I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 438 The lion speaks

Chapter 438 The lion speaks

Yu Chu is not Zhou Yun. She doesn't earn much from filming, maybe not even a fraction of Zhou Yun's. After a year, if she works hard, she can take advantage of the industry's dividends, excluding the cost of raising a team and traveling by car. Being able to save between [-] and [-] is a figure that Yu Chu can only get after his fame has grown a little in the past two years.

When I first entered the industry, I might not even earn [-] a year.

The entertainment industry is indeed a place where there is a lot of money and sudden wealth, but the income gap in this industry is too great.

People who make money make a lot of money, and people who don't make money don't make a lot of money. They may even have problems with food and clothing.

Zhou Yun said: "If you need my help, tell me, and I will help whatever I can."

"If there is a suitable TV series, please recommend it to me. With such a big hole, I have to work hard to make money."

This is not difficult for Zhou Yun.

"no problem."

Yu Chu smiled.

"Hey, I should have worked harder in the past. I was always tired. I had to rest for a long time after filming a movie. If I saved a little more money before, I wouldn't be so embarrassing now."

Zhou Yun hesitated for a moment and asked, "Don't your parents have savings?"

"It's almost lost a long time ago. I just didn't know it." Yu Chu said distressedly.

Zhou Yun couldn't help sighing.

After making the phone call and returning from the balcony, Zhou Yun sat next to Song Chi who was reading the script, and said, "Song Chi, are there any suitable roles for Yu Chu in the projects you are working on?"

"Yu Chu? What's the matter?" Song Chi asked.

Zhou Yun said, "Don't you know? She's already on the top searches."

Song Chi shook his head and said, "I didn't watch it, as long as I didn't go on the hot search with you, I don't care much about it. Did something happen to her?"

Zhou Yun then told Song Chi what happened at Yu Chu's house.

"If there is a suitable role for her, please help her as much as possible. Her family owes the money, and it is estimated that all the accumulation over the years will be lost." Zhou Yun said, "I will also help to look at it. Don’t force it, if it doesn’t fit, don’t force it in.”

Song Chi pondered for a moment, and said, "I signed a play with her before. In the play with Sister Hongyu, Yu Chu will play the female policeman in it. But, what you mean is, give her more money." Some salary?"

"No, what I mean is, one drama is definitely not enough for her, and her current salary is not high, and she may take more dramas to earn enough money."

Song Chi nodded and said, "I see, I will take a look and introduce it to her if there is a suitable opportunity."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun sighed, "I didn't expect such a thing to happen suddenly."

"You are so kind to your friend, haven't you thought about what to do if she doesn't pay back the money?" Song Chi asked.

Zhou Yun said: "To be honest, I was also worried, but I really don't have many friends, just one or two. When I decided to borrow money, I thought that if these few friends could not be trusted. If not, then I would be too lonely."

Song Chi smiled, hugged her from behind Zhou Yun with both hands, and said, "Trust should be preserved between people, but you still need to have a sense of precaution."

"I know." Zhou Yun nodded, "I can't do things beyond my capacity. If she asked me to borrow [-] million, I definitely wouldn't borrow it."

"Once upon a time, I also had a very trustworthy senior who asked me to borrow money. At that time, I really trusted him, and because he usually took good care of me, I borrowed it without even thinking about it, and then he disappeared. I I haven’t seen him again until today.” Song Chi smiled, “The worst thing about this kind of thing is not that the money won’t come back, but after that, anyone who borrows money from me, I will remember In this matter, I will ask myself again, is this person also lying to me?"

"Once bitten, twice shy."

"Yes, it's not terrible to stop trusting a friend. What's terrible is that because a friend failed your newcomer, you can no longer trust other friends."


After the affairs of Yu Chu's family simmered for a day, Yu Chu came out and posted on Weibo, saying that she would not be in debt and would try her best to pay back the debt, but since it is a personal matter, please don't bother her parents and others. the lives of loved ones.

That's all for this matter.

Although there are still people discussing this matter one after another, the popularity of public opinion has gradually subsided.

On this day, Zhou Yun went to the company to meet Zhou Lan.

Zhou Lan asked, "How is Liu Yun?"

"It's quite quiet, and I don't see her talking." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan said: "Yes, that's what I like about her. There are too many accidents in this industry because of outspokenness, especially assistants. You must be strict with your mouth and don't talk nonsense."

"Sister Lan called me over today, didn't she say that she signed two newcomers, and you want to introduce them to me?" Zhou Yun said, "Where are they?"

"It's in class, and I hired an acting teacher for them. They haven't filmed yet, and they are complete newcomers." Zhou Lan said with a smile, "Would you like to go and see?"

Zhou Yun said: "Since they are in class, don't disturb them."

"Well, by the way, did Lin Xiaomiao come to see you?" Zhou Lan asked.

Zhou Yun shook his head, "What's wrong?"

"She has been sending out interview requests, and wants to interview you." Zhou Lan said, "I don't know what's going on, but a request comes every day."

Zhou Yun thought of Lin Xiaomiao who had been persistently asking questions about her family during the Aoki Awards ceremony.

Zhou Yun couldn't help frowning.

Did Lin Xiaomiao investigate anything?
Zhou Yun said: "Reject it, I don't want to accept her interview."

"Of course I know you don't want to be interviewed by him, so I declined." Zhou Lan said, "I just think she's a bit strange, and she sticks like a dog's skin plaster."

Zhou Yun didn't answer.

"Ah, by the way, I just heard that Xu Siyao has accepted a play. Guess what it is."

"What? I can't guess it." Zhou Yun said, "It's nonsensical."

"The heroine of her new play is Su Yan." Zhou Lan said, "She plays the female villain."

Zhou Yun opened his eyes wide in disbelief, "The two of them?"

"Yes, I didn't expect it." Zhou Lan said, "I didn't even expect that the two of them would mix together, and Xu Siyao, too, insisted on only playing the heroine for more than half a year, and finally compromised and recognized the reality."

"These two look good together." Zhou Yun shook his head.

Zhou Lan nodded, "Who said it wasn't? I heard that this time Su Yan opened his mouth and asked for a salary of [-] million yuan."

"Seventy million?" Zhou Yun's eyes widened in shock.

She never expected that Su Yan would dare to ask for such a high price!

(End of this chapter)

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