Chapter 439 Two Newcomers
"Yeah, can't you believe it? The key is that the film studio paid it back." Zhou Lan said, "That's right, "Questioning the Heart" is so popular, it's not impossible for someone to be willing to pay this price, but to be honest, she really doesn't deserve the salary. , if the other sides don’t cut costs, basically this movie won’t make any money, and it’s good if it doesn’t lose money.”

"Why did the film studio agree to give this salary?" Zhou Yun said, "It's more than doubled."

"I don't know what the film crew thinks. One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. I wish them happiness." Zhou Lan tutted twice, "Even Song Chi has never asked for such a high salary."

"Song Chi's bad grades in his last drama have affected him, right?" Zhou Yun asked, "When I asked him, he told me that it didn't affect him. It's just a mission drama anyway."

"It's really just a mission drama, and it doesn't have much impact on him." Zhou Lan said, "Although the ratings data is average, but this kind of drama, other actors can't shoot it if they want to, and they have to pass the review first, especially now Starting a company, making this kind of drama is good for him to establish a good relationship with government departments such as radio and television, and you can’t use the ratings to judge the pros and cons of the impact. It was also out of this consideration that you were asked to shoot "The Storm".

"Is there any news that "Ding Feng Bo" hasn't been aired yet?" Zhou Yun asked.

"Not yet. Director Cong Lan is re-editing, and some scenes have not been reviewed." Zhou Lan's tone was also a little helpless, "This kind of drama is more sensitive."

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

Zhou Lan called in.

The door opened from the outside, and two young boys walked in.

Both of them are more than [-] meters tall, one is handsome, Zhou Zheng, relatively delicate, and the other has a wheat complexion, strong muscles, and looks like an athletic man.

When Zhou Lan saw them, he smiled and said, "You are here."

She introduced to Zhou Yun: "These are the two newcomers I signed, your little juniors."

Zhou Yun stood up and greeted them with a smile: "Hi, I'm Zhou Yun."

Facing Zhou Yun, the two of them seemed to be a little cautious, bowed and said, "Master, Senior Sister."

Zhou Yun laughed.

"Let me introduce myself to you senior sisters," Zhou Lan said.

The handsome boy said first, "Senior Sister, my name is Lu Zhongting."

The athletic man said, "Hi, my name is Huang Zicheng."

"We met for the first time, and we will work hard in the future." Zhou Yun put on the appearance of a senior sister.

Zhou Lan said, "Are you all okay later? Let's have a cup of coffee together."

The four of them went to the company's own coffee shop, which was on the second floor of the building.

Before Zhou Yun became famous, he often came here to drink coffee.At that time, I was short of money, had little money, and liked to drink coffee, so I would come here.Because there are discounts for company employees here, and the discounts are relatively large.But after becoming popular, Zhou Yun came less often.After becoming popular, no matter where Zhou Yun goes, people around will watch and take pictures, just like a star animal in a zoo.Because of this, Zhou Yun increasingly dislikes appearing in public, which means trouble.

Even in Qianqian Entertainment, whose main business is artist brokerage.

Lu Zhongting was more attentive, and before Zhou Yun sat down, he took the initiative to help her pull out the chair.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Lan smiled and said, "Boys should work harder."

Zhou Yun clicked his tongue twice and said, "I'll tell Wang Jing right away, you complain about her not being diligent."

On the contrary, Lu Zhongting was a little embarrassed.

Zhou Yun actually doesn't dislike this kind of hospitality, as long as it's within measure.

"Are both of you from professional colleges?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

Both Lu Zhongting and Huang Zicheng shook their heads.

Zhou Lan said: "If they were from professional colleges, I wouldn't have arranged acting classes for them. As for Lu Zhongting, I discovered it at the dance school. As for Huang Zicheng, he was a professional athlete before and retired due to injury, so I found it."

Zhou Yun nodded.

She looked at the two boys curiously.

"What kind of actors do you two want to be?"

The two looked at each other, but no one spoke for a while.

Zhou Yun: "Don't be nervous, I'm just asking casually to find out. The market is huge now, and different people have different pursuits. For example, I admit that I am a person who wants to gain fame and worldly success. So I won’t use the standards of art films to select the scripts, but some actors have higher demands on themselves, pay more attention to humanities, feelings, and artistic value, so their vision in selecting scripts is different. Think clearly What kind of path I will take in the future can save a lot of trouble."

Zhou Lan said with a smile: "What Zhou Yun said was from the bottom of his heart. You are new to this industry, and you are still unfamiliar with many things. If you think about some things clearly in advance, it will go much smoother later. Many newcomers, think about it later. This, wanting that for a while, the euphemism is called walking and watching, in fact, a lot of opportunities, manpower and material resources are wasted to try and make mistakes. There are many opportunities for newcomers in this industry, but very few opportunities for newcomers to try and make mistakes. The human heart is higher than the sky, I feel that I am different, I am the favored son of God, I fell hard, and I finally want to make a film in a down-to-earth manner, but at this time the market has not given you a chance, so I can only leave this circle in embarrassment .”

Lu Zhongting and Huang Zicheng listened carefully.

Zhou Yun felt that the atmosphere was a little tense, so he said with a smile: "However, Sister Lan, the team under your hand is getting bigger and bigger."

Zhou Lan said: "If the team is bigger, we can help each other. I really want to work in a studio mode."

"Studio? Meaning, set up your own studio in the company?"

"Yes, this is actually more conducive to the cultivation of newcomers." Zhou Lan said, "Speaking of it, it's a pity that Zicheng and Zhongting didn't come here sooner. Maybe they can find suitable roles for them in "Under Dress."

"There will be many opportunities in the future." Zhou Yun smiled, "What plans do they have next?"

Zhou Lan said: "During this time, I'm not in a hurry to let them go to acting. Let's take acting classes first, and then go through the normal audition process. Let them perform more through the audition and practice more, so as not to get the real set and expose them. Short board, can't act."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded.

She didn't expect Zhou Lan to make such an arrangement.

She originally thought that Zhou Fan would directly arrange them into the crew.

"Although if arrangements are needed, I can give you some serious roles to play right now, but this is not good for you. I know that there are many people who start acting without any training, but to be honest, the acting is so good. Call a car accident scene, and after four or five years, those car accident scenes will be widely circulated, you don't want to leave such a dark history, do you?"

(End of this chapter)

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