I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 424 Red Carpet Moonlight

Chapter 424 Red Carpet Moonlight
"I'm Zhou Yun's manager, and you have your manager." Zhou Lan smiled slightly, "If your manager hears you say that, he should be sad."

Xu Siyao sighed lightly, and said: "If my manager had Sister Lan and you were half as capable, I wouldn't say such a thing, but I also know that Sister Lan, you definitely don't like me, after all, Sister Xiaoyun So excellent."

Zhou Lan thought to himself: Since you know it in your heart, why are you still pushing me here?
"I still have something to do, let's talk about it later." Zhou Lan said.

Xu Siyao nodded.

Zhou Lan had already passed Xu Siyao shoulder to shoulder, at this moment, Xu Siyao suddenly called Zhou Lan to stop again.

"Miss Lan."

Zhou Lan frowned slightly, stopped, and looked back at her.

"Any thing else?"

Xu Siyao said: "If I am willing to give you one-third of my share, is there room for this cooperation?"

Standing in the corridor, she folded her hands and smiled gently, looking like a very gentle girl.

Zhou Lan had to admit that he was shocked for a moment.

Xu Siyao's generosity is enough to show her sincerity.


Xu Siyao added: "I know that Miss Xiaoyun can definitely bring you more rewards, but I'm not greedy, I don't need you to be my manager, I just need you to recommend me at the right time. Some resources for me, such a co-working space, okay?"

Zhou Lan's eyes turned cold.


"I watched a movie recently and liked it very much. It's called "Love Like a Bouquet". Gradually go away." Zhou Yun mentioned this when he was interviewed by "Victor" and talked about a movie he recommended recently, "The screenwriter of this movie is a screenwriter I like very much, Sakamoto Yuji, the TV series he created I also highly recommend "The Perfect Divorce" and "Quartet."

"Xiao Yun, do you like watching Japanese dramas?"

"Actually, I don't watch much, but they have their own style." Zhou Yun said, "Actually, when I watch TV dramas, I don't care much about which country or platform it was launched in. I will pay attention to my favorite creators, such as Sakamoto Yuji. , He is really a person who is good at observing life and writing about the emotions in the subtleties of our lives that we may not even be aware of."

"As an actor, your sensibility is actually more sensitive than that of ordinary people. Do you think you have any different feelings in life that you want to share with everyone?"

"A different feeling?" Zhou Yun smiled and said, "I really can't remember it now, but in winter, I like to lie on the bed, bury myself in the bed, listen to music, or watch music. The mobile phone must be in a warm room with a warm bed. If it is still snowing outside the window, the environment will be even better. There will be a very unique sense of atmosphere. I feel sincerely that I can sleep in a warm bed. Really happy."

"Indeed, I am the same way." The editor lady who came to interview smiled knowingly.

"Although the results of tonight's awards must have been announced by the time our interview draft is published, I still can't help but want to ask, what do you think about tonight's results? Do you think you can win the award? ?"

Zhou Yun pondered for a long time, and said: "Whether I can win the award or not is actually not up to me, but you have to ask me if I have confidence. I believe that the other nominees are as confident in their performance as I am. This is the pride of being an actor. In fact, whether we win the award or not is not our original intention to play a character. Of course, we must be happy and grateful to win the award, but really, you must believe me, I know a lot of seniors , Many excellent actors, when they act, they don't act for the award, the award is only the result, and the cart cannot be put before the horse."

"So what's your red carpet look like today?"

"Well, let me keep it a secret. You can see it at night. I named my look Red Carpet Moonlight."


"Then today's interview ends here, thank you Xiaoyun."

The staff of "Victor" hugged Zhou Yun, took a group photo together, and left.

Just at this time, Zhou Lan came in.

"Ah, is it over with you?" Zhou Lan asked.

"Yeah, it's over. Xiaoyun has to walk the red carpet tonight and attend the award ceremony, so let's not bother him for now." The staff of "Victor" magazine greeted Zhou Lan politely and walked out the door.

Zhou Lan said: "Then I'll see you off, Xiaoyun, I'll come back later."

Zhou Yun nodded and said yes.

After a while, Zheng Xiaoju came back.

"Why did you go to the bathroom for so long?" Zhou Yun asked curiously, "Are you constipated?"

She was just teasing Zheng Xiaoju. Fifteen minutes ago, during the interview, Zheng Xiaoju signaled her to go to the bathroom, but she just came back now.

But after she finished teasing, she found that Zheng Xiaoju's face was a little strange.

"what happened?"

Zheng Xiaoju shook his head.

Zhou Yun frowned and asked, "You didn't meet a hooligan in the bathroom, did you?"

"No, it's not." Zheng Xiaoju's hesitant expression made Zhou Yun even more strange.

Zheng Xiaoju walked up to Zhou Yun and whispered, "When I came back from the bathroom just now, I accidentally bumped into Sister Lan."

"Huh? Sister Lan scolded you?"

"No, yes, I saw Sister Lan talking to Xu Siyao." Zheng Xiaoju said, "I also heard what Sister Lan said to Xu Siyao."

"Xu Siyao is here too?" Zhou Yun was a little surprised, "Why is she here too? What a coincidence."

"I don't know, but..." Zheng Xiaoju was about to speak, when suddenly, Zhou Lan came back after sending off the staff of "Victor".

Zheng Xiaoju's words were interrupted, she saw Zhou Lan and closed her mouth.

Zhou Yun looked at Zhou Lan and asked, "Sister Lan, have you met Xu Siyao?"

Zhou Lan looked at Zhou Yun in surprise, "How do you know?"

Zhou Yun said: "Oh, I went to the bathroom just now and saw you two talking."

"I see." Zhou Lan nodded, "Yes, I was doing a massage next to me, but I didn't expect to meet her."

"What a coincidence."

"More than that, you can't believe what she said to me." Zhou Lan said.

Zhou Yun asked: "What did she tell you?"

Zhou Lan: "She wants me to introduce resources to her."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun showed an unbelievable expression, "Really? Why did she suddenly have such an idea?"

Zhou Lan: "She can't continue to play on her own side. Although her fame is getting bigger and bigger, it is all negative. The film and television resources she can get are not good. She is not willing to have her as the protagonist in a better play, nor is she I am willing to let her play a positive role, but the types are severely limited, and I heard that most of the people who come to her now are villains."


(End of this chapter)

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