Chapter 437
Zhou Yun will play a female killer in "One Mountain and Two Tigers", and there are many action scenes.

In order to play well, Xindun specially arranged movement training for her.

Zhou Yun happened to be idle these days, there was no shooting task, and he had more time, so he asked Zhou Lan to arrange training for her.

Both Zheng Xiaoju and Cao Jun were still at home and did not come back.

Zhou Lan originally wanted to call them back, but Zhou Yun said that they usually follow him to film on the set, and they can't go home to rest during various holidays. They can stay with their parents and let them stay at home while they are free now. Some days are fine too.

Zhou Lan was an assistant before, and he knew how much living space he had to sacrifice to be an assistant to a popular star, so he also accepted Zhou Yun's statement.

"However, Xiaoyun, Xiaoju and Cao Jun have been with you for more than two years. Shouldn't it be time to train new people? In this way, they can also take turns when your schedule is busy." Zhou Lan said, "I think this Both of them are quite reliable, especially Xiaoju, who has grown up a lot by your side, and I plan to take her along and teach her some work as an agent."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "You are right, so shall we tell the company?"

"What do you tell the company? I plan to recruit people myself. That person should not sign a contract with the company. Just sign an employment agreement with yourself. Of course, she should pay the five social insurances and one housing fund." Zhou Lan said, "Hire an assistant The cost is not high for you at this stage, adding up to about [-] a year, but it can save you a lot of trouble, especially if you only sign an employment agreement with you, this person is not a member of the company, you The contract with Chengqian Entertainment is about to expire in more than a year, no matter what your final thoughts and decisions are, you should cultivate some people of your own."

This is what Zhou Lan said from the bottom of his heart.

Zhou Yun understood, nodded, and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you, then you can make arrangements."


Zhou Lan should have had this idea a long time ago, and just after talking to her, he arranged for a young girl to come over.

"Her name is Liu Yun. She was a temporary employee at a TV station before. Because she offended the team leader, she was introduced to me by a friend. She asked if there was any suitable job recommendation. She said that she was a very hardworking and honest person." Zhou Lan said, "I read this little girl's resume. She has graduated from high school for less than a year and lacks social experience. This is her shortcoming. But such a little girl is relatively simple and studious. Let's try her first. , There is nothing else in the job of an assistant, just to be careful and patient.”

Zhou Yun nodded and said yes.

So, Liu Yun came to report the next day.

In the morning, Liu Yun picked her up for motor training, and in the afternoon, sent her to learn how to drive.

Although subject one has not been tested yet, subject two has already started to practice.

After getting along on the first day, Liu Yun left Zhou Yun with the impression that she was a quiet little girl who didn't talk much.

Zhou Yun didn't know if she had such a personality, or because she just met her, so she was nervous and dared not speak.

Movement training is very hard. After training every day, I have to sweat profusely.

However, Zhou Yun's weight also came down.

Before filming "Words of Fallen Leaves", she gained about ten catties.

On this day, after Zhou Yun finished his exercise training, he took a shower and prepared to eat something casually, so he went to practice subject two.

The phone suddenly rang.

"Xiaoyun, I'm in a little trouble and need your help."

The caller was Yu Chu.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised and asked, "What's wrong?"

Yu Chu said, "Can you lend me one million?"

"One million?" Zhou Yun was a little shocked, this number is not small, "Why do you suddenly have to borrow so much? What's wrong?"

Yu Chu looked very embarrassed and didn't say anything for a long time.

"Something happened at home, and money is urgently needed," she said finally.

Zhou Yun knew that Yu Chu's family was not short of money, it was a very wealthy family, so why did something happen all of a sudden?
But Yu Chu had been her friend for more than three years, and she knew Yu Chu well, and this was the first time Yu Chu asked her to borrow money.

"I know it's sudden to ask you to borrow one million, but it's really urgent. My money is all in the financial management, and I can't get it out for a while, but you give me a few days, and I will ask you to borrow it." I can give it to you." Yu Chu said, "I definitely won't owe you a long time."

One million is indeed not an impossible number for Zhou Yun.

She said: "Okay, you send me the account number, but what happened? Would you like to tell me?"

Yu Chu: "I'll tell you later."


After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun went to the bank and called Yu Chu the money.

Yu Chu sent a message: Received, thank you!
Zhou Yun couldn't help worrying, what happened to Yu Chu?
This doubt did not bother Zhou Yun for a long time. That night, Yu Chu was on the hot searches on all major platforms.

Zhou Yun also knew why Yu Chu suddenly asked her to borrow money.

Yu Chu's parents owed millions in gambling debts due to gambling, and they were chased home by debt collectors. The neighbors took a video and posted it on the Internet. They also specifically mentioned that the daughter of this family is a celebrity. Exposure, on the hot search.

Yu Chu was not a very popular star.I have filmed some scenes in the past few years, and because Zhou Yun and Zhou Yun are well-known girlfriends, they are somewhat famous, but basically they will not appear on the trending searches.She has very few real fans herself.This time, the whole network knew about it, but it was because of his parents.Zhou Yun also knew that Yu Chu must be in a bad mood.

Zhou Yun still called Yu Chu.

"I saw the news."

"Ah? You know, sorry, Xiaoyun, I—"

"Don't tell me these things, I know you must be very busy and annoying right now, and you have a lot of things to think about, but I didn't call you to listen to these things." Zhou Yun said to Yu Chu, "You are really Yes, such a big thing happened, don't tell me, what's going on in your house now?"

"I paid back part of the money and promised them that I would give it to them after my money was withdrawn, so they left." Yu Chu sighed, "My parents are already asleep, but I can't sleep. I can't accept that this kind of thing happened, and I never knew before that they even gambled and owed so much money."

Zhou Yun: "You must be very sad now, but you still have to cheer up."

"Well, alas, after working so hard to film so many scenes and do so much work, all the money I saved was gone in one fell swoop." Yu Chu smiled wryly.

(End of this chapter)

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