost the same.

Every award strives to be fair, open and impartial.

The result may not be convincing, but the process must be clean and there must be no shady scenes.

But the judges are human beings, so there is always room for PR.This is why there is the term gold content.The reason why some awards have high gold content is because the selection results over the past few years are mostly convincing to the public, while the reason why some awards have low gold content is because they are always unpopular, and this unpopularity even makes everyone It's hard to accept, and I yell that I don't understand.

For example, a certain award with flower characters was recognized by everyone ten years ago, but today, almost no one will recognize it ten years later.

As for why, of course, in the past ten years, there have been too many situations that people can't understand.

Therefore, generally speaking, the more authoritative awards, when forming the judges every year, they will be extra strict and cautious, and strive to find persuasive and influential people in the industry.

The Aoki Award is one such award.

It can't be said that it has never been publicized in the past, but basically there have been no particularly outrageous results.

The judges also have their own professional ethics.

The more the judges cherish their feathers, the more so.

Therefore, after discussing with He Yong, Zhou Lan gave up the idea of ​​public relations.

On the one hand, Zhou Yun has already won an actress with high gold content, which is far ahead of the younger generation. On the other hand, Zhou Yun's current state has reached a high level, and he won the Best Actress of the Aoki Award. Also just icing on the cake.

Zhou Yun is not short of drama appointments, nor is he short of hope for the future.

The most important thing is that if Zhou Yun can really win the prize, he must win the prize cleanly and with a clear conscience.

Otherwise, once the news leaks, it will be a devastating blow to Zhou Yun.

Not necessary and not worth it.

"Do you think Zhou Yun can win the award?" He Yong asked Zhou Lan.

"I don't know, I hope she wins the award, but to be honest, in the current situation, she has no absolute advantage in winning the award, and she has great hope." Zhou Lan said, "Fortunately, this year's best It's not a big year for the leading actress award, and there is no such crushing competition. Although many people have analyzed that Ning Yao and Cheng Rina have no hope and are out early, but you know, Mr. He, that the Aoki Award has always favored literary films Some, although the box office of "Migration Journey" and "Jiaozi" is very low, the tone of these two films is a serious literary tone, which is very popular among filmmakers."

"I watched "Migration Journey", and Ning Yao really doesn't have many roles in it."

"There are not many roles, but the best actress can still be nominated, which is enough to prove that Ning Yao's performance in it is not as good as it is said on the outside, and there is no hope." Zhou Lan said, "Be normal, happy to win the award , I’m happy if I don’t win an award, Zhou Yun is so young, it’s already amazing to be able to get this achievement for the first time in a movie.”

"Yes." He Yong nodded, "You are right."

"I have a premonition that with the strong rise of Chinese films in the past few years, more and more Asian faces appear in the world's mainstream film and television dramas, and Zhou Yun is likely to take advantage of this trend and really go Enter the world's film industry." Zhou Lan said, "She has almost all the conditions to go to the world."

He Yong shook his head and said: "Going global is the dream of every Chinese filmmaker, but it is too difficult, it has almost nothing to do with your personal strength, it depends on opportunities and the world's acceptance of Chinese films. "

"But Zhou Yun has such an opportunity, doesn't he?" Zhou Lan said, "She has this luck, and she also seized her opportunity. The film festival is pushing, and Shi Luoqi will be the producer, so there is a lot of hope."

"If this is the case, what are your thoughts on Zhou Yun's future development?" He Yong asked.

(End of this chapter)

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