Chapter 422 Future Star
"Do my best to support Zhou Yunchong Award, especially for the three major film festivals." Zhou Lan said to He Yong, "This is the most suitable development route for Zhou Yun."

"Stop making TV dramas?" What He Yong didn't say was that he was aiming for awards and the three major film festivals, which meant one thing, Zhou Yun's salary would be greatly reduced.

Acting in a commercial film and acting in a literary film are completely different concepts.

Zhou Lan said: "It's not that we won't shoot, but we should reduce the frequency of filming TV dramas, especially long-form TV dramas. Now video sites are pushing short dramas, such as [-]-episode, [-]-episode online dramas, and the shooting time is relatively short. It won’t be built in four or five months at once.”

He Yong pondered for a moment, and said, "I have no objection to this, but the company's own self-produced scenes still have to be filmed."

"Mr. He, there's no problem with this, but Xiaoyun and I hope that we can pick the projects ourselves." Zhou Lan said, "It's not that the company comes up with a big production to persuade Xiaoyun to act."

He Yong thought of one thing, and said: "By the way, since Yu Zhiyang can't act in the untitled fashion drama cooperating with VX, who will act in it? Is it settled? You can also persuade Xiaoyun, and try to help as much as possible." With actors from their own company, Zhou Jianfeng, Wen Yucheng and Luo Lu are all children who can act."

"Mr. He, if an actor plays an inappropriate role, it will only be counterproductive. If you really like these people, you might as well tailor a few plays for them." Zhou Lan said, "Of course, if there is a suitable opportunity, Xiaoyun will definitely not reject cooperation with them in the future."

Then it was rejected.

He Yong frowned.

"Then who are you going to cast?" He Yong asked, "Newcomer? Or who?"

Zhou Lan said, "Xiaoyun hasn't decided yet."

"Haven't decided yet? Isn't it going to be filmed in May or June?" He Yong said, "Does Zheng Xiaowen have any objections?"

"Boss Zheng has always supported Xiao Yun."

He Yong stopped talking.

To him, Zhou Lan's words seemed to be mocking him for not supporting Zhou Yun.

But now it is impossible for him to suppress Zhou Lan as the executive vice president.With Zhou Yun's rise, Zhou Lan's status in Chengqian Entertainment has also risen. What's more, her current status in the company is not just that of a broker.

The relationship between Zhou Yun and her is too stable and reliable. To a certain extent, Zhou Yun trusts Zhou Lan more than anyone in Chengqian Entertainment.

This meant that if Chengqian Entertainment wanted Zhou Yun to cooperate with the company's affairs, the company had to deal with Zhou Lan's relationship first.

He Yong thought for a long time, and suddenly said: "I heard that Wang Jing is going to act in a play directed by Jiang Xin next?"

"It's just a female number three. Zhou Yun greeted Director Jiang and helped Wang Jing win an audition. Wang Jing, a little girl, was very upbeat and was appreciated by Director Jiang, so she decided on it." Zhou Lan He smiled, "So, Mr. He, in fact, Xiaoyun is not an actor who does not bring his own company. It just needs the right opportunity to make things happen. You can't force others to do what you want."

He Yong glanced at her apprehensively, but said nothing.

What He Yong is worried about now is actually not this. Zhou Yun signed a contract with the company for five years. Now that three years have passed, there are only two years left, and Zhou Yun's rising momentum has already become the most outstanding trend of his generation. It is not difficult to imagine how many companies are playing Zhou Yun's idea. He Yong has basically not interfered with Zhou Yun's affairs in the past six months, and he also did not want to make Zhou Yun feel unhappy.

If Zhou Yun doesn't renew his contract with the company after the end of the contract, and set up his own business with Zhou Lan, it will be a very big blow to Chengqian Entertainment.

Ever since Ning Yao and Wei Ruxue left Chengqian Entertainment one after another, He Yong's sense of crisis has become stronger than before. Although the headquarters issued a death order this time, Zhou Yun must be kept in Chengqian Entertainment, but he still I have to make other preparations and train newcomers.

He Yong's headache now is that apart from Zhou Yun, Chengqian Entertainment really doesn't have any good actresses. They are still in the growth stage, and no one can be the heroine on their own.

Wang Jing's resources and momentum are good, but [-]% of her resources are obtained from Zhou Lan and Zhou Yun.It is impossible for Qianqian Film and Television to cast the heroine of its own drama to a newcomer who has not yet become popular.Seeing that Zhou Lan's imprint would be on Wang Jing's body, it was not difficult to imagine that if Zhou Lan and Zhou Yun really wanted to leave Chengqian Entertainment, Wang Jing would definitely go with them.

He Yong thought of Xu Siyao again.

Of course Xu Siyao is worth cultivating, no matter what, she has acting skills, strength, and fame.But Xu Siyao's reputation is too bad, and the public's impression is not good. Nowadays, all the people who come to her to act are the second female lead, and all of them are villains, and the few who are willing to hand over the heroine's book are basically small and medium cost Xu Siyao herself doesn't like the online drama.

He Yong felt that Xu Siyao had no hope of competing with Zhou Yun in the next few years.

Besides, Xu Siyao's path was completely different from Zhou Yun's.

And what annoys He Yong the most is that over the past year, Chengqian Entertainment has taken advantage of Zhou Yun's Dongfeng to let many newcomers who signed the contract get a ride on the rapid development, but I don't know the reason, maybe it's because they don't have the star luck , No one got up, even a little fame is not considered.

It takes a lot of effort to find newcomers worth cultivating.

Xu Siyao couldn't give up either.

Zhou Lan smiled and said, "By the way, Mr. He, there is one more thing I want to discuss with you."

"You said."

"I've taken a fancy to a few people and want to sign them," Zhou Lan said.

He Yong raised his eyebrows in surprise.

He didn't expect Zhou Lan to go with him.


"During this period of time, I have been looking at information, and I have also been visiting people in various places." Zhou Lan said, "I think, no matter what, the company should continue to train new people in order to succeed."

He Yong: "The company has also signed a lot of newcomers."

"But the company didn't formulate different development routes according to the characteristics of each of them, did it?" Zhou Lan pointed out the flaws in the current status of the company, "Everyone seems to be constantly running announcements, from this variety show to that. The show shows its face, but in fact there is no core memory point. In today's entertainment industry, most of the newcomers are selected by a large number of talent shows. They have inherent advantages and a large number. Compared with them, How could those programs be willing to give more opportunities to show their faces to these unknown newcomers from our company? Even if they rely on the opportunities that our company gets to appear on the program, they can only act as scraps."

"They're all handsome and beautiful, with good looks and good acting skills." Zhou Lan shook his head, "To be honest, there are really too many people like this in the entertainment industry."

 During this period, the average order has increased by another 10, and finally there are 170.

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(End of this chapter)

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