I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 429 Aoki Blossoms

Chapter 429 Aoki Blossoms

Zhang Hongyu is a well-known actor.

In this era, there are only a handful of actors who can afford to be household names.

Don't look at the fact that many popular celebrities now have millions of retweets on a Weibo, and the data is terrifying. In fact, how many people have Weibo covered?How much of the millions of retweets are among the active users of Weibo?
Zhang Hongyu is a senior actor who has been popular since the last century, and has won the best actress award in China many times.

When Zhou Yun saw her, he was naturally terrified.

Especially at times like this, if you don't feel so sincere and fearful in your heart, you have to do this gesture well.

Not to mention, she respected this senior from the bottom of her heart.

After acting by myself, I understand better how much effort and difficulty an actor needs to go through to reach the height of Zhang Hongyu, and how much time and energy he has to devote in order to keep his own figure in this long light and shadow.

Zhou Yun has always felt that his greatest strength is nothing but self-knowledge.

Just like when everyone praises her for her good acting and talent, she is really not humble, she really thinks it, is there?Is it that good?It seems not, maybe she just started acting, and everyone has lower requirements for her, and she is more tolerant, maybe she just appeared in front of everyone, and everyone was surprised to see her face, right?

What about the future?
There are more and more plays, will everyone get tired of watching them?

Such thoughts have been entrenched deep in Zhou Yun's brain.

Song Chi took Zhou Yun's hand and led her to meet many seniors in the industry.

Zhou Yun was very generous and enthusiastic from the beginning to the end, but actually didn't remember a few people.

When the awards ceremony was about to begin, Zhou Yun had to go to his seat.

Her seat was not arranged with Song Chi's, but sat next to Wen Bing.

Seats are grouped by play.

Zhou Yun said, "Then I'll sit down first."

"Wait a minute." Song Chi suddenly pulled Zhou Yun again, not letting her go.

Zhou Yun froze for a moment, then looked at him incomprehensibly.

"what happened?"

In front of so many people, Song Chi approached, kissed Zhou Yun on the mouth, and said, "Come on."

Zhou Yun's cheeks turned red immediately.

Mainly, there are so many people around!There are so many seniors in the industry!

Zhou Yunren was so numb that he didn't even dare to raise his head to see other people's expressions. He didn't need to look to know, probably all of them were smiling like aunts!

When she and Song Chi got to know each other just now, she discovered that these seniors in the industry looked at Song Chi as if they were their own kid, not to mention words of encouragement, but also a lot of teasing. Everyone knows that this is sincere love for him.

Zhou Yun could also understand why this happened.

Song Chi made his debut early, acted in many dramas, and won many awards. He has cooperated with many seniors in the industry, and even knows those who have not worked together.This dog looks aloof, but in fact he is sweeter than anyone else when his mouth should be sweet, and his conduct is good, so he is naturally likable.

In addition, these people looked at her with a little love for her.

Zhou Yun even made up an allegorical saying in his mind: The elders watch the younger generation booing - happy to see it succeed.

Zhou Yun glared at Song Chi angrily, blushing and walked towards his seat.

Who can understand her mood at this time?

Fortunately, the award ceremony is about to begin.

After the host came on stage, the surroundings became quiet.

Zhou Yun touched his cheek with his hand, feeling a little hot.

Lian Wenbing also asked her: "Why are you blushing? Nervous?"

Wen Bing was not with her just now, and did not see what Song Chi did to her.

Zhou Yun said in a low voice: "No, no, the heating inside is a little bit hot, it's hot."

Wen Bing also believed it.

The awards were handed out one by one, and one by one the recipients took to the stage to receive their awards.

This time the Aoki Award for Best Supporting Actress was an upset, and Jiang Yuzhen, who played Sister Song Chi in "Ask Your Heart", won the award.

She didn't expect to win the prize herself, so she covered her mouth in surprise.

This scene appeared on the big screen.

Zhou Yun applauded enthusiastically.

Zhou Yun was very happy that someone he knew won the award.

Jiang Yuzhen has been in the industry for so many years. As a non-talented player, she has never won an award. This is the first time she has won the heavyweight Aoki Award.

After she came to the stage, she didn't speak for a long time, her eyes were red first.

"I really didn't expect that the organizing committee would award me this award." Jiang Yuzhen held the trophy in her hand, and choked up after saying only one sentence, "I have been an actor for more than ten years. There are nearly a hundred characters, and I have never won an award, this is the first award I have won."

Zhou Yun sat under the stage, clenched his hands involuntarily.

Jiang Yuzhen's words touched her heart.

She thought of the time she was filming with Jiang Yuzhen, Jiang Yuzhen was really a good actor, she really ate every scene solidly.

This time Jiang Yuzhen was shortlisted. According to the predictions, she was not the best supporting actress seed.

Some people even said that her being nominated for the Aoki Award is the recognition of her by the Aoki Award.

Because the movie she acted in is a very low-cost movie, which tells a story that happened in a rural area. Few people have watched it, and those who have watched it don’t have a high evaluation of this movie. They only say that Jiang Yuzhen has A few shots are awesome.But this is not enough to make people think that she can win the award.

Except for Jiang Yuzhen, other awards are within the expected range.

Soon, the Aoki Award for Best Director will be awarded.

Zhou Yun could feel that Wen Bing was a little nervous.

She turned her head to look at Wen Bing, seeing that the corners of Wen Bing's mouth were tense, she couldn't help smiling, and patted him on the shoulder.

In fact, almost everyone knows that Wen Bing is not very competitive for the best director.

The film "Days" has a certain innovative and experimental nature, and the Aoki Award has always been more enthusiastic about realistic themes or historical drama films, especially in the two categories of best director and best film.

Sure enough, the award presenter read another name.

The audience burst into applause.

Zhou Yun was also applauding, she turned to look at Wen Bing, smiled brightly, and offered him a hug.

"I'll take it later."

she says.

Wen Bing smiled, "I know, don't comfort me, I know I can't take it either."

Zhou Yun nodded thoughtfully.

Although I knew beforehand that there was little hope, but no matter what I was shortlisted, I would have hope.

Where there is hope, there will be disappointment.

Zhou Yun: "You are already very good. You were nominated for the best director award for the first time as a film director. This is much better than many directors."

Wen Bing said: "Without you, I would have won Best Actress for my first movie."

"That's your film, so I can win." Zhou Yun said, "If I win the award, it's you who win the award."

She let go of Wen Bing, "We will continue to cooperate in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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