Chapter 430
After the Best Director Award is awarded, there will be the final three awards, Best Actress, Best Actor, and Best Film.

Before that, there was a guest performance, singing the theme song of the classic movie.

This time it was Zhou Yun's turn to be nervous.

A heart lifts up.

Song Chi was no longer in his seat.

It should be waiting for the stage, ready to go on stage with Zhang Hongyu to present awards.

Zhou Yun felt his heart beating wildly faster.

The significance of the Aoki Award is needless to say, if she can win the award, then she is a typical flower blooming outside the wall and fragrant inside the wall.

After all, what she won before was not the best actress in the main competition unit of the Venice International Film Festival, but the best actress in the horizon unit.

No matter how high the gold content is, it is still a little bit worse.

If Zhou Yun wins the Aoki Award, there is no doubt that, at least in China, she is a queen who must be recognized.

Not everyone who wins Best Actress can be called a best actress.

Not the few recognized awards, other awards are commonly known as water awards, or in other words, pheasant awards.

When the performance ended, the music started, and Zhang Hongyu walked out holding Song Chi's hand.

There was applause.

"Don't be nervous." Wen Bing said in her ear, "The camera will shoot at you later."

Zhou Yun swallowed and said nothing.

"Xiao Song, today the organizing committee arranged for the two of us to present the Best Actress award, do you think it's appropriate?" Zhang Hongyu asked with a smile.

Song Chi pondered for a moment and said, "Of course it is appropriate. You are a role model for our Chinese actresses. It is a kind of inheritance to have you presenting awards to them."

Zhang Hongyu said: "Then why do you think the organizing committee arranged for you to present this Best Actress award with me?"

Song Chi looked at the person in the audience.

He pulled the corner of his mouth, smiled, and said, "Probably, it's because among the five nominated actresses today, one is the best actress in my life."

He said this sentence with a smile on his face, and without any accident, he got booing and laughter from the audience.

Countless eyes looked over from all directions.

Zhou Yun held his breath tightly in his chest, never in his life had he wanted to dig a hole and bury himself in it.

She directly covered her face with both hands, covering her blushing face.

Zhang Hongyu smiled and said, "Oh, I really didn't expect that you, a brat, would be subdued one day. Xiaoyun, don't be shy, this brat has a thick skin. If you are easily shy, you will suffer in the future."

Zhou Yun put down his hands, pursed his lips and nodded, smiling helplessly.

"Is it enough to show affection?" Zhang Hongyu turned her head away and said, "Now I will give you a difficult problem."

"Ah? What's the problem?" Song Chi asked.

Zhang Hongyu: "Please start with her and Zhou Yun, and tell the advantages of the other four nominees."

Song Chi stared in shock.

The audience was boiling again, and it was no big deal to watch the excitement.

Zhou Yun also laughed.

The other nominees also looked at Song Chi on the stage with smiles.

Everyone wanted to hear what Song Chi would say.

Song Chi gasped, "Sister Hongyu, I feel like you're going to make me unable to enter the house tonight."

"Okay, okay, I won't embarrass you, you don't need to start with her and Zhou Yun, just tell us what advantages you appreciate in the other four nominees, pay attention, not a word You can't praise Zhou Yun."

"No, I want to listen to her Bi Zhou Yun's beginning!" Someone from the audience suddenly shouted.

It turned out to be Shen Yao.

The whole place burst into laughter.

Song Chi shook his head and said, "Brother Shen, I usually call you brother."

"Don't listen to him, come on, let me ask you now, what do you think is the greatest strength of Teacher Cheng Rina?" Zhang Hongyu stepped forward to save the situation.

Song Chi looked at Cheng Rina who was sitting under the stage, and said, "I dare not say that what I have learned is the biggest advantage. From my personal experience, Sister Rina once played my sister-in-law, and every time I have her She is always one of the first ones to come to the set during filming, and she hardly NGs, she is very powerful, and she is very patient with young actors like us, no matter how many times we NG, she will always play with us and accompany us Go on, Miss Rina is my respected senior."

With a reserved smile on her face, Cheng Rina nodded to Song Chi as a compliment.

Zhang Hongyu asked: "Alright, second, what do you think is the greatest strength in Ning Yao?"

Ning Yao directly waved his fist, which meant to tell him to speak carefully.

The two are also old acquaintances.

"The biggest advantage of Sister Ning Yao is that no matter what kind of jokes I make, she will never get angry." Song Chi's mouth curled up, "For example, if I say that Sister Ning Yao's biggest advantage is that she can eat, she will not be angry." Absolutely not angry."

The audience burst into laughter for the third time.

Ning Yao directly gestured to wipe Song Chi's neck.

Zhang Hongyu: "You must be poor in your mouth. Now that you have reached Ziyun, let's talk about it and see how poor you can be."

Mei Ziyun sat under the stage and blew a kiss to the stage.

Song Chi said: "Sister Ziyun's advantages are known to audiences across the country, so do I need to say more?"

"Then tell me."

"Model worker." Song Chi said, "I have been in the industry for more than ten years, and I have made more than three films every year. I am also one of the people who have been nominated for the Best Actress award in the history of our Aoki Awards, nominated five times! Terrific actress!"

There was thunderous applause in the arena.

The smile on Mei Ziyun's face became wider.

Song Chi was helping her to tell everyone about her achievements and praising her.

Mei Ziyun kissed Song Chifei again.

"It's time for you to tell me what is good about Yunxiu." Zhang Hongyu said.

Song Chi smiled.

"I read on the news that Yunxiu spent two months experiencing life in the villages and towns in order to film this drama. This kind of spirit is worth learning for all our young actors." Song Chi said, "We will now face There are many temptations and many choices, but Yunxiu can see why we chose to be actors in the first place."

The audience did not know how many times thunderous applause broke out.

Zhang Hongyu said with emotion: "Song Chi's mouth is really capable of speaking, which makes me, an old man, feel ashamed, but Song Chi really said it well. As an actor, you must never forget your original intention. Only by sticking to your original intention can you be able to become an actor. This road goes further, well, we two have talked about each other for so long, I hope you don’t get bored, let’s take a look, the 53rd Aoki Awards for Best Actress, the final winner is—— "

Zhang Hongyu opened the envelope and took out the results from it.

She glanced at it, laughed, and handed it to Song Chi.

"Come and read."

Song Chi glanced at Zhang Hongyu in surprise.

Zhang Hongyu nodded.

Song Chi took the result, checked it with a glance, smiled, faced everyone, and read out the name: "Zhou Yun."

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(End of this chapter)

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