Chapter 427 Her Past
Of course Zhou Yun is not a person without a past.

In fact, her experience is also written clearly on the Internet, where did she go to elementary school, where did she go to middle school, and where did she go to university.

When someone who claimed to be a high school classmate spread rumors about her, there were also other high school classmates who stood up to speak for her. They seemed to be very popular. Zhou Yun's fans also emphasized this point, saying that if Zhou Yun was not good, how could there be such a thing? Many classmates spoke for her.

But Lin Xiaomiao carefully studied the speeches of those people and found a problem.Among those who stood up to speak for Zhou Yun, none of them claimed to be Zhou Yun's friend, and they did not speak in the tone of an acquaintance. Many people also said the same thing. Participate too much in group activities in the class, and don't play too much with other students.

In their words, Zhou Yun is not a withdrawn person, nor is he an arrogant person. According to common sense, such a person should not have a friend no matter what.But judging from the information we have so far, this is the result.

Lin Xiaomiao keenly felt that there must be some story in it.

She went to investigate and interview some of Zhou Yun's high school classmates, but their words were of no value. They only said that Zhou Yun was a goddess at that time, and everyone was a little afraid to approach her. After all, a person is good-looking and has good grades. , ranked first in the grade, such a person is always easy to make people feel ashamed and afraid to approach.

"Then Zhou Yun didn't take the initiative to be friends with you?" She asked.

"I can't say no, she is very kind. If we need to ask her for help, she never refuses. When we meet and say hello on the road, she will respond enthusiastically, but..." Time passed It's been too long, everyone needs to recall something before they can remember something, "I don't know why I didn't become a good friend, maybe it's because there is no fate."

What they could tell Lin Xiaomiao was just this kind of information that didn't have any real meaning.

Lin Xiaomiao went to investigate Zhou Yun's university and middle school again, and the information she got was not very useful.

Everyone's understanding of Zhou Yun is basically the same as that of high school classmates: he is very nice, but not very familiar.

Lin Xiaomiao's investigation was almost deadlocked.

Until someone mentioned a message: "Zhou Yun is usually alone, and she has never seen her family come to see her. Oh, no, once her grandma came, and I was still on the way I met it, but it seems that it was her senior year, her grandmother was hospitalized due to a certain illness, and Zhou Yun basically went to the hospital every day for a period of time, missing a lot of classes."

——I haven’t seen her family members come to see her.

Lin Xiaomiao suddenly thought that after following Zhou Yun for so long, she had never seen any family members or relatives meet Zhou Yun.

Looking back on Zhou Yun's performance in school, Lin Xiaomiao could almost conclude that something must have happened to Zhou Yun's family.

Lin Xiaomiao wanted to make a hole just to confirm this point.


Zhou Yun and Wen Bing meet.

Wen Bing was dressed in a neat suit.

"Wow, so beautiful today!" Wen Bing praised her as soon as they met.

Zhou Yun smiled brightly and movingly.

"How are the preparations for "One Mountain and Two Tigers" going?" she asked.

Wen Bing nodded and said, "It's okay, how about you? I heard that you encountered some problems when filming "Words of Fallen Leaves"?"

"It's not a problem, it's just that we filmed an extra scene temporarily." Zhou Yun shrugged indifferently and spread his hands, "It's a very bold decision, and I don't know if it's the right decision or the wrong one."

"It's okay, you are so young, so you care about what is right or wrong, and you will know what is right or wrong after trying." Wen Bing said, "I always think that when you are young, you have to have the courage to try and make mistakes."

"Haha, you are the only one who encourages me so much."

Wen Bing: "If you can win the Best Actress tonight, I will encourage you even more."

Zhou Yun took a deep breath, "I hope to receive such encouragement."

Wen Bing also said: "When I was preparing for "One Mountain Two Tigers" recently, I had a new inspiration."


"Aren't you going to play a female killer in "One Mountain and Two Tigers"? A female killer in disguise. I think the story of this female killer is quite interesting if we dig into it." Wen Bing said.

Zhou Yun asked in surprise: "Can a female killer pass the trial as the heroine? You have a modern background, unless you go abroad."

"That's what I thought, and I also thought of it when I was taking the high-speed rail." Wen Bing said, "Think about it, a Chinese female killer went to Europe for vacation and took an old-fashioned European train, but accidentally met her on the train. Another killer, he was going to kill someone in the carriage, but the female killer mistakenly thought that the killer was coming for her, so she decided to act first, so she killed the person, which stabbed a hornet's nest. The killer was hunted down by the killer organization and had to escape, and a series of fighting stories unfolded, I wanted to make it into an action comedy."

"It's quite interesting, but the investment in this movie should be quite big, right?" Zhou Yun said, "It sounds like a lot of money."

"It costs money, but the box office is definitely not low." Wen Bing said, "I have always liked watching action movies, and I have always hoped to make an action movie myself."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Then you should write the script first."

"Do you want to shoot or not?"

"You asked me to shoot, of course I will." Zhou Yun said, "But my schedule is very tight, you have to make an appointment in advance."

"Hahaha, that's good." Wen Bing said, "If we really want to shoot this scene, it will take a year or two."

"Why do you always have so many ideas in your head? Moreover, the span is too big. "Days" is just a literary romance film. The second "One Mountain and Two Tigers" became a police film. By the third film, It directly became an action comedy." Zhou Yun couldn't help feeling Wen Bing's creative ability.

Wen Bing: "No way, there are always various stories popping up in my head."

"It can only be said to be talent."

After talking here, I have to get in the car and set off to walk the red carpet of the Aoki Awards.

"Let's go."

Wen Bing asked: "Where is Song Chi? Are you not waiting for Song Chi?"

"He doesn't go with us, he has his companions." Zhou Yun said.

Sitting in the car, Zhou Yun took a deep breath.

Her heart beat a little faster, because of nervousness, but also because of excitement.

No matter what others said, Zhou Yun knew very well in his heart that she had the hope of winning the prize, and the possibility was not small.

Because of this, Zhou Yun couldn't help being excited because of his hope, and he was looking forward to the result of tonight.

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(End of this chapter)

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