Chapter 426: Behind Her
Zhang Hongyu's concerns are actually the concerns of many actors of the older generation.

They have been filming for a lifetime, and perhaps due to the constraints of the times and the environment, they cannot, under the perfect star market mechanism like in Europe and the United States, have a wealth of characters for them to choose from when they are over [-] years old.

They have to retreat slowly and take a rest, becoming the memory of the times.

It's not that there are no opportunities to make movies, it's just that those movies are not worthy of their achievements and reputation. They cherish their own feathers, so they would rather not make movies, not fight for the money, and protect their own reputation.

But do you really want to say that they don't want to act?
not necessarily.

Of course, some actors feel that they are getting old and want to rest.But most actors, especially those who can act, are addicted to drama.

Even Chen Daoming and Ge You once urged young directors to find them to act.

The reason is simple, people who love acting will not lose their love because of age.


"When we announce the winner later, if it's your girlfriend, I'll give it to you, and you can read her name." Zhang Hongyu said to Song Chi.

Song Chi didn't refuse, and nodded in agreement.

Zhang Hongyu smiled and asked, "When do you two plan to get married?"

Song Chi suddenly smiled embarrassedly, and said, "Sister Hongyu, we haven't considered this matter yet."

"You are still young, so there is no rush, but you can make preparations." Zhang Hongyu said, "You two are busy with work and have a lot of things to prepare, so don't make impromptu preparations. Nowadays, many wedding venues have to be prepared one year in advance Scheduled."

Song Chi smiled helplessly, and said, "Okay, Sister Hongyu, don't worry, I will prepare in advance."

Zhang Hongyu suddenly laughed.

"Oh, it's really getting old, and it's starting to be so verbose."

"You care about me, I know that."

"No, no, I don't want to be a nagging old lady, I want to be a fashionable and enlightened old lady."

"Then you have to wait another twenty years. You can only be an elegant lady for the next twenty years."

"You're the only one who can talk." Zhang Hongyu gave Song Chi an angry look.

But obviously, what Song Chi said was very useful to her.


In the red carpet media area of ​​the Aoki Award Ceremony, Lin Xiaomiao was also among the reporters.

After completing the filming and interviews in the red carpet area, they will enter the arena, and there will be an interview area for the winners.

"Xiao Miao, why are you here today?" The media reporter who was acquainted with Lin Xiaomiao was a little surprised when he saw Lin Xiaomiao appearing here, and asked.

Everyone in the industry knows that Lin Xiaomiao is usually on the line of revealing celebrity gossip, and she is also a well-known "paparazzi" in the circle, and is at the top of the blacklist of many celebrity teams.

Such a serious awards ceremony with no gossip news is usually not an occasion for Lin Xiaomiao to come and go.

Lin Xiaomiao smiled, and said, "Anyway, I don't have any interesting clues on hand recently, so I just come here to join in the fun and make a living."

Lin Xiaomiao was handsome, with a small fair face, wearing a white down jacket and a mask, revealing only a pair of deer-like eyes.

These eyes are not as pure as the little deer, but reveal a kind of clever and cunning meaning.

Most of the photographers around are men, they have always liked Lin Xiaomiao, in this industry, there are only a handful of girls like Lin Xiaomiao who run the front line all the year round, don't complain about suffering, tiredness, and domineering, especially Lin Xiaomiao treats them The attitude has always been very good.

Colleagues are a competitive relationship, but Lin Xiaomiao always accepts when she sees a deal, and never eats alone.

However, at this moment, there was an opponent she didn't like very much, Gao Feng of Sanliu Media, suddenly said in a strange way: "You don't know that? Lin Xiaomiao and Zhou Yun have been together for more than a year Well, back then, Zhou Yun and Song Chi were rumored to be having an affair, and Zhou Yun and Song Chi held hands back to the hotel. Lin Xiaomiao grabbed the headlines. Today, Zhou Yun was shortlisted for the best actress. How could she not coming."

When Lin Xiaomiao heard Gao Feng connoted her, she didn't get angry, she just smiled lightly, gave him a light look, and said, "Brother Feng is jealous of the line between me and Zhou Yun, who stole a lot of headlines from you. Bar?"

Gao Feng sneered.

"I have nothing to be jealous of you little girl."

Speaking of which, Gao Feng really didn't need to be jealous of Lin Xiaomiao.

Gao Feng was backed by the big tree of Sanliu Media, while Lin Xiaomiao was just a solo team and cooperated with many media groups, but in essence he was a self-employed individual, and the resources owned by the two parties were not at the same level.

However, under such a gap, the gossip headlines that Lin Xiaomiao dug up frequently caused earthquakes in the circle. Her stories were always full of facts and evidence, making it impossible to refute, and she never let go of smoke bombs. It's big news.

Lin Xiaomiao looked at Gao Feng with a smile, her eyes completed the crescent shape, and said, "It's best if Brother Feng is not jealous."

Gao Feng was very annoyed in his heart, but he couldn't speak harshly to Lin Xiaomiao in front of so many people, so he could only hold back his anger.

In fact, Gao Feng was right.

Lin Xiaomiao came for Zhou Yun.

She wanted to interview Zhou Yun, but every interview invitation she had was rejected by Zhou Yun's side.

Before, Lin Xiaomiao disguised herself as a staff member and entered Zhou Yun's lounge, which made Lin Xiaomiao directly on Zhou Lan's blacklist.

Of course, even if it wasn't for this matter, Zhou Lan would not accept Lin Xiaomiao's application for an interview. Such a gossip entertainment reporter, any artist is as far away as possible, because if she is not careful, she will dig out some information Come.

Lin Xiaomiao wanted to find an opportunity today to ask Zhou Yun the question she most wanted to ask.

She has been following Zhou Yun for more than a year, and after more than a year, she also found that Zhou Yun is really a girl with no dark spots in her private life, no bad habits, a female star, and she has never participated in any drinking parties , dinner, almost every time I go out to eat with others, they are friends.

Under such circumstances, the reason why Lin Xiaomiao is still following Zhou Yun is because Zhou Yun is too popular, and she has been following Zhou Yun for so long, and she has also received a lot of bonuses from Zhou Yun.Although Zhou Yun has no black spots, the revelations related to Zhou Yun always attract a lot of attention.Usually, Lin Xiaomiao was able to grab the first place in the first place because of her unremitting pursuit.

And during this unremitting pursuit, one day, Lin Xiaomiao suddenly noticed a problem that she had never noticed before.

Around Zhou Yun, there seemed to be no acquaintances outside the entertainment industry.

Not just friends, not even acquaintances.

Neither relatives nor friends have ever appeared by Zhou Yun's side.

She is like a person without a past.

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(End of this chapter)

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