Chapter 423
"Dong dong", there was a knock on the door.

Zheng Xiaoju went to open the door.

The visiting person is Sister Zhi.

Today, she is here as a reporter from Sanliu Media to conduct an interview with Zhou Yun before the awards ceremony.

Because Sanliu Media released false news twice to smear Zhou Yun, Zhou Yun didn't want to agree.

But because of the relationship between Sister Zhi and Zhou Yun, after some hesitation, Zhou Yun still agreed.

"Xiaoyun, thank you for agreeing to my interview." Sister Zhi said.

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "Sister Zhi, you know that if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't accept the interview from Sanliu Media."

"I know, before I came here this time, I also talked to our editor-in-chief about this matter, and he also asked me to apologize to you, because we didn't investigate the facts clearly, so we rashly released the interview video." Sister Zhi Say it sincerely.

Zhou Yun smiled and didn't answer the question.

"Sister Zhi, I have another interview later, let's start."

Sister Zhi sighed in her heart.

In fact, she also knew that what she said just now was really not convincing.If the editor-in-chief of Sanliu Media really wanted to apologize to Zhou Yun, he should come in person, and he should apologize solemnly.It's too perfunctory to ask someone to apologize.

In the end, Sanliu Media is one of the media giants, and they don't care about Zhou Yun's opinion, even though she has achieved extremely high achievements and is one of the most popular female stars.


Zhou Lan hurried to the beauty room where Zhou Yun was. Seeing Cao Jun standing at the door, he asked, "Is Xiaoyun in there?"

Cao Jun nodded and said, "I'm being interviewed by Sanliu Media."

"Oh, they." Zhou Lan didn't look good when he heard the name, "Then I won't go in for now. When it's over here, you send me a message and I'll go for a massage."

Cao Jun nodded.

Zhou Lan went to order a massage for himself. When he entered the room, he unexpectedly saw a familiar figure at the corner at the end of the corridor.

Yu Yan.

Because Yu Yan and Zhou Yun had filmed "The Eighth Heartbeat" together, Zhou Lan was familiar with her.

Since "The Eighth Heartbeat" hit the air last year, Yu Yan's popularity has also soared, appearing frequently in various programs.

Zhou Lan remembered that Zhou Yun had mentioned to her once that Yu Yan was with a little Kai.

Zhou Lan thought that Yu Yan was also here for maintenance. He didn't think too much about it, nor did he think about going up to say hello. He was about to go in by himself when he suddenly saw another person appearing beside Yan.

This person turned out to be Xu Siyao.

The two of them, arm in arm affectionately, were about to come here from that corner.

Zhou Lan subconsciously pulled the guide into the room and closed the door.

How did Xu Siyao and Yu Yan get along?
This made Zhou Lan's professional alarm bell ring.

The guide looked at her puzzledly, and asked, "Miss, what are you..."

"Shh!" Zhou Lan immediately gestured to the counselor.

After the footsteps passed the door and then went away, Zhou Lan opened the door again and glanced at the backs of the two people.

It was confirmed that it was indeed Xu Siyao and Yu Yan.

Zhou Lan immediately took out his mobile phone, contacted the people in the company, and asked Xu Siyao about his recent work plans and whether he was filming any new movies.

After a while, the people from the company replied that Xu Siyao had just finished filming a web drama and was about to record a variety show.

Zhou Lan thought about it, and then asked people to investigate whether Xu Siyao and Yu Yan had any intersections.

While she was massaging, she was looking at her mobile phone and dealing with work.

When the massage was about to end, the news came that the two people had no superficial intersection.

How did they meet?
In fact, in the entertainment industry, many friends who have a good relationship have never met on the surface, which is not unusual.

It's just that the abnormal things happened to Zhou Yun one after another recently, Zhou Lan had to be more sensitive.

After all, Zhou Yun doesn't have many rivals or enemies in the entertainment circle, counting and counting, there are only two people, one is Su Yan and the other is Xu Siyao.

Strictly speaking, Xu Siyao has not yet reached the level of being Zhou Yun's opponent, but Xu Siyao, who is short-sighted, courageous, black-handed, clings to Zhou Yun like a dog's plaster, but is still a master of hype.

Even Zhou Lan was annoyed by Xu Siyao, but he also felt a little bit...convinced.

Zhou Lan has always thought that he is not a good person, but he has kept the foundation of abiding by the law, but his sense of morality is not so strong, and sometimes Zhou Yun will make him roll his eyes in anger.

There is one thing to say, if an artist under her dares to be so bold and black-hearted, she will definitely support her with both hands while discouraging her on the surface - but she can't play with herself like Xu Siyao .

Zhou Lan is a realistic person, she is an agent, she is in the entertainment circle, not the showbiz circle, she supports Zhou Yun to take the film path, not because Zhou Yun can be a movie queen on this road, but because Zhou Yun was able to reach a height that other stars could not reach by relying on being a movie queen.

At this time, Cao Jun sent her a message, saying that the people from Sanliu Media had left and the editor of "Victor" had come.

Although "Victor" is a fashion magazine, it also closely follows the hot spots of popular stars.Especially Zhou Yun, who has a good relationship with "Victor", and they also want to take out two pages to do an exclusive interview about Zhou Yun.

Of course, take two photos as well.

Zhou Lan thought that he had to say hello, so he asked the masseur to pause first, put on his shoes and go out.

Unexpectedly, when he went out, he ran into Xu Siyao head-on.

Seeing her, Xu Siyao smiled and called Sister Lan.

Zhou Lan raised the corner of his mouth at her, but the arc was not obvious.

"What a coincidence." Xu Siyao looked at Zhou Lan with a smile, "Sister Lan, is Sister Xiaoyun here too?"

There were people passing by around, Zhou Lan had no choice but to ignore them, so as not to lose the conversation, he just said: "Xiao Yun is busy, why are you free to come here today?"

Xu Siyao said, "I have a performance tonight, so I'm here for maintenance."

Zhou Lan snorted.

The greetings are over, and we are ready to leave.

Xu Siyao suddenly said again: "Sister Lan, I heard that you have taken a fancy to a few newcomers and want to sign them into the company?"

Zhou Lan was taken aback.

She just mentioned this matter to He Yong just now, why is Xu Siyao listening to the letter?
He Yong's mouth is really fast enough.

Zhou Lan concealed his unhappiness and said, "Yeah, I've been watching. Xiaoyun and you are both up. The company still needs to train new people."

Xu Siyao said: "Sister Lan, don't always focus on newcomers. I think we have a lot of room for cooperation."

The smile on Xu Siyao's face was sweet, like a little girl next door.

Zhou Lan felt a chill.

(End of this chapter)

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