I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 428 Goodbye Ning Yao

Chapter 428 Goodbye Ning Yao
Stepping on the red carpet, the screams and noises were as overwhelming as ever, covering the world crazily.

Zhou Yun and Wen Bing walked side by side on the red carpet. This time, Yao Yuanfeng was not there.

Wen Bing bent his arm so that Zhou Yun could help him.

Today, Zhou Yun's skirt is so long that it drags the floor, and he always needs to adjust the hem of the skirt to ensure the best shooting effect.

The red carpet needs to be beautiful, aesthetic feeling is the foundation, and outstanding beauty is the winning weapon.

The so-called competition for beauty is probably the case.

Zhou Yun wore a white dress like moonlight and a feather-like headdress, his whole body was shining white under the light.

The flashes of the cameras in the hands of the photographers formed a brilliant galaxy.

Zhou Yun tried his best to keep his smile, but he said that it was too cold outside in this cold weather.

Zhou Yun felt that his lips must have turned white.

Fortunately, before going on the red carpet, she reapplied her lipstick.

Zhou Yun didn't stay on the red carpet for long. After completing his mission, he and Wen Bing came to the media interview area.

Lin Xiaomiao was among them.

Zhou Yun saw Lin Xiaomiao at a glance, and her heart skipped a beat.

She had never seen Lin Xiaomiao in a formal interview, so why did she show up today?
Zhou Yun was vigilant.

She whispered to Wen Bing, "If I get into trouble later, please help me."

Wen Bing gave her a surprised look and said yes.

Sure enough, Lin Xiaomiao came here with her purpose in mind.

As soon as they stood still, Lin Xiaomiao immediately put the radio in front of Zhou Yun, and proactively asked the first question: "Is Miss Zhou Yun attending the awards ceremony alone today?"

Zhou Yun showed a helpless smile, and said, "How can I be alone, I'm with the director."

Wen Bing joked with a smile: "Although I'm not as good-looking as Zhou Yun, I can't be ignored so easily, right?"

Lin Xiaomiao said with a smile: "Of course I don't mean that. What I mean is that according to the regulations of the Aoki Award, every nominee can bring a family member or friend to the award ceremony. Ms. Zhou Yun, don't you?" Are you bringing anyone close to you?"

Zhou Yun asked in surprise: "Is there still this benefit? I just found out!"

She didn't seem to be faking her surprise, and the other reporters laughed too.

"Oh, why didn't you tell me earlier!" Zhou Yun said, "If I had known earlier, I would have brought someone here."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, Song Chi has already gone in." Another reporter said.

Lin Xiaomiao: "Miss Zhou Yun, if you can, who are you going to bring?"

She looked like she was not willing to let Zhou Yun go, and pointed the microphone in front of her aggressively.

Now, even the other reporters could see that something was wrong.

However, everyone has not yet realized what is going on.

The main reason was that the questions Lin Xiaomiao asked were not nutritious at all in their opinion.

Zhou Yun was silent for a moment, her eyes kept meeting Lin Xiaomiao's.

The eyes of the two were fixed for a while.

Zhou Yun smiled brightly and said: "Family, friends, whatever. I believe that I don't only have this chance, and I will definitely have more opportunities in the future."

She said: "Everyone, don't always stare at me for interviews. Director Wen is also here, so you interview him."

Wen Bing received the signal from Zhou Yun, laughed, and said, "Yeah, you can't treat one more favorably than another."

"Director Wen was nominated for the Best Director Award at the Aoki Awards at such a young age. Everyone is looking forward to when your next work will be released. Can you introduce it to everyone?"

Wen Bing said kindly: "My next work "One Mountain and Two Tigers" will start filming in the first half of the year. If it is soon, it will be released next year."


Wen Bing answered a few more questions.

At this time, the staff came over and reminded them that they could enter the venue.

The next group of red carpet guests is ready to come to the interview area.

Zhou Yun said thank you, lifted his skirt, and turned around gracefully.

"Miss Zhou Yun!" She heard Lin Xiaomiao's voice again.

Zhou Yun pretended not to hear, pretended to be chatting and laughing with Wen Bing, and left the interview area.

After walking a little distance, Wen Bing asked, "Do you have any problems with that reporter?"

Zhou Yun shook his head, "Not to mention, but I don't like her."

"No wonder." Wen Bing smiled lightly.

Zhou Yun: "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Wen Bing shook his head.

Entering the infield, everyone was really greeting each other and chatting.

The scene of the award ceremony of the Aoki Award looked lively like a banquet at this moment, but there was a lack of snacks and wine.

As soon as Zhou Yun and Wen Bing walked in, someone came over enthusiastically and greeted them.

It is Ning Yao.

Ning Yao is also a finalist for Best Actress today.

But on Ning Yao's face, there was no trace of fear or vigilance towards Zhou Yun at all, her smile was particularly bright, and she was not hypocritical.

Before Zhou Yun could speak, Ning Yao took Zhou Yun's hand and said, "I like the dress you're wearing today, it's pretty."

Of course Zhou Yun said, "Sister Ning Yao, you look good today too."

"Of course, I've wanted to wear this dress for a long time, and I finally got the chance today." Ning Yao said openly, "By the way, I saw Song Chi just now, what about others?"

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "I don't know, I just came in."

"Come on." Ning Yao said, "After the awards ceremony is over, we'll play at the party."

Zhou Yun hummed and nodded.

Ning Yao looked at Wen Bing.

"We meet again!" Ning Yao opened his hands and hugged Wen Bing, "I haven't congratulated you in person, but you have been nominated for the best director for the first time as a director, that's awesome!"

Wen Bing smiled and said, "Thank you, and congratulations."

Ning Yao shook his head, "I like your "Life" so much, I've watched it three times."

Zhou Yun was a little surprised.

She didn't expect Ning Yao to say that.

According to etiquette, she should also praise "Migration Journey" at this time, but she has never watched "Migration Journey", so it would be against her will to praise it at this time.

Fortunately, Song Chi came over at this time.

Song Chi brought Zhang Hongyu.

"Two little beauties." Zhang Hongyu called with a smile.

Ning Yao exclaimed in surprise, "Sister Hongyu, I haven't seen you for a long time! I'm so happy to see you today!"

"You played really well in "Migration Journey". You are developing so well now, and I am happy for you." Zhang Hongyu said.

Ning Yao said gratefully, "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be here today."

"How come, it's gold, it will shine wherever you go." Zhang Hongyu said while holding Ning Yao's hand.

When Zhou Yun saw this picture, he knew it was another story.

Song Chi had naturally stood by her side.

"Xiaoyun." Zhang Hongyu turned her head to look over and smiled at her, "We finally met."

(End of this chapter)

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